AI destroys world's best players in competitive eSports

Elon Musk-backed startup OpenAI defeats world's best players in competitive eSports.

I was right all along.
AI is singularity.

esports really are embarrassing


I know this is probably bait, but the AI was designed to complete one very specific task in the game, while also having the inherent advantage of beig mechanically perfect.

>bot gets to make the rules

It'll be impressive when it can play a full game with a team.

The next goal is a 5v5 scenario. And playing mid shadow fiend isnt that specific.

it was specific when there was like 10 constraints i.e. no bottle, no shrine etc

One character out of 113 possible choices to play as and against in a map filled with different objectives and variables, while also training AI to work together in an efficient way sounds like something we wont be seeing in the near future, if you ask me.

That's a far jump to make, maybe It should learn to 1v1 in the actual game first. Or will the bots get to make the rules in 5v5 as well?

Also, limiting it to 1 hero makes a massive difference for how advanced the bot has to be. The bot only has to learn 1/113th of the characters it could both play and face as opponents.

And of course the 1v1 scenario is almost purely a measure of mechanical skill, where bots excel more easily. It's in late game and ganks that tactics start to matter more.


Why don't they make one for fps instead? Too much decision making?

they do, they are called aimbots

That's not artificial

This. It's really embarrassing how people keep funding millions for a bug ridden, unbalanced and non-uniform game like dota. Honestly at this point if you say that dota 2 is a good game you're just delusional. League is just better at every aspect at this stage. IMHO dota 2 is just reducing the meaning of what e-sports means and is one of the main reasons esports will never friends as a whole. Normal people just look at us having these multi million prize pools for such an incoherent game and just laugh at us. At this stage dota 2 would be better off just making the prize pool a lottery and dropping the esports aspect.

when will this AI meme stop?

honesty, I don't get it, why is this a surprise, machine have better reflex (cheats for exemple >< ) and better strategy than human (GO was more impressiv).
Since Doto is a very codified game (how to farm, how to gank, ...) with easy way to compute how to defeat your enemies.
I like the idea but I don't see it impressiv.

>world's best player
LMAO he won a TI when literally nobody cared about dota, he's barely mediocre tier now

Salty League "fan" detected.

Dota1 player here.
classic 1v1 rule will always be:
only mid, no neutral, and no runes
bottle is optional but for puck 1v1
Shrine, soul ring, raindrops didn't exist before. Bottle is unfair now that runes only appear on one side.

>all this salt
Maybe your dunning kruger is way too strong m8?
Dota is balanced.
Even strong heroes have weak starting damage (like invoker and sf).
Nukes have lower hp yet faster movement speed.
Strong gank/carry heroes usually have no stun.
Strong one and done like doom have no other skill to break linken, etc.
You're just another pathetic LoL noob.

>world's best player
Reading comprehension or Darwin Award? pick one. The latter may cost your life.

>now that runes only appear on one side
Theres 6 runes now nerd keep up

In dota items and abilities have very unique and distinct effects, ones which training AI to learn to counter without hard coding answers would be an impressive feat.

found the

>it's nothing
Wew, who would have thought an AI is better than a human at estimating distances and numbers?
Literally anything that requires strategic thought, initiative, creativity and so on has been stripped out. A bot that can win in a game like this gimped version of 1v1 mid (which is already a gimped version of Dota) is nothing new, at all.

>league is better
Hahahahhaha. Even Mobile Legends is better than lol.

It will get exponentially better over time. I actually found dota1 insane bots difficult before in 5v5 botfights, and those weren't even real AI and were limited to the shitpile of Wc3 engine.
A bot is a literal hivemind so it's team coordination and planning will be frame perfect. I doubt it will be difficult for it to learn 5v5 after it masters all heroes in 1v1.
As for ganks/tactics, again, it's gonna be easy to implement. AI knows all math of the game, at every second and can judge what's the best thing to do at any given time. It's like a competitive pokemon player except it thinks and reacts faster.

For each variable introduced to the equtaion, the complexity and processing required would also increase exponentially. You are trivialising how increasingly difficult it becomes to design AI when making the situation more complex.

We could sit here all day and awe at the potential of AI, but the days of AI being able to beat actual humans in such a complex environment are still very far off.