What do you think the internet would look like if people still had to actually put in effort into getting online...

What do you think the internet would look like if people still had to actually put in effort into getting online? Surfing the net used to be a hobby now it's a part of everyday life.

>"normal desktop users"

I used to browse Sup Forums on my desktop but phones got good enough that it was more convenient instead of less. Your graph doesn't take into account "converted" oldfags.

>being THIS unaware that you have become a normalfag.
Please leave.

What is a normalfag?

Consumers, people who talk about politics, people who use terms like "NEET" as an insult, anyone who gets upset when they see anime pictures.

You haven't had to put effort into getting online since AOL

I post from a Sup Forums-phone tho

is this part of the argument that we should be fine with gov't making it easier for the multinationals to fuck everyone over when it comes to the internet?

I browse and post mostly from my desktop. I browse from my phone sometimes, but I never post rom it. Usually use the phone in bed or on the bus/ waiting for class to start.

Thread's dumb

Would fucking buy in a heartbeat. Looks like the sorta stuff line techies use.

jokes on you OP, major autist here.

I dont use cellphones. period. The only phone i feel like owning is some K5 which has never had service that i use for android devel.

why the shit would I want a gov't tracking device in my pocket at all times recording what I say and where I go and who my friends are etc...

I unironically agree. when i saw this image i secretly hoped somebody started some sort of crowdfund/kickstarter for it.

i mean seriously. Arch/gentoo switch? I am literally hard.
Theyre not labeled, but it has two balanced XLR jacks beneath the RCA jacks for highquality audio recording.
A cd burner? fucking amazing.
Radio? kickstand? magsafe AND AC charging ports?
a motherfucking ear tumpet jack?

this thing is gold.

Wouldn't it be better to just remove all that garbage and write drivers for USB adapters for all of them? Want to burn a CD? plug in your burner. Want an RCA jack? Plug it in. This is what USB was designed for and it's just a shame that smartphones aren't using it to it's full potential.

then you have a normal fucking phone and you have to buy a million peripherals

why not just buy a usb OTG cable and a million peripherals and a normie cellphone?

stupidest idea ever, i want that shit native to my mobile device

But you're not going to use 90% of that shit 99% of the time. It's just added bulk.

>he doesnt use punch card readers
I bet you dont own any 8 tracks either and have never even tried a view master

user just really wants his conspicuous crapsumption comedyphone. Most likely they're going to use 90% of that shit 0% of the time.

Why do people even browse the internet on anything but a computer? Like seriously using a touchscreen to browse is fucking horrible and makes me want to kill myself. I don't even want to imagine what's it like using a TV/game console.

Also I don't really give a fuck about how other people browse the tubes, it might be stupid but is the kind of stupidity that doesn't affect me.

>No CRT screen from Sinclair pocket TV
Into the trash it goes...

>people who talk about politics
How disconnected from society do you have to be to think that the average person bothers with politics outside of casting their vote?


just look at the atrocious voter turnout.

>Not consuming copious amounts of media and forming a political opinion even though they don't vote at all.
Talk to anyone, literally anyone on the street and they will have strong political opinions. All unfounded. Normalfags are far more political than actual posters.

It's so fucking cumbersome to post from a phone I'm surprised anyone bothers to do it.

pretty sure lying naked in bed in a basement with no windows on my phone shitposting on /k/ isn't normalfaggy but ok