How important is descrite mathematics or "math for computer science"...

How important is descrite mathematics or "math for computer science". What is its practical uses(post a real example for a common problem). Example of what I'm talking about

I dislike the term discrete mathematics. It isn't a field in itself but covers a bunch of fields.
Graph theory is great for finding optimal solutions in systems with relations that has values.
I once made an application in cooperation with some chaplains. They wanted to match some people with families. This application used the information about the people and families to match them through a graph.

That's interesting. Glad to see it has real world use.

this. math for computer scientist is literally making the best data structures for your application and how to use your data in your ways in the fastest way possible


Continous mathematics masterace reporting in.

I don't need the drow small circles with lines joining them to do my stuff. Colouring crayons are not in my fourniture list.

>I dislike the term discrete mathematics. It isn't a field in itself but covers a bunch of fields.
To my understanding all these fields are connected by being "discrete" and thus can be accurately modeled in a computer.
Most other mathematics can not be modeled accurately (hell, barely an number can be represented) and is thus not "discrete".

Why exactly is that name wrong or misleading?

I too have been to school.

No that term isn't misleading, but I think it's too vague teaching on it as a subject. Personally I think It's better to split it up into set theory, formal logic, graph theory, probability and algorithms.


I mean you are certainly right there, but you generally wan't to have an umbrella for all these things.
The term is obviously not self explanatory, but you can't really call a course "set theory, formal logic, graph theory and algorithms".

Also probability theory is not discrete mathematics, it is real analysis and Integration theory in disguise.

Here's the truth: you won't use any of it. What you will use is logic and all of those courses you might be forced to take are just lining the pockets of the university.

Go program something, then play with math if you want.

I think he meant that they should be taught separately.

But that is absurd, there is not enough stuff (useful to CS students in any way) in set theory to teach it one course.

If you can't even spell "discrete", you probably shouldn't even been asking this question.

Yeah you might be right on that one, it's probably more suitable to combine into one course.
Even better because you can teach how logic and set theory are equivalent.

>stop doing math

If you're a super smart le asm programmer making missiles for the government, probably, otherwise nope

If you wanted to read CS books like "art of computer programming" by Donald Knuth, you would need to be familiar with concepts introduced in discrete math

people who take coding bootcamps and get low level jobs don't need much math. people who do real programming stuff will apply a lot of math. how do you think snapchat calculates where your face is? do you think google maps just guesses when giving directions? how does spotify tell you what you'll like?

It's to distinguish from continuous mathematics. Not sure what the other fellow is on about

lot's of cs math is proofing algorithms. finding the fastest way possible and the appropriate data structure etc.
there is literally just algorithms, algebra and analysis

>Sup Forums hasn’t made it to baby rudin

logic, counting techniques, graph theory, functions... lot's of applications.

even stuff like abstract algebra has applications. i climbed the ladder fairly quickly at my job in large due to my experience with algebraic structures (in particular, modular arithmetic). the regular cs kids just didn't seem to really get it. it's all remainders of division of integers to them; they never learned to view them as residue class rings.

Nice dubs base 10.

This is why math major is god tier. You almost always have an easier time advancing. In any STEM field, not just computer “””engineering”””

While you may never NEED any of it, a general rule of thumb is the more math you know, the cooler things you'll be able to do. It also teaches you to think in a particular manner conducive to success as a programmer.

why do you need to do math when every math library you'd ever need already exists?


thanks, and i definitely agree

you don't actually believe this, do you?

This is the classic CS fallacy.

Mathematics is not like programming. You cannot abstract away the dirty details of mathematics the same way you can abstract away assembly into higher-level code. You can hide the details of computation, but if you do not understand mathematics you will be lost when you try to apply it to problems.

This is the single reason why CSfags think machine learning is such a big deal when in reality it's just junior-senior level math + some algorithms.

t. Web “””developer”””

convert 2346 to hex.
Use mod to parse an int into a string.
Simplify your 200 character long if statement using boolean algebra.

I do stuff like that on about a weekly basis, so definitely useful shit.

Correct grammar also not in your list, it seems.

Theoretical CS is just a weird subset of math that math people generally don't like, so CS people have inferiority complexes and try to prove "we know math too guys"!!

Discrete is incredibly important for algorithms
Calculus is incredibly important for runtime analysis
Matrix math is extremely useful
Linear algebra is incredibly important
Differential equations are...not so much, but still can be.

Basically if you think you can get away with not knowing intermediate level math, you're fucking wrong.

>what is computer graphics

I don't, but I've never been in a situation where I've had to write my own math formulas besides the basics (division, modulus, exponents, etc.) so I've been beginning to wonder if there's a point to learning advanced math outside of statistics

t. web """developer"""

"I am good glued library means I could programming any software"
Big Nop

>How important is descrite mathematics or "math for computer science"
>Graph Theory
>Diffie Hellman
>Huffman Algorithm
You decide.

oooh can I add..?
>Error checking/correcting codes (e.g. parity check)
>predicate calculus and set theory (relational databases)
>linear algebra/eigen* (computer vision, graphics)

writing algorithms to compute mathematical things is only one part of math, generally called numerical analysis

but if you don't know math, you don't even know what to compute in the first place

>need to solve for eigen values in js
>library function is incorrect sometimes
>know that I can use svd function instead since it's positive definite matrix

What do you mean "advanced math"
A *lot* of the logical side of math (not computational) is needed to design, implement and prove things about programming languages. AI is huge right now and it's basically 100% math (statistics and linear algebra). Recursion and induction are important concepts from discrete math that help you reason about programs.
If you want to be a web dev shitter then you don't need any math but you're also doing really boring programming that is basically just gluing together other peoples work. There's no pride in that

That vast majority of devs aren't proving things about their chosen programming language or modelling the computation as formal logic.
Basic logic and things like induction are used intuitively but not explicitly while reasoning about the execution of their pgram. None of this is advanced math though.

t. Ruby “””coder”””

On a related note; I'd like to further my knowledge of Graph Theory. Got any good reads user?

The fast Fourier transform is an implementation of a discrete Fourier transform, which is a version of the Fourier transform that works from discrete samples, which is used in dozens of signal processing applications you've used today.

Yes, but the basic Fourier Transform is nigh useless outside of theoretical mathmatics. I've been curious for a while if there are other implementations of the DFT. The only ones I know of are the FFT and DFT itself.

hacker rank graph theory problems. dive right in. Should help a bit

>regular FFT useless outside of theoretical math
>FFT has friends
I seem to remember some Egyptian student project where a circuit consumed serial time-domain input and produced serial frequency-domain output, or vide-versa. Maybe that's novel.

Give me an example.

If you are posting on Sup Forums then you are likely a F to B- student who thinks they are way smarter than they actually are. You will never amount to anything above a code monkey, because of your mediocrity you will never make use of these topics.

>but you can't really call a course "set theory, formal logic, graph theory and algorithms".

and why the hell not? sounds like the course actually has an objective, rather than a vague notion of something

the world is made of math, if you don't get this go krisp yonie's saxaphone