Tfw finish my simple home automation project

>tfw finish my simple home automation project

What's the best IDE for arduino? getting tired of the default one

Also can i use #define in place of const char*?

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Just install avr-gcc and write for the arduino in C, there is more control.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought Arduino was just using a modified/stripped C. Can't you just use any text editor plus the compiler?

Arduino still alive in 2017?
LMAO, what you do? A 3x3 led cube and call it a masters project?

something to do with load cell and solenoid valve for myself

HAHAHA calm down Elon musk

You mean still writing the ".ino" with the setup and loop but compiling by hand in the command line?

Visual Studio or Visual Stuido Code is the best for arduino by far

No, you write actual C. There is still a loop though. Here's an example:


#define F_CPU 16000000
#define BAUD 9600
#define BAUD_RATE_CALC ((F_CPU / 16 / BAUD) - 1)

/* high - low bits */

/* enable transmission and recieve */
UCSR0B = (1

What's the difference between writing it in C or "into"?
Does the former looks more similar with what I might find outside the arduino world?

Yes, C (and sometimes assembly language for machines with weird ISAs) is used to program most microcontrollers.

You won't really see Arduino's language outside of Arduino. If you end up making your own PCBs you'll want to know how to use C and that controller's assembly language.

Oops, didn't answer your first question. The two languages aren't too different; but you'll run into barriers if you try to do too much in Arduino. The main difference between Arduino and C is that Arduino has quite a few abstractions on top of what is actually going on in the hardware. This has a few pros and cons: you have less control, but it is generally easier to write trivial programs.

>Arduino is a language
>C for microcontrollers in 2017

Don't listen to anyone in this thread OP.
Protip: Arduino is C++ and a few helper libraries. And nobody uses C for this anymore, it's all C++ now.

Thanks. I've read the avr tutorial on hackaday, I understand what's going on (at this beginner level) but I find it quite non intuitive.
Maybe I'm too much used to what C code looks like on other subfield of CS

C++ for microcontrollers looks almost identical to C anyways, there is no point.

Yeah it's quite a bit different than normal C because there is quite a bit of architecture-dependent things going on and actual hardware interaction.





>there is no point

Mercedes' ECU development team seemed to disagree 5 years ago. Not that I'd expect a unemployed Sup Forums regular know what happens in the real world.

RAII and class member functions alone are reason enough. Sane libraries and stricter type checking are just topping.


You must be over 18 to post here

This. Use Platformio, OP.
All other suggestions are posturing and dick-wagging, use this to get shit done instead.

>Sane libraries
I think that's more on those who make libraries. You can perfectly make good libraries in C. The problem is, making a good public API is an art not many wield. That reminds me of a certain lib I had to use to interface with a certain device some time ago.

>HANDLE libname_open_ex(void *data1, void *data2, int flag)
>the exact meaning of data1 and data2 is derived from the value of the flag
They could simply divide it into four different functions (libname_open_someid, libname_open_someotherid etc), but no, we are afraid of polluting the symbol table of our dll.

Personally I prefer ARM boards for applications that need a tad more power (useful in home automation), for smaller endpoints AVR is sufficient, I recommend C/ASM see


reddit plz go

>posturing and dick-wagging

VS code with Arduino plug in, by far best Arduino IDE

Vim + Arduino-Makefile