Google goes into Apple

>Google goes into Apple

You fucking faggot
They copy their style because when people text each other the emojis appear different on every phone so they copied them so they don't need to make another different design that will confuse their users
Here's a demonstration of just that

>will you [steal] with me at the prom?
what the fuck samsung

>>> Chad, the green bubble freak texts me again

we would all be better off if ios disallowed their users texting outside the walled garden which they all hate anyway because wrong colored bubbles
why should android emoji be replaced with this halfassed soulless garbage because of them

I'm going to miss the blob
Although sometimes it was confusing trying to figure out which emoji is the one I wanted since they looked drastically different

I'm surprised kids still use emoji's.

Isn't that something your parents used to do?

XD I'm so young xdxd lol :D

Android emojis are so good I'll specifically install the old ones after they replace them

I've got a Samsung (android) phone and see the iOS one in Whatsapp.

I'll miss gumdrops.

how does iPhone know androids responding not iPhone

why would you care about emojis, just don't use them.
Emojis are only used by normalfags and facebook meme page owners

What the fuck, how is the Unicode consortium ok with this?


They use SMS instead of iMessage.

because it depends on which font the app is using

they don't regulate how companies interpret the definitions

Green bubble messages appear - showing that they're using outdated bullshit standard SMS messages instead of iMessage

When you send a message on iPhone, if you're sending to iMessage (someone who has an iPhone), you get a Blue Bubble. If you send it to anyone else, over SMS, you get a green bubble.

Why isn't Emoji's global?