I'm the admin of a twitter bot that tweets when a happening thread gets posted on Sup Forums

i'm the admin of a twitter bot that tweets when a happening thread gets posted on Sup Forums

currently a "happening thread" is defined by a few constant conditions: we compare a threads replies-per-minute to the current average replies-per-minute on Sup Forums, and if a threshold is passed and held for a certain amount of minutes, a happening tweet is triggered.

i'm planning on rewriting the bot's happening classifier to work with machine/deep learning.

i want to feed the bot a huge amount of historical board data and make it learn to recognize happening posts the second they get posted.

since a single post might contain too little data (it might be just a "IT'S HAPPENING" with a link to bbc), we need to go a step further and capture entire board constellations.

usually a happening will contain several threads about it, and we can use that constellation to train the classifier.

the features are thus gonna be board constellations and the labels will be threads that turned out to be happenings, which will probably still have to be defined as it currently is, i.e. high replies-per-minute for a long time.

anybody with basic experience in ML wanna join?

this is an interested project, but since you're a fuckboy from Sup Forums I will have no part of it.

*nods approvingly*


>i want to feed the bot a huge amount of historical board data and make it learn to recognize happening posts the second they get posted.
This won't work. Every single happening thread is the same


i am not
it's just the most popular board so it will get the bot the most exposure

>Sup Forums
write a ML algorithm that shortens your lifespan

It's an anti-Sup Forums/anti-alt-right/leftist bot if you haven't noticed

sorry, this board is only for underageb&s to seek validation through posting pictures of the latest shit mommy bought for them.

>i am not
>"dude I am not from Sup Forums I just really like posting there so I made a bot for them"
okay lad

also brings up a good point. Every time literally anything happens you will get dumbasses who post

even on Sup Forums
>news article claims that there is a potential linux vulnerability for those using an old version of [distro] and are running and old version of [software]
>someone makes a thread with the OP "O-M-G IT'S OVER LINUX FINISHED AND BANKRUPT!"

Fucking off yourself
>posting links to Sup Forums on social media
I can't believe this is accepted now


>Rule 1: you do not talk about Sup Forums
>Rule 2:you DO NOT talk about Sup Forums
amirite or what lads XDDD

that's not the point
posting links on twitter and shit is probably why there's so many ledditors and normalfags across all boards

there have been news articles that link to fucking Sup Forums threads

Sup Forums has been mainstream since like 2009. This is not a sekrit club and it hasn't been for nearly 10 years

that doesn't mean we should literally invite normies

>doesn't mean we should literally invite normies
Just because someone is not as autistic as you doesn't make them a normie.


This sort of attitude is the reason this site is just reddit lite. It's not a "secret club" but there are certain types of people that are fundamentally incompatible with the culture of this site, when you invite them here in large numbers they do not integrate into the culture whatsoever and instead violently fight to change the culture of the site until the original inhabitants no longer feel welcome. There is a certain irony in the fact that Sup Forumstards who complain about immigration all day are the biggest driving force behind this normalfag invasion.

>when you invite them here in large numbers they do not integrate into the culture whatsoever and instead violently fight to change the culture of the site until the original inhabitants no longer feel welcome
Why does it sound so familiar?

>the people I don't agree with are fundamentally incompatible with the culture of this site
do you work at google by any chance?

>*tries their hardest to invite new people to their containment board*
>"what the fuck! where did all these new posters come from!??"
people like you and OP invite outsiders to your cuckshed; you aren't allowed to complain


>Sup Forums
>machine learning
Is this a trigger thread?

>triggered by the term Machine Learning

It's literally does tho

I work in text analytics and NLP. Text classification is my main skill.

Give me the data, OP and I'll get you a decent classifier.

[email protected]

Are you still there, OP. I can and want to help with the ML side of things.

> bringing even more newfags to Sup Forums

It's definitely an interesting technical exercise but you're not doing the board any favors with this.

>Sup Forums rss feed
>detect if X many happening threads of Y similarity are posted within Z timeframe
ez enuff
you're over thinking this

A good thing made for a community that does not deserve it.
(Anyway, it is terrific bot)

A somewhat more complex feature to look for would be multiple threads being created around the same time which have similar, but globally unique phrasology in the OP and subsequent posts.

Also look for other happening related memes like the Sam Hyde "HE CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT" meme.

Assign a probability that if reached your bot will make a post, and then play around giving feature weights which add or subtract the probability.

Are you saying people that come to this anime site to complain about anime should be welcomed, for example?

ml researcher here, what are you writing in, is the repo public, how will you communicate
as a side note this project should take you two hours alone. get the data in a csv, train a random forest with sklearn, if you *need* you can use the python nltk package

also, fuck pol for bringing normies to my boards

you crushed his little Sup Forumsish heart lol

No, you must help the goy...i mean loyal trump supporters further their takedown of (((fake news)))

this desu

Sup Forums must remain as warning of what happen when you go full mainstream

ye i am

>implying we have any leadership anymore

ive done something similar to this using python

I'm interested. Have a discord link?

Sorry your mom was too poor/mean to not buy you things, user.

No one cares about your shitty bot

>mainstream ruined Sup Forums
Sup Forums was never good. There was never any discussion or quality content being made there. It's always been nothing but a circlejerk of retards who believe they're smarter than everyone else by spouting shitty theories.
The fact that they ignore and flame whoever doesn't agree with them makes it a toxic echo chamber.
"Teh normis ree-" only spread their shit outside of Sup Forums. Some individuals will be stupid enough to believe their bullshit and take it to the real world by attending rallies and acting like complete retards in an act of "defiance to teh system" (while also sucking the President's dick).
Sup Forums is the place were intelligence dies, so they would gave ruined their life anyways by making poor decisions in general and being socially inept.

This Desu Senpai™

dumb Sup Forums tard

user here, can confirm, legitmate fucking happening.

this user: is making a bot that MONITORS FUCKING POL.

this is REAL DEEP STATE SHIT. This is an excuse to monitor everything we do.
>i want to feed the bot a huge amount of historical board data and make it learn to recognize happening posts the second they get posted.

user is trying to recruit people into his deep state CNN network here:
>anybody with basic experience in ML wanna join?
We CANNOT let this happen

Now delete your post to make it look more legit.

all I would really need to do is move it to Sup Forums

>deep state CNN network

looks pretty legit to me

Good, expose the larpers.
Chanology 2017.

Oh look
it's fucking nothing

Seems like an incredibly convoluted waste of time, considering how fast threads get pruned on that board.

Quit same fagging, CIA shill

I thought Sup Forums would be 100% behind their new government, you have nothing to fear. The swamp was drained, right?

Suddenly it's Sup Forums-approved to let politics get in the way of technology.

Congratulation, you're the cancer that is killing Sup Forums.

id rather meet the cunnybot admin from Sup Forums

يا غبي ليش عندك بوت لناس تكرهك؟

email me drpiss at obscura dot pro

i am interested in hiring you to make a similar bot for another forum

That's even worse