/catholic/ catholic general

Invited: Lapsed Catholics, Cultural Catholics, Good Catholics, Bad Catholics, A La Carte Catholics, Recovering Catholics, Cafeteria Catholics, Ukrainian Greek Catholics, Maronite Catholics, Syrian Catholics, Coptic Catholics, Albanian Byzantine Catholics.

Allowed on probation: Orthodox

B&: Poo-testants

Song of the Thread: youtube.com/watch?v=DnrOwiYqTcc

Quote of the Thread:
"There is no inconsistency in God's commanding us not to take upon ourselves what belongs to Him alone. For to execute vengeance belongs to none but Him who is Lord of all; for when the powers of the world rightly accomplish this end, God himself does it who appointed them for the purpose."
-Anselm of Canterbury

Bavarian reporting in.

Pope Francis ruined Catholicism for me.

When was the last time we had a Catholic thread on int I thought it got moved to his

I want to be a slutty Catholic girl for her husbando :3

>yfw religion will be gone in 50 years

>allowed on probation
OK I laughed

Who /memorized pater noster in Latin/ here?

If pope Francis is able to tap into the young liberal Catholics religion will survive

>what's humility?

slutty but slightly guilty-feeling Catholic girls are the only thing worth living for in this world

who /taizé/ here?

see this. Maybe you wouldn't do it, or even think highly of any individual who would do that. But the exercise of extreme humility is consistent, honourable, and brave from a person who has dedicated their life to the church.

always thought it was a protestant trick

This is the sort of thing an ex-protestant would say.

Lapsed and "ex"-catholics are still part of the religion regardless of beliefs. That's because we have enough culture, art, and tradition to be appealing and viable even from a secular perspective. That will never, ever, change.

think Roger was, but all confessions are there. most people I encountered were catholic though

I agree. That's why I wanna be a girl, a real girl

Are we allowed to like trap qts?

Pope's visit to America was a great success

Any other /Jesuits/ here??

Only if they are consecrated
Pope Francis is just a Pope, and someday he will be gone.

But God doesn't exist

desu that's a good question

>cum here and confess your sins my son
What do

>what is cultural catholic


Fucking Cathocucks. Boy fuckers and boy fucker enablers, a stain on Christianity if there ever was one

You are a big guy father



I don't think so. People tend to get more religious as they get old.
who really know, our existence is too limited to answer such a question
Roman Rite is the son of greek philosophy, roman culture and existentialism.

And another one bites the dust.


He's handsome

>waiting patiently for the global tide of secular shitposting to end
some day

>being a roman cuckdick
>the current year

rumours of religion's death have been greatly overrated. Voltaire said the same thing 100 years ago.
I am the only one who finds such communities uncanonical as fuck?

I met a Catholic girl who said she mixes her religion with paganism and referred to tarot cards. On a scale of 0 to Double Martin Luther, how heretical is this?

MArtin Luthor is less heretical than this

Thirty Years' War was the best war

You should try repressed muslim girls. It's even better.

W-Wait...are you trying to convert me to Islam?

>tfw your country is the elder daughter of the church but it's also one of the most atheist today

Careful with them. Sometimes the pressure gets too much for them and they just explode.

Here we go, off the top of my head:

In nomine patris et fillii et spirictus sancti:

pater noster qui est in caelis, sanctificeteur nomen tuum, adveniat regnum tuum sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidanum da nobis hodie. Dimite nobis debita nostra, sicut et nos dimitiumus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentancionem, sed libera nos a malo.


No, just fuck them. For a muslim girl, having relations with a christian man is like the maximum haram shit ever.

God bless hymen repair surgery.

Didn't Benny 16 throw "consubstantial" in the Nicene Creed? What a big ol nerd.

Is it hard being Catholic in Malaysia?

>associating this dumb frog with the Catholic Church

Go fuck yourself desu

I know m8. They are completely fucked up. The sexual repression is too high.

Catholic in Sweden reporting in.

cursed French Revolution!

did you convert or are you a foreigner?

why? Jesus did same

yes because there's only Novus Cuckdo where I live.

The Vatican will burn one day and you'll all realise your mistakes

To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.

That's kinda hot, except I have to convert to Islam to pull this off here >__

Dunno why my family's catholic but it's just the way it is I guess. I'm Swedish as far back as I know.

Well, before the revolution France was the elder daughter of the church, and our king was the elder son of the church, so France had to protect it.

I don't remember which year it was but for example there was a time the cardinals couldn't manage to vote for a new pope, so a french noble locked them inside their building, and told them they'd only leave once they elected a pope, he said they'd get water and bread, and if they couldn't decide after a week, it would only be water. They quickly found a new pope, and the catholic church was stable once again.

Our king was also called the very christian king, and he was pretty much the first protector of the faith.

I find it fascinating, it's an honor as much as a big responsability, but I'm glad to know that France contributed a lot to the catholic faith.

Pretty funny then that France was instrumental in the war against the Catholic part of the holy roman empire alongside Sweden.

Without France, northern Germany and many other now protestant parts of Europe would probably have been forced to convert back to Catholicism again.

Hey hey hey, nobody's perfect, even us, I know it's hard to believe

interesting. My being Catholic wouldn't seem to line up with my ethnic background either.

Both parents were irreligious of protestant background, but my dad's best friend was a Lebanese Catholic and convinced my dad to send me to Catholic school and he personally got me, and my sister, baptised and confirmed. Sort of strange but sure is better than being protestant.

Oh, it gets better.
He also forbade any unrequired companionship besides one assistant, and when they still didn't get stuff done, he removed the roof from the building. And the guy they picked was just someone who told them to get their stuff together, so they went "Yeah? Well, in that case, you be pope!". Dude didn't want to, but alas.
And at one point, didn't your entire church move from the Vatican to Avignon?

Not converting is the point.

All women are whores. It's incredibly easy to convince them when they are horny.

>And at one point, didn't your entire church move from the Vatican to Avignon?
It did, I don't remember when and why, but I know it happened. It didn't last very long tho

Happy eid lads

So your parents were okay with you being Catholic?

Hey lads, how do I get back into going to church and being a good Catholic?

After I moved out like 6 years ago, I haven't been even once. Been having a strong urge to do so for two years already, just don't know how. I'd feel like an autist in church t.b.h

I come from an irreligious Catholic family, and now that I'm an adult I want to actually get into the religion. How do I get more involved and return to the faith?

The photo shoot was him embracing Syrian refugees.

He is specifically kissing the feet of criminals who invaded Europe under the guise of being a refugee. Does that man look Syrian to you?

>irreligious of protestant background
Such is the end point of protestantism.
Even here, Ukraine was once known as the Bible Belt of the USSR. Now it is the most atheist former-soviet country, and the only existing Churches are the Orthodox and Greek Catholic ones.
Also, JW and Mormons are about to contract hard in the near future, from what i heard.

Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. 5I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. 6If anyone does not abide in me he is thrown away like a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned.

I'm just saying, in the biggest, world-spanning conflict (because of colonies) between Catholics and protestants, France was on the protestant side. :)

get fugged u catlickers :DDD

yeah they were. The Catholic school thing was basically because the public school system in Cleveland was terrible, and then he convinced my parents that my sister and I would fit in better at school and such if he brought us up Catholic, so he took us to church sometimes and ultimately sponsored us in our confirmations.



>Such is the end point of protestantism.
That's what happen when you fall for le "faith alone without work" meme.

Your faith isn't worth shit if you don't sacrifice anything.

f-f-fuck off

Dubs speak the truth. For all their bluster about a work ethic, Protestants are the laziest when it comes to religion. They are a branch without a tree rotting to dust, a fish out of water floundering and dying. The presence of God and the glory of an ancient unbroken tradition is not in their churches. The modern atheistic liberal atomization of society has its roots squarely in the Protestant atomization of faith. The end result is a mass of lonely, miserable people without direction or purpose.

Fuck off, religion is a cancer killing that planet. I have enough religious opression IRL to see religiofags in Sup Forums.
Fuck you.
And give us apologizes for northern crusades.

That's just what my father taught me

And it kept me away from the troublemakers

What is cultural Catholic for you? I was baptized and that's basically it. My parents never even married, my family stopped going to church when I was like 7 or 8, I haven't believed in anything since I was 11, I've never read the Bible, never went to catechism classes or did first communion and we don't do any Christian holidays. So how exactly am I a cultural Catholic?

>I have enough religious opression IRL
In the West is the complete opposite. And Sup Forums is a contrarian website. Get used.

Tfw they wanted to unite with us, but this happened after they had already made the Ausburg Confession, so after reading their(heavily eastern modified version) declaration of faith, the Ecumenical Patriarch was like "was is this heretical crap?"

> people get more religious as they get older

There's no proof of that and if that were the case then Millennials would be starting to go to church and that's not happening.


You just have to build wall

Not really. If we extrapolate modern trends: Amount of religioufags would decrease drastically but religiofags left would be very radical and dangerous despite being small in number. You can see this in Russia where overwhelming majority of youth are atheists or just secular while religious youth is totally retarded and radical, and it goes for all religions here. So called orthodox activists attack art exhibitions, use antiblasphemy law to imprison people they dislike, religious Muslim youth goes to ISIS. But those are very small minority while the majority are fedoras. I think it works like that: religiofags see people around leaving the religions, get buttblasted and become more and more radical.

I molested twenty hijab sluts and that's it for me really

I was driving through Kansas the other day, and seeing all of the ridiculous protestant church names and denominations was the most cringey thing ever.

"reformed marzapanilian dualist evangelical church"

"third united unitarian universalist islamo-neo-calvinist congregation"

"quasi-re-magined northern dialect unified south african dialectical kierkegaardian (pbuh) baptist artisinal communal church"


Protestants just ruined the whole thing and it makes me so angry. The spinning out of control hyper-balkanization of Christendom is all their fault and they've made the whole thing absurd and nihilistic. It makes me so angry to think that most young people in the US think of one of the aforementioned protestant denominations when they hear the word "christian." It is no wonder most are irreligious.

Ex-atheist Roman Catholic here.

One life goal is to make a great pilgrimage from Lisbon to Jerusalem.


I did Guadalupe last year and it literally turned me from Lapsed to Recovering. I had never felt so loved and inspired.

Mainline Protestants may be liberal (lazy) af about religion but Evangelicals are way more into it than any other Christian sect, except the weird ones like JW and Mormons. Also, the vast majority of Catholics don't give a shit about their religion either they just keep calling themselves like that because of some cultural Catholic meme.

Obviously no, gays, traps and people who are jerking off would go to hell. Same goes for people who fuck in marriage. Also special orthodox thing: fucking in a pose of rider is considered to be absolutely sinful, also music except for singing, not wearing headscarf for women, not wearing a beard for male, smoking, not fasting, not obeying to your government is considered sinful. There is no way to go to heaven if you really believe that shit so idk why are some people still religious.
Also, seriously, we should ban such a threads on Sup Forums, it spreads retardness. Religion is not a country or culture so no generals for you.

Kys pagan puta

How long was the pilgrimage?

That only happens in Russia though because it's a primitive shithole. Muslims join isis here too but catholics and pretty much all Christians except Westboro Baptist Church (which is a meme) is completely non violent and non imposing

yeah but the evangelicals have the most insane theology and beliefs ever. They are worse than mainliners if only for their neurosis.

>Catholic thread
>Muslim shithole

Pls go away second-hand mudslime