Kisame I love you

Kisame I love you




Itsudemo I love you
kimi ni take kiss me


second favorite mann

Is that ricegum



Who the fuck is kisame and how is this tech related


closest thing to god the tech world has after the adulterinos die

did he get sent to china yet?

He is the man who pade his void install only have 385 packages while still being usable

> 385 packages
> functional
pick one

Surprisingly usable

is he smart or just unix nerd

He was on r/unixporn a bit back

He is a dog

im pretty sure i know who you are talking about
how old is he

late post but he is kinda smart. He nuked some shit and removed 90 packages

he is 60 years old

real age

He said you were his waifu

first off, not tech related
second of all, why are you all preaching a 14 year old

he is the physical incarnate of Sup Forums
he is /ourguy/

because peoplewant his goods?

there is no mods on this fucking board

only thing he has to offer to this world is linux ricing and shit python code


The other goods