Kurva anyátok

Kurva anyátok
Faszom belétek,rohadt ausztrálok

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Köcsög húsvétposztolók

faszom már megint? Ma már volt egyszer
Először még vicces volt, de baszki ha óránként csinálják akkor nagyon hamar elég unalmas tud lenni

úúú geci részeg vagyok


miről maradtam le?

vess egy pillantást a katalógusra

mia fasz?!

wow, someone's got an extensive collection of uncommon pepes

és megint mi a rák faszáért írtam angolul, gecchy

please help im catholic and this easter meme is making me mad!


dugni akarok

te a lufidildókkal

>aaa a buzik idén kiakadtak mert mindenki leszarta a prájdot az EB miatt

Hungarians don't celebrate easter?

We celebrate it.
We pour buckets of cold water on the girls on Easter morning.

Így már nem is érdekes buzinak lenni ha senkit nem érdekel. :(

De ők rettegésben élnek mert a fasisztajobbiknáci bármikor meggyilkolölheti a nyugatinézetei miatt :(
Nyomd meg a Zef betűt hogy leródd a riszpektedet.

user eljár még locsolni?

én legutoljára olyan két éve voltam, akkor is csak ahhoz az egy menyecskéhez mentem el hajnalban, aki után éppen tepertem
csokitojást kaptam, de a csaj végül nem lett meg ):

Szar ügy.

Jó lenne, ha lenne még locsolkodás meg ilyen szarok. Az a baj, hogy itt mindenki ilyen nyugatbuzi enervált hipszter szarkupac vagy arrogáns befelé forduló seggfej.

Nincsenek igazán jó hagyományos közösségi programok, csak nyálas, unalmas népieskedések, vagy lmp szintű köcsögfesztiválók.

Pont most olvastam a bánkitóról. Akkora köpedék szöveget lenyomott az az elnyalt fejű köcsög rendező, hogy majdnem lehánytam a monitort.

Minden szar. Faszom az egészbe.

Pedig a locsolás a legjobb alkalom a piálásra.

>alkalom a piálásra

Helyesbítek: INGYEN pia. Ráadásul ilyenkor a házigazdák a jobbat veszik elő.

>aaé mikor kicsi voltam és kislányokat locsoltam és kaptam puszikat és most meg csunya szűz vagyok aki csak egyszer csókolózzot valami kurvával mikor berugva voltam

aszt hittem hogy az egyetlen román bozgor vagyok itt

az a jó gec

hát szerintem tényleg az a legjobb fajta locsolás, amikor a haverjaiddal összeverődve végigmentek az össze házon, nem csak azokon, ahol fiatal lányismerősök laknak

együtt töltesz egy szép tavaszi napot a barátaiddal
bebaszol mint ökör
meglátod, hogyan él a néni a harmadik házban, megtudod, van-e valami problémája
teletömöd a pofád süteménnyel
indok, hogy beszélj pár szót a szívednek kedves menyecskével


Szia. Mi újság?

Mit jelent az hogy "bozgor"?


kéne ölni

magadat pls


Ede, kérem
csak magyarul

Úgy tudom, hogy a pontos jelentése "hazátlan".

Ánon ismer valami jó kis böngészős játékot amihez nem kell semmit se telepíteni.
Megöl az unalom a melóban.

Candy Box 2
az első negyed óra unalmas lesz, utána zseniális

dógozzá baszki

cookie clicker :^)

Mi faszt bazmeg?
Megcsináltam mindent.

milyen munkahely ez?


because you spread like rats that's why

én szeretek dolgozni

>aaa egy szőröstalpú betéved a fonálba

Whatever you say, attila


hello r*ddit

Tbh, i dont really know why u guys hate us so much lol.

guess 2

I hate you on the internet because you always shit magyar places up.

Well, trianon, best user.
But you wanted to expand and lost your land.

I hate keyboard warriors like you
irl indifferent

Who the fuck wanted to expand?
A-H didn't even start the war for territorial gain.
You wanted to expand,that's why you entered the war.

Ah okay. Im good with that.

>When they were/are large minority/majority and are rationalising it by saying they were there first


thisand I hate the hungarian polititians of that time more, because they didn't do anything against it

It was kinda retarded because the thing was that we had to protect you if u were attacked however we remained neutral until the end then we just entered the war with the ententé and got some of ur land.

Weren't you guys expansionists anyways?

The Kingdom of Hungary had no intentions of gaining lands from the war.
Every land would have went to Austria,
Or would have been incorporated as a new territory,subjugated to Austrian administration.

Ah...okay. Shit man, sorry then.

No one could expand without Viennese approval

AH expanded to Bosnia which was a terrible idea and that's why the serbs got mad. But the highest leadership was Austrian not Hungarian so we couldn't do shit about it

Yeah, I feel bad fo u guys since I would be very mad as well if we lost land like that. Who knows maybe one day shit will be better.

It's good that it eypanded there because someone would always want more, and the official Serbian academic stancea was that we are all Serbs, from the Alps to Morava, or even to the Black sea. Of we conceded to Bosnia, everyone would have more trouble later on. The only way was to completely incapacitate Serbia economically and keep them as such in a subservient relation. Steps were made to actualise this but thr royal family had been assassinated and replaced with a pro-Russian one

There is no was, we get any land back. Btw these were the best borders during ww2. These all had hungarian majority



Dictionary: 1."people with no country" 2.magyar 3.nomad

a derogative term used by romanians against hungarians

ez egy magyar fonál, mit csinál itt a sok külföldi


bozgor you wanted to magyarise every nation from Hungarian Kingdom

False.North Transylvania still did not have Hungarian majority.Not even the 40-44 genocides.

but that was not Hungarian land.Historically, never.De facto?Habsburgic border.


show us more Hungarian nationalist made maps


>>>/sewers/ again with you stupid vlach scum

show us more gypsy WE WUZ ROMANS AND SHIT proganda. btw that map is the population of transilvania in 1691

>bozgor you wanted to magyarise every nation from Hungarian Kingdom
And Austrians were there to cuck them whenever thr minority threatened to chimp out, so such a thing was impossible
Hungarians mounted their colours and sifns in their language in north Croatia and some time after, they were torn down, Hungarian flags burned, trains delayed and protests on the streets
It stopped

>btw that map is the population of transilvania in 1691

based on what census?

>show us more gypsy WE WUZ ROMANS AND SHIT

this is not propaganda but the accepted history.

>And Austrians were there to cuck them whenever thr minority threatened to chimp out, so such a thing was impossible

Just about about 1,4kk Romanians were magyarised.Lets not talk about Slovaks too.


Not all of them.
We were fine with the croats.

>Croats had 2,7 million people in the Crown lands of St. Stephen
>Romanians probably had twice that
>they still got Magyarised
You just had to be yourself

Its enough to read the official censuses.And te bulk of magyarization happened after 1867, but magyarization existed ever since Hungarian kingdom was established.

>this is not propaganda but the accepted history.
Yes, by your nationalist historians and no one else. Your "yes" is "da" and you used a cyrillic alphabet and you're trying to prove that you're latin? phff

No, sorry, during Magyarization and Mach Germanisation, we had around 1,8 million people in the north, so even less

who cares what we use for yes?Just 1 Slavic word.We have 14.5% Slavic words in add-stratum.

You can read any encyclopedia.Only Hungarians learn a a different chauvinist history, ultra-intensified after Trianon.

cyrilic alphabet only used in lithurghy and official documents.Not by Romanians.At the time of cyrilic, over 90% of Romanians didn't know how to write.

>over 90% of Romanians didn't know how to write.
and these people beat us. Shameful

>Only Hungarians learn a a different chauvinist history, ultra-intensified after Trianon.
yeah sure because you learned so much hungarian history

I learn from internet.In Romanian history classes, Hungarians are non-existent.If you would go to villages, most wont even know whats a Hungarian.While in Hungary, Romanian/Slovak/serb/austriak faked history is served every day at table.

Well we are talking about the bulk Magyarizations of the 19th century. And even then, throughout centuries, we had an even smaller population, devastated lands and decimated population. We were ripe for conversion. North Croatia, after the Ottoman conquests subsided, had around 600 thousand Croats only, and around 200 thousand minorities of all kinds. 80% percent of the population fled to Hungary and Austria during the Ottoman conquests. See how much is 80% from the remaining 80 thousand in the 17 century... that, my, friend is near extinction, if you ask me

Maybe our royal status and having nobility helped. We were a full kingdom after all, technically on par with Hungarians, but legally still under their joint crown

And now with this all happening to Croats, I imagine worse happened in the plains, to Hungarians. Turks couldn't finish thr jib here because we used the Dinaric terrain to our advantage but Hungarians had nothing but fields

I don't give a fuck about Croatians.You were a priviledged catholic nation.

what the fuck are you even talking about you autist shit?

Hungarian school system is intentionally teaching the students faked history.The non-white on-ogur madjars are long gone,yet the magyarization imperialistic sentiment is still there.In Hungarians mind, if they don't magyarise, they will die.

that shows how idiotic romanian the "education" is

learn english

>1 misspell

and you should learn PROPER history. On-ogurs were a turkic tribe and had nothing to do with the ancient hungarians

Dögöljön meg az összes bocskoros

You need to learn English because I cant understand what you are telling me.

Magyars were a on-ogur tribe, originaly from Bashkiria, read Hungarian/Russian Academy.Shortly put, Hungarians today are the raped local offpsprings.

You only had to choose, Ioannescu....
Choose the right path to Romanian Catholicism
And don't pull that card on me, because since the 16th 19th century, Orthodox minorities here had benefits of lowered taxes, better land purchasing situation and laws exempting them from paying taxes to local nobility. Then that law was scrapped and replaced with a civil one, where the minorities were to be treated equally, had their own schools and teachers, public services and such. At least here in Croatia. Austria took a sharp turn from their "Catholic only" doctrine in the 19th century and saw the necessity to learn how to manipulate everyone, despite their ethnicity or religion

fuck off with your catholic sect.There is only one way, the True Faith,Orthodoxism not the heretic catholic 1054 invented sect.

Romanians were christianised by St. Andrew in the 1st century.

>yet the magyarization imperialistic sentiment is still there.In Hungarians mind, if they don't magyarise, they will die.
From where do you even get this?
You are talking about something which you have no idea of because you were not born and raised here(or were you?)