Anti-diversity Google guy

Can we talk about this dude for a little bit? You know the one that got fired from Google.

He claims to be a centrist(not left leaning or right leaning) and states he wanted to say something about the biological differences between the sexes and that this pushes them in a certain direction. He dislikes the diversity push because he thinks women aren't suited for this line of work and that men are far better at tech. Girls don't gravitate towards this sort of thing, and men often start in this field as a hobby. If women did gravitate towards this thing and were hobbyists they would be more suited towards the line of thinking that goes into it. Women are more social. The girls who do this sort of thing are like 1 in a million.

I also want to mention that a lot of women are for the most part pushed into being homemakers. If you look back especially in the US, women don't get to do much of anything that didn't involve cooking, cleaning, and tending to the kids. It's kind of the short end of the stick when you really think about it and after so long who wouldn't push to break into more fields? He didn't really prove his point in the interviews and he actually seemed really socially stunted, but I get what he was trying to say. So he plastered it all over the workplace completely unaware of just how BAD things could go for him. Kind of a dumb thing to do and well now idiots are kind of parading him around as a hero.

So what do you take from this? Personally, I think him getting fired is hilarious but he's not wrong. He'll find more work.

Other urls found in this thread:

>He'll find more work.
It probably won't be at a major silicon valley firm, I don't think anyone major would want to hire someone so controversial. At least not right now.

Noce blog post about an idiot who shares his beliefs and opinions to his colleagues at work hours in workplace.
What a fucking idiot.

>he thinks women aren't suited for this line of work and that men are far better at tech
That is not at all what he said. Why are none of you retards capable of actually reading the memo before running your mouths about it?

wow i did not read all of that but would like to participate in this thread before it gets deleted and OP gets warned by the (((mods)))

These roles do not take peak humans to perform. 'More suited' doesn't come into it for the same reason it doesn't come into other mundane jobs. People who bitch about being more biologically suited to a role forget that it's a fucking IT job at a big company. You don't need to be a genius, you need to be able to keep to a schedule and interact with other human beings.

In the real world people discuss things at work. The point is beliefs and opinions are openly shared when it's about diversity affirmation but the opposing viewpoint is not allowed.

he's a goofy dumbass brainlet who got hired after competing in a fucking coding competition who gives a shit what he thinks?

>companies aren't allowed to foster their own preferred culture
So when are you going to type up a storm against the misogynist racist culture of car shops all while advocating a destruction of capitalism entirely?
I'll wait babe.

>buttmad SJW loser rants about things his small rat-sized brain cannot comprehend
the post

When working at company one should adapt to companys beliefs not other way around

>He dislikes the diversity push because he thinks women aren't suited for this line of work and that men are far better at tech
stopped reading there, but honestly I'm not 100% sure that you're baiting

LOL! This guy looks like a fuckin loser. No wonder he hates women. Good riddance I say, he must have creeped on all the girls at work.

>this is his uber important 'opposing viewpoint' that needs to be discussed

fuck off back to plebbit you stupid SJW piece of shit

>because he thinks women aren't suited for this line of work
I only skimmed through his doc, but to me it seemed more like he was saying that, as far as numbers go, more men are likely to have the traits that make a good engineer, not that women as a whole are unfit for the job.

Noce blog post about an idiot who shares his beliefs and opinions to his colleagues at work hours in workplace.
What a fucking idiot.
Maybe he was naive enough to think he could affect the way things are actually run at Google. Maybe he thought he could make a difference. Either way, yeah he probably should have expected this outcome.

You discuss things with your colleagues, you don't put a fucking blog post up directly in opposition to your company's p.o.v.

That's just stupid as shit. Your company has a right to want to put across a particular image, you don't get to disrupt that just because you're employed by them.

What sort of corporate drone are you? Just because you work at google as a codemonkey or whatever doesn't mean you need to be a pro-immigration feminist.

You can keep your mouth shut and let your company put across whatever message it wants without adopting whatever message it's broadcasting

Then move to another company. There are plenty of options if you were hired by Google. They explicitly foster their own culture, hence "googlers". You'd have to be pretty fucking autistic to be unable to understand this, still want to work at google, and then post your rant about women and how uncomfortable you are.
Every single other industry understands this. People work at a company and disagree with coworkers all the time, do they autistically rant about that shit? Nah. If they have a serious problem with it, they either sort it internally or get the fuck out. Pretty sure even fucking fags at chick fil a can deal but this jewish autist can't? L M A O

(national agencies excluded)

>write well researched memo suggesting that disparity in gender representation in the tech industry is not entirely due to discrimination and stems at least in part from biological differences that lead men to be naturally more interested in engineering
>circulates it with the diversity groups in Google
>no backlash
>goes viral in company
>queer queens decides it's misogynistic because it doesn't agree with their agenda
>push for his termination
>HR says fuck off
>"leaks" and public shitstorm ensues
>Google exec personally fires him
>in his memo noted that Google had a culture that suppressed opposing viewpoints
>got proven right
Like fucking pottery. I hope he sues for wrongful termination.

Except he wasn't the one who couldn't deal. All he did was publish a memo to the groups at Google who handle diversity inspection or whatever the fuck it is the queer police do, and literally none of them had an issue with it. The shit storm happened after it started to circulate around the company, and eventually "somehow" got into the public eye.

>I hope he sues for wrongful termination
He's already doing that

>more men are likely to have the traits that make a good engineer
See that I understand, and while he never outright said that "women are unfit" he hinted that there are some differences that may not guarantee they'll automatically be a perfect fit for the jobs that are pushing the diversity thing. There's a divergence in the line of thinking when it comes to men and women and finding a job. Women for example don't work in construction or coal mining, that shit's dangerous. A big steel metal beam can fall down and turn you into a pancake.

This dude was just a cog in the wheel at google. Did he go out of line to write a manifesto about how their hiring practices are ineffectual? Yes, absolutely. Whoever fired him really wasn't having any of his shit and probably wanted to keep it from turning into a huge dumpster fire most likely.

You realize that "googler" culture would have been shaped by discussions just like this guy tried to start? Women are generally shit at technology it's just the way it is.

>. I hope he sues for wrongful termination.
That Poo in the Loo shithead who can't even speak English needs to be fired.

>You realize that "googler" culture would have been shaped by discussions just like this guy tried to start?
"googler" culture has always been shaped by the guys who spend billions of dollars researching productive & loyal workplace environments
>Except he wasn't the one who couldn't deal.
Having to write the memo at all is literally the very definition of not being able to deal. How many levels of mental gymnastic are you on LMAO

From what i understand, he used the proper forum for the memo. He posted in an internal message board meant for controversial topics. Add to that, Google supposedly encourages employees to share their views, including controversial ones.

From a legal and ethical perspective, it seems like Google in in the wrong. From a "maximizing shareholder value" perspective, they probably made the right move though. Burning the heretic and settling out of court is probably cheaper than the bad press of letting him continue to work there.

>Having to write the memo at all is literally the very definition of not being able to deal

>person 1: hey I've noticed some things that I think are harmful in general to our company and think we should discuss them
>person 2: I refuse to discuss them lalala I'm not listening you're fired
Which of these people seems more "unable to deal"? I'll give you a hint, answering "person 1" implies that you're functionally retarded

>He dislikes the diversity push because he thinks women aren't suited for this line of work and that men are far better at tech.
Get out ShariaBlue

>I also want to mention that a lot of women are for the most part pushed into being homemakers. If you look back especially in the US, women don't get to do much of anything that didn't involve cooking, cleaning, and tending to the kids. It's kind of the short end of the stick when you really think about it and after so long who wouldn't push to break into more fields?
Women's pussies are their meal ticket and have been since cave man days. The MAJORITY of american women live off of men either by having sex with a bunch of guys and being a live-in girlfriend or by getting married and having kids or just by having kids and living off welfare and childsupport. No one ever critizes women for being leeches and living off men. But now somehow women think they should have tech jobs handed to them because of 'diversity', which I really dont care if they do, women have always lived on handouts, they get sex handouts, the get baby handouts, and now they get tech handouts, fine with me, keep feeding the leeches, whatever works.


because none of the journos that reported on it bothered to read the memo before running their mouths about it.

you talk about groups without recognising that individuals take actions, not groups.


his major point is quotas are misguided, there's like one sentence at the end where he says it could possibly lead to less qualified people but the memo doesn't depend on that

>Google exec personally fires him
source? i assumed it was some shithead middle manager who caused all this by overreacting

I'm saying women take action of sitting at home all day by fucking men and pumping out babies, whether as an individual or group, thats what women do, they live off men, not really difficult to understand

>Suing google
Good luck with that. His only hope is that they show pity on him or else they will just dog pile him woth lawyers.

>See that I understand, and while he never outright said that "women are unfit" he hinted that there are some differences that may not guarantee they'll automatically be a perfect fit for the jobs that are pushing the diversity thing.
That goes for everything and everyone though.

What percentage of male midwives do you think there are? Do you think that males, on a whole, would be as good at midwifery as females?
It's not like to be a midwife you need any particular technical skills that it would be impossible for males to learn or perform, but you need to create a pretty close emotional connection to the mothers you look after because they're basically trusting you for the health of their babies.

The thing is, that he points out, is that males and females are not completely separate in their traits. It's not men are from Mars and women are from Venus. It's a spectrum and that spectrum will manifest itself in the distribution of employment, trying to force 50/50 in your workplace will just cause an imbalance somewhere else.

The second problem is the assumption that because you are a white male you have no problems advancing in your occupation, so you don't get the benefits of career advancement programs that the females and minorities get. There's nothing wrong with helping people improve their skills and ensure they get pay advances they deserve but you can't assume that ever white male is having no problems with those. All you are doing by cutting them out is making a new minority which isn't easily identifiable by gender or skin color.

scholarships seem like the best option, schools are the bottleneck anyway

idk man. he has a PhD from Harvard. I would bet that if he went "independent contractor" Google would rehire him.

They don't have to disclose that he works for them to anybody who would care.

>the assumption that because you are a white male you have no problems advancing in your occupation
>so you don't get the benefits of career advancement programs that the females and minorities get.
I don't believe you.


I agree with your points, but pleeeeease stop using the midwife example. I keep seeing this come up, and it completely skirts the point of the whole thing.

The point is that if there is a difference in how efficient men and women are at coding/tech it is because of something in their brains. That's quite a bit different from saying one gender may be more comfortable around something like child birth.

If you think the argument is we should have a co-ed UFC, or that men don't make good midwives (both arguments I keep seeing) you have missed the point of the controversy.

>well researched

Gender norms differ in different cultures. Women not being into tech is true in the US, but if you look at Eastern Europe or something, that's not the case

Sounds like you have to write an essay/article and you want us to do your homework.

Not falling for these Hebrew tricks.

>PhD from Harvard
They literally gift those to niggers and Mexicans.

>He dislikes the diversity push because he thinks women aren't suited for this line of work and that men are far better at tech.
Why are you lying? Did you intentionally not link the memo because you are trying to get away with this lie?

central asia has pretty good balance and guess what they don't have, SJWs

>Can we talk about this dude

No, because the MtF "coders" who overpopulate this board don't want to be reminded of their mental illness, so you better take it to Sup Forums (the place they think you're from)

Why is it that when Reddit: The Coworker writes a pro-diversity essay it's considered a "thought piece," but when some dork writes an anti-diversity essay it's a "manifesto" or a "screed?"

Did you even read the memo? You must be a grade A retard if you think that is what he was saying. He was giving ways to get more women into tech, not saying they shouldn't be there.

what's funny is the guy isn't even anti-diversity yet that's how it was reported

Modern companies try to appeal to as many demographics as possible to maximise profit. That means not offending shitskins and women. Even though the SJWs that complain online are a tiny minority managers are scared of the bad press.

He will, I'm sure he has a lot of talent and companies really do look for that. I bet in a year or two he gets a job and has to work his way back up after the sjw herd has moved on to the next outrage du jour. Its like what happens when some celebrity says something they take a nice vacation.

Just look at mel gibson, if he can go on a rant about jews for days and come back to hollywood anyone can.

Ah, you're right, I fell for using that term too.
How insidious.

You so obviously did not read the memo, yet you have the audacity to call those of us that actually read it, and support him for it idiots.

>So he plastered it all over the workplace completely unaware of just how BAD things could go for him.
There is no way in hell he didn't know things would go bad for him. He even mentioned (in the memo), that people like him and conservatives are afraid to speak their mind in Google BECAUSE things would go bad for them. But of course, you wouldn't know that, because you didn't fucking read it.

Here's a bit of advice. Take a deep breath, close your Sup Forums tab, and reign in your ADD enough that you can read and comprehend the paper. You'll feel a lot better after you do.

Jews in Hollywood only care about money. They will gladly work with an anti-Semite if they can earn money and there is little incentive to give him shit as long as they can get money from him

What I take from this is the tin foil fucks are right to be afraid and defensive. Aparently a political cult has formed inside google at the top.

They reacted to a letter with with objective fact as if it was mein kamp and expect people to go along with it. If this can happen then its only a matter of time until some shit comes for us.

It was stupid but it was because he was naive. He knew what was happening at work was wrong. the problem is he thought his colleges would listen to reason.

>R-Read the memo, it's good I swear
Link me to a completely unedited version and I'll read the shit out of it

I work for a large major Bay Area tech company and the CEO actually mentioned this guy a couple of days later when giving an internal speech and he started taking about diviersity. Any tech company large enough to have diversity focused staff members (yeah we have a whole team) will never hire this guy. It's a shame too, I push people so hard to give honest opinions and blunt feedback about things and with this guy you're going to get it. I respect people like him so much more, even if I don't fully agree.
As far as I am aware this copy is unedited.

that brainlets like you can't be arsed to read 500 words is what caused this shit

Some power is attacking googlag, and this boy is a face of the campaign.

> That huge ass nose
So what is he hoping to accomplish with this scheme?

tl;dr a guy from Google thought it was a good idea to share his centrist ideas about how women are not suited for tech jobs and that he completely understands the reason why they gravitated to this line
Oh yeah, he also got fired from Google

It's strange that we live in a time were women WANT to be subjected to the joys of wagecuckery.

Most men only take the 40 hour work week because they have to and the rest(like 10 percent of men) work 60-80 hours because they want to. Men work at climbing the ladder because it attracts women, but now women want to climb that same ladder thinking that the climb is going to bring them happiness. I'm willing to bet that it doesn't pay off like they think it will a vast majority of the time. They climb the ladder, realize that it's "not what they wanted" and promptly find some other job to do, maybe get married and have a kid.

Life isn't that great at the top of the corporate ladder, it requires very long work days and a high level of stress tolerance.

>he has a PhD from Harvard

He actually doesn't, he quit half way through his PhD

>centrist ideas
holy fuck literally hitler

it's understandable, women love high paying office jobs, but instead of earning them they bitched their way in

Basically the whole thing is like Gamergate all over again. None of them actually read the memo and wrote on it and even worked together on the narrative to paint him as a white supremacist or that he was alt right. If you do not believe me look at the Salon article which days "do not equate facts with science" they completely missed the point and know nothing.

There was only maybe one that did have it and that was selectively edited out sources and sentences.

Then you are a grade A retard because you know fuck all about the memo.

I wouldn't really say his stats were wrong, but there's nothing that proves that anything he mentioned makes women worse workers in the tech sector. I don't think he's a bad person, but I understand why Google fired him - he was probably a huge liability, especially after it got passed around internally.

There is an irony in your post. There has been a huge correlation with females working and being unhappy. It's sort of funny and ironic that they want to be treated as equals but have written articles about how men should stop playing video games and being NEETS and work a job. That somehow it's our duty yet females are entering the field and actually realizing its not what it was made out to be.

>There has been a huge correlation with PEOPLE working and being unhappy.
Fixed that for you
You also seem to be vilifying all women as some unified evil group wanting to invade the tech sector.

His biological arguments are fine, if questionable in terms of a causal relationship. But the rest of his memo, the parts that feminazis apparently had no qualms with, were beyond retarded.

The worst part about it was where he tried to redefine the concept of politics in terms of an aggregate of personality traits, which is nonsense on every possible level. Being a "liberal" or a "conservative" is objectively meaningless, your personality is irrelevant to the judgments you consciously choose to make. It only superficially makes sense in the context of American popular politics, in which there is virtually no discussion of ideas and their value, only petty spats over identitarianism, which is itself rooted in universally accepted values that people don't usually think about because they're taken for granted.

On top of this is the fact that he doesn't even try to challenge the diversity agenda, which is inexorably linked to the failed policies he is complaining about, and in fact claims to support it. He simply wants to ruin the company in a different way--ironically, one which could be construed as even more politically correct, because they are afraid to even openly discuss the existence of different identities, despite forming policies around them.

Though the amusing part is the one where he says he is a classical liberal. Google is doing what they want on their own private property, which he otherwise ideologically endorses, but apparently it's somehow communist if he doesn't like it. That's doublethink if I ever seen it.

>PHD in Biology
>Says females are prone to anxiety and stress
>Emphasize mah feels over responsibility
>Literally no females work the next day the memo was made

I could go on and on. But have you noticed that females never code? Have you seen their github work and contributions? There are so many that do nothing but write about diversity and movements than anything that relates to the projects at hand.

Mostly they are, there are very few females that do anything. If you can not see it you are part of the problem. Money is lost training these workers only to realize they may never do anything but sit there and browse Facebook.

Both of those posts you replied to are me. Sounds like the only female programmer you know is Karlie Kloss. Do you honestly thing Google hires 50% women who just sit and browse Facebook all day?

>Then move to another company
>foster their own culture
>You'd have to be pretty fucking autistic to be unable to understand this, still want to work at google, and then post your rant about women and how uncomfortable you are

Does this go for the women who worked at Uber too, or were they exempt from the "if you don't like the culture, you shouldn't want to work there and don't go on a rant about it" rule?

it's just a stupid thing he wrote in 12 hours, the shitstorm is the story at this point, had the response been reasonable nobody would care


It's literally true everywhere and maybe differs in percentages. Look at the Norwegian gender paradox. Cultures can shift the percentages a bit but the underlying biological influences are still the major foundation.

>He does not challenge diversity agenda

Look what happened, he questioned it and was thrown out of a job. If he did it would be a war with the gestapo feminazi's. I highly doubt he wanted to push it further except to get people to question the fact that of hiring those who are into diversity and add nothing to the job. Might explain why Google has been terrible in the last 4 years with 5 chat apps and just "MAH AI assistant" which you guessed it, another chat app.

>Females are some evil in the tech sector.
>50% browse Facebook

Even 50% is a loss of money to train females who do not do anything at all but are just affirmative action and diversity hires. That is the problem the memo noted.

I feel like his points were read with too much emotion. He has, on multiple occasions, stated that companies should hire based on skill, not based on skin color and gender. I don't understand what the problem is. People are free to pursue whichever degree they wish. If there's an under representation of females or males in a field, there's likely more reasoning than
>muh sexism

True, I think it was doomed to be an embarrassment. I'm not even sure what he expected from his superiors, he clearly knew it wouldn't go anywhere.

>Even 50% is a loss of money to train females who do not do anything at all but are just affirmative action and diversity hires. That is the problem the memo noted.
Well, surprise, it's a non-existent problem.

that cunt wanted attention from clash with google
he's a fucker that don't want to work and wants to spend time on interviews, saying 'WAAAAA they're mean with me, the good boy"

>It's a non existent problem because I said so

I like how you avoid my points and use sarcasm to make yourself feel better.

stupid redneck. He's one of those kekistan fags

OP here, I read the whole thing. There's a lot of stupid bullshit in there and I'll narrow down some of his autism.

>All the reasons for less women being in tech aren't all because of oppression, it's because of the sexes and their differences. Proceeds to show some stupid bars and lines. Women are more social, and if you want to them to be useful have them work in groups so they can do all their talking.
Haha, I agree.
>Conservatives tend to be conscientious people and this is something mature and well-functioning establishments need. If we continue to demonize them and throw them out of discussion it'll be hard to function without them.
Don't call republicans out on their bullshit or they'll leave bitching and moaning taking their money with them, so we should coddle them? Dreadful.
>Liberals have too much empathy, empathy doesn't fix everything though and people who point this out are often yelled at.
I agree. Most of the people who bring it up tend to be idiots though.
>He feels afraid to speak his opinions for fear of being accosted (uses republicans as an example). Political correctness and moral crusades are pointless when it comes to productivity.
Again you're here to work.
>Google is hurting itself and its productivity by creating echo chambers and enforcing dangerous biases in the workplace. Their approach to diversity isn't actually as accurate as they think it is and here's a huge list of reasons of why. Google's intentions are hindered by its obsession with social microaggressions.
His entire document comes off as a rant of things that bother him, and a lot of it is about his employer. It could also be misconstrued as anti-diversity and sexist. If you scrub through his word salad, he was saying if you want to make profit don't chase acceptance, diversity, and rainbows for the sake of it, it should only be done to improve the company and its profits.

This guy's power level is off the fucking charts. Now I see why they fired him.

Look at literally any Google employees' github. They all do work. Google is literally the most successful company alive right now, do you think it would hire people who don't work as 50% of their staff? Use your head, Anonymous. Google is cutthroat as hell, even for women. You cannot even get an interview without being in the top 1% of 1% of programmers.

>Top 1% of programmers

>look at literally any Google employee's github. They all do work.
Sure they do.

Found the guy who isn't in the tech sector. You obviously have no clue what you're talking about here.

>Top 1% of programmers

Quite sure that the guy was complaining about google giving more chances to women just to keep the "diversity". Doesn't sound like good programmers where a goal there.

fuck off, women are worthless

>google hires more men than women
what is this supposed to prove?

thats stackoverflow fucking roastie, go back to tumblr,make a blog post complaining about muh sexism

My takeaway is this basically as far as him as in individual

You can't really fault him for it though. Lacking street smarts isn't surprising for someone with his level of education

But the issues he raised about the tech industry in general I don't think anyone but extremists disagree with.

I can't make up my mind on whether or not James Damore was completely fuckin noided or he was genuinely fixated on Google's problems and wanted to fix them.

On one end it looks like he's taking the piss out of his employer and on another side of the spectrum maybe he hates all of this stuff and tried to word it as safely as possibly but people saw through his ruse. Or maybe he's a total buzzkill and this was his way of trying to talk to his coworkers about something. Don't people usually share funny things around the office instead of verbose lists of nitpicks and pet peeves? Is he anti-social and softspoken like he comes off in the interviews?

Anybody here work with a guy like this? Or does Sup Forums see themselves when they see him?