I think I can speak Turkish now guys. Pic related

I think I can speak Turkish now guys. Pic related.

Both 'rüya' and 'dünya' come from Arabic. düya,büya,bülür don't exist.

ananla cima eyleyeyim

r8 my turkish lads


Ayy siktir

karpuzu kökünden sökeyim ananızı götünden sikeyim yurdunu siktiklerim

Turkish looks like Vietnamese.

istanbul sislik kebap turch kili memnan sah bürd

You are one of us now congrats

Gavurs cant handle our vowel harmony.

usurum usurum elemental mushurum

Atatürk waş a çenğiş fağğat

biz hara farslar hara
azerbaycan sensen menim hüvviyetim şan şöhretim
"isfahan nisfi cihan eger tebriz nebaşed"

t*rks literally speak orkish

not a pleasant language is it

It's wrong though and a bunch of random nonsensical words.

That, doesnt make any sense.

But the sad thing is, if you wrote ''güya güllük gün'' that would translate to ''supposedly rosey day''

Ayy lmao

None of those are words it's very incorrect but it's guessing you don't have letters like ü ö etc so it's just translating with autocorrect.

>buyuk cuk
Kek "büyük çük" means big dick


Mohammad, my son

Kek it's autocorrecting your words

sim sala grim gürü gürü beysim sala beyşk büüro