Is there any reason why any language except English should exist?

Is there any reason why any language except English should exist?

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Is there a reason why russians should exist?


English is shitty language, widespread due to the British Empire (sorry Burgers).
>Shitty spelling
>Nonsensical grammar
>Too many stolen words
>Too many accents and shitty pronounciation
>Is a rape baby bastard language of Romans, Nordics, Germans and French
>Sounds like snakes with a nose flu

I hope one day German or some other logically constructed language replaces English.

I agree with pretty much all of that.


I'm learning Russian and you can't stop me bitch

Thanks to the Brexit, German will become the official language of the EU, leading to a much wider adoption accross the western world and ultimately to becoming the new lingua franca once we will take over the leadership of the entire planet... Third time's the charm.

This is true.

I kind of hope this happens. As a power engineer, would there be a place for me in Deutschland?

Agree with all except the rape baby bastard bit, all European languages are based off Latin, the language is on he Germanic tree like Dutch, New German, etc, it is not a rape baby but a separate branch with its own sovereign old English roots. The bit about French is fair enough but the amount of French words used in every day conversation is much lower than frogs posting that 30% graph meme will have you believe.

English as a Germanic language is just as legitimate as Modern German, they both have their roots in old German, the meme that English is nothing but a mongrel language needs to end

What the fuck is a power engineer?

It's a subset of electrical engineering. It has to do with power generation and transmission. We basically design power grids.

French is better in everything. English sounds wierd, it's a chinese-tier language.
Canada should speak French, USA - Spanish (except NorthWest and New England).

not rly its stupid how every tiny ass region in europe got own languange if the area worked like china or us with one main languange it´d make business and traveling wayyyy more smoother

>French is better in everything
>English sounds wierd
kek, it's almost the same...

>S I L E N T
>L E T T E R S

German sounds fine, but as for me - only French really deserves to be the international language.

I'd argue that Russian is a better language than English. It's more phoenitic, and has the same descriptive qualities.

Ivan, even if there's one language in the world, there will always are dialects who will different languages
No, it would be French

>No, it would be French
100m+ native german speakers vs. 60m+ native french speakers in europe

>am deutschen Wesen mag die Welt genesen

Russian isn't bad, but it should be reformed, because has a lot of problems.
Polish is better, and I think Polish will replace Russia in the eastern europe.
And I won't be surprise if in 2100 Russia will use the arabian alphabet, because our goverment does everything to islamize Russia.

Russian has them too, but not too much as French does. Only in few words.

And Russian isn't a phonetical language, it's a myth.

t. a Polandboo from Russia

What are the problems you see with the Russian language?

Polish is awesome, but it's a language for slavs.

French is the language for the whole world.

> French...

just kill yourself sasha

It's hard to explain in English, but English and Russian are the same because they are standing so far away from their language groups.
Russian is artifically complicated in some things, but doesn't have same nessesary things.
Ideal russian orphography would look like Czech.
Also Belarusian is de facto a Russian dialect with alt. orphography, it also has alternate latin alphabet.

>Polandboo/muh heritage 1/128th Polish

Idź w chuj, nawet wygladam jak chłopak z Polski

Why don't you invest yourself in Eastern Poland lol?

Also as a native speaker I can say that 90% of studies should be about phonetics, because it's hard and even most foreign slavs are worser in it that non-slavs who live here and learn it as L2.
If you wanna speak good - take a lot attention to it, especially stress.
In grammar just learn congulation of verbs and spend time on 2ch and it will be ok.
But pronunciation is a really important moment.

Maybe after few years, I wanna build career here firstly, to be needed in Poland.

who -> which

He isn't a native speaker but sings great (in regular speech he has an accent, but his russian songs are awesome).

Russians on int:
Funny, interesting opinions, misinformed but open to debate, pretty cool guys

Russians in real life:
Stupid, liars, thieves, not trustworthy and completely unaware that Russias problems are mostly Russians fault.

Why does learning English seem to make you people become human again?

because the ones that learn english are educated, and see the world in a more complete way.

Please do. Leave russian russian (not fucking slav-polish-czech-khuieh russian) language the fuck alone.

Kek. About English: I know that I had a broken one, but I won't study it anymore principially, because the anglosphere supports feminism and the other cucked things and I don't want to become a part of it or even assimilate myself into it, so you aren't 100% right about "the completly way". And I'm not the only one russian citizen whi thinks so, I know at least one user from 2ch which thinks in the same way about English.
Also I just had the English studies from the first grade, this is the reason why I can use it.

*I have

Also the modern France is cucked, but the biggest cucks in France are huge angloboos and even use it in instagram and etc, so the french culture still has a chances to become uncucked and international.
French sounds great, and deserves to be the international language.

You need to quit letting Sup Forums and 2ch form your opinion about shit

It's not representative of the real world at all



Also all slav languages except Russian, Ukrainian and Bulgarian took the czech influence.

It's the shame that russians can't into the slav romanization culture and use cucked wannabe anglo orophography except czech system.

Sochi -> Soči
Poklonskaya -> Poklonskaja
Dmitry Medvedev -> Dmitrí Medvéďev

And etc.

>brits go full retarded and erase all the external differences between verbs and other parts of speech
>after all this madness, the language still works somehow

What kind of black magic is that?

Finnish should be a world language desu

Yes, getting jailed in Canada (I non-ironically hate anglocanada) by discussing with herring feminist whore was a meme encident too and I shouldn't be worry about how this cucked culture changing my country.

not in a million years barbar scum
English is still and will be the world's business and diplomatic language

oh god no! perkele

I don't know what you're referring to

At least pronunciation wouldn't be an issue. Also, imagine all those delightful vowels.

Why not French? It should be as easy for you as Polish for us. Ukrainians/belarussians can learn it in 3 months, russians - in 6.

And it should sounds the same, because Polish has the nadal vowels too like French does.

he faced jail time but was let off after the court agreed in his favor

however he had to spend three years without any access to the internet while the case went on and he also got fired from his job only due to the case

Your and the Estonian language sounds fine, but they can't be international.
As Polish. Polish is awesome but it's the language for slavs and maybe for balts, maybe for finns too, but not for the whole world.
But French is language for the whole world.

Another one reason why canadians should speak only French.

No because the general dialect of USA Spanish sounds super whiny. Those damn Chicanos man. Keep the USA speaking English. Maybe a language reform & the removal of Ebonics. But keep the USA speaking English