This is funny.
Other urls found in this thread:
He knows how it works goddamnit, he's been doing this for 30 years.
Fucking chinks, stay out of software development.
>tfw the most social networking I do is keeping up with issues on github to see the drama unfold
He's Dutch.
Fucking Guido
Is there a reason to list them in the gui? Probably won't stop authorities but doubt some monkey intern working for the loss will workaround it
You know what would be funny
the dev could say he was right and compiles a version without the ips showing in the GUI and names it qBT secure edition.
Oh boy grab popcorn, Sup Forumsoys
What if he's right and doing that would legitimately lead to less tracking, lel
>what is a troll
Mpaa, not loss. Not sure why autocorrect is retarded
>What if he's right and doing that would legitimately lead to less tracking, lel
Sure. Let's close all VPN service for now.
Wait, why don't they just remove all ip addresses from the internet? Then we can't be tracked right?
yea! let's just make everything broadcast, that'll fix everything
>the dev could say he was right and compiles a version without the ips showing in the GUI and names it qBT secure edition.
You don't earn a good name by selling snake oil.
The internet within one broadcast domain sounds legit and completely scalable.
>everyone retarded is a troll
You must be the troll king.
why doesn't everyone just share 1 computer? that way they can't tell who did something
Except you do
i know, right?
just address everyone using public/private key encryption
that way only the intended recipient can see your data, and since the data went to everyone, nobody can tell what is for who! hell, not even the sender knows who the recipient is!
Apple is doing just fine, though.
The guy is a retard, but he's not more retarded than people who use torrents nowadays.
How fucking stupid do you have be to use anything else than direct download when there are companies constantly monitoring the IPs and filling lawsuits like hotcakes?
The law firms who specialized in suing torrent users automatized the process anyway.
have you ever heard about privat trackers you retard?
>implying they won't eventually infiltrate inside and then get all your IPs
Having a false sense of security is worse than having no security at all.
i don't like this new trend of picking github reports and making drama about it, this is starting to be a eceleb blog where people post rants and shit devs say.
It's the Sup Forumsification of Sup Forums
>console wars become CPU/GPU wars
>twitter screenshots become github screenshots
You see the same shit on Sup Forums.
They turn console wars into studio wars and it makes no goddamn sense. Every studio makes good and shit anime, even A-1 pictures, which has the most shit under it's belt because they're the most prolific studio.
Name one thing wrong with this
Fucking dutch. We need another Spanish Inquisition.
>dumb dutchman being dumb
>about a bunch of dutch sellout snitches trying to gain bonuspoints with the media industry
This is why I fucking hate my country, everyone is either retarded beyond saving or a massive fucking sellout with no honor or soul.
>use tor
fucking cancer
It is a risk which I am willing to take
>They turn console wars into studio wars
Probably it is studio wars on Sup Forums as well, stupid as Sup Forums studio wars are, considering all teams vary between games/anime. (Except maybe Kyoani and Shaft.)
I wonder how uTorrent issues would have looked if it was open source.
If it was, it wouldn't have ads or BTC mining in it.
>must transfer data across the internet
>no one must know your IP
There's only one solution to this.
Yes: GNUnet.
I don't get why people is still using shitty Internet when the superior GNUnet exists.
>open source software cannot have ads
Not if you want people to use the damn thing.
>Fucking dutch. We need another Spanish Inquisition.
Somebody said Spanish Inquisition...
Fuck off, I expected that joke.
Why would a Dutch guy care about downloaders in non-free countries getting busted?
I guess uT's current user base doesn't really care.
Not really. As was said on the issue to send/receive data your IP must be visible to everyone. But whether data was originated from you or someone else cannot be found. Something, if I understand how it is implemented correctly, not far from what said.
Also, the GUI is shit. Why the heck Debian ships it alongside the core component?
Latency and bandwidth.
Also every single device on earth would need to attempt to decrypt each and every packet that is ever sent to determine whether it's for them.
You can get lists of IPs from a tracker most of the time by sending a crafted http request in your browser.
They're listed in the client because they're a unique identifier for the peer you are connected to.
Fact is that torrent never was and was never meant to be a private medium for file sharing. For some reason it took off as a piracy medium and this fact has always been looming over it.
But if he was chink why would he worry about getting his illegal bittorrent downloads tracked?
You can get busted for this in the Netherlands, although it has never happened (yet)
He cares because he's Dutch. He seems worried that institutions in Holland is going to log his IP.