What's the future of GCC?

What's the future of GCC?

compiling some stuff, probably.

Why would it go away? Are people really that austistic about it like Terry?

gcc is depreciated. Use clang.

Reply hazy: Try again later.

it's basically the only super multi platform / target compiler in the world now

it'll compile shit for a 35 year old toaster

it will be around forever

Clang is non-free.

Shut up Stallman, nobody cares if it isn't GPL (gay public license)

>the cuck license


>defining what freedom is

BSD is the true freedom license.

>implying it has a future

Wish man, it's gone down in value
Better stop investing right away

Apache > bsd

>t. macfag

gcc is closed source

you cannot build it without a binary blob (prebuilt c compiler)

It will become less relevant in the future as other compilers start to move in. GCC is too huge for it to simply "disappear" though it will remain relevant for years to come

The only free solution is to move boys on your hard drive with a needle to form a C compiler, then somehow release the source of that

>giving away your work to corporations for free is freedom

it's free from commie hippies

Apple has failed with clang LLVM.
GCC is still the fastest compiler out there.


death, hopefully

GPL doesn't let you do this:
>make open source project
>people use it, like it, get accustomed to its look and feel and controls
>close source, improve
>vendor-lock the users who can't code (literally every project is 1 programmer and all other are either minor bugfixes or whining about bugs)
>sell it

Thus, GPL is not free.

Lift your ass a little higher, boy.
It's not quite free enough yet.

Clang is slower and less optimized than GCC, and not nearly as free.

It's much better organized though and easier to maintain.

GNOME builder is using Clang for its C/C++ auto-completion engine. GCC does not have one.