Be american

>be american

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Did the snipers film while they fired or is this some one else?

me on the left


trump 2016 confirmed

USA is such a shithole.

That was live from a fox news camera.

>USA is such a shithole
welcome to the melting pot or like we call it in canada """""""""""""""multiculturalism""""""""""""""""""""

The guns will just have to be banned once and for all.

Trump will win



>BLM btfo
Where were you when Trump's plan to put all blacks into concentration camps was approved unanimously by the House and the Senate?

fps games have influenced them
it cant be fabricated

Not even fair.

There are literally no niggers in my town

That's why you go looking for them

Fucking dindus

>USA is such a shithole

>muh guns

You ain't taking my guns

But to be absolutely honest this is happening hundreds of miles from me, and I live in a quiet neighborhood where the most trouble I get is someone occasionally lighting a bottle rocket (I see you over there you unneighborly motherfucker)

I need to buy an assault rifle before January in case Shilldog actually outlaws them

No,Actually is Umal-chan.

Living in america is like a shitty fps

Rio already got their bailout money.
But you obviously didn't know that because your sensationalistic media only reports the fun stuff.

Cmon. Brazil is a 3rd world country. It's like the special needs kid trying to bully the jock. Don't take it seriously.


>2 snipers.
I bet it was a green berets and seals.

Haha even better. Now who's gonna respond next? Ethiopia would be the icing on the cake.

Reportedly the shooters are ex-military.
Nothing more patriotic than a mass shooting.

This fucking retired cop is trying to use this to justify the militarization of the police because people have access to assault rifles, when its the fucking opposite problem

He's not actually, just a wannabe

Once more showing how fucking out of touch the police are. Cops do stupid things, get stupid prizes.
Nobody like nazi cops, even good policeman's.


This massive faggot on NBCNews is now saying the police are going to have to scale back protests, the number of people protesting, and where people can protest

You've got a bright future ahead of you America

We should watch that movie together

They were plants used as an excuse to increase police funding, and militarization.
Or not, but considering all the fucked up shit this year I'd believe it.

literally China-tier

European headed our way thankfully. We can die by our friends

Nice psyop.

Pretty boring video

Literally being sniped down by a nigger tier

>the number of people protesting, and where people can protest

I didn't realise that The Purge was a documentary.

Is it race war already?

Day of the rope when?

kek, what

where are those campers sniping from