Is programming kind of like knitting

Many of these kinds of skills that the majority of programming jobs require are quite easy to associate with stereotypical female characteristics. Many of us may have been raised by a mother who knits. If you have, you may realize that she had been forming fairly complex abstract patterns with her hands even as her attention may be focused elsewhere. Indeed, women have been writing knitting patterns that produce complex structures in an abstract “assembly language” for quite a long time. Numerous other stereotypes pertaining to female creative styles and diligence serve perfectly well to “justify” extensive female employment in software engineering. So the question remains: why is this not the case? Either female ability and inclination really is, in the majority, unsuited to technology jobs, because they are indeed mostly of the category that requires the intelligence that men have marginally more of, or the story I’ve told you so far is probably true, but some other factor intervenes, one that diversity attempts in the tech industry do not address.

I've never done either so seems plausible.

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I'm not gonna read all that.

So he is right?

I don't care.
Knitting is not forming complicated machinery with balls of yarn.

>Is programming kind of like knitting
its nothing like knitting
you're retarded

Then I suppose we can replace all these computer scientists with third world wimen.

No, it isn't like knitting. It's more like argumentation or instruction. Also post sauce.

>argumentation or instruction
Women are better at both.

programming is not knitting
it's making building-sized, extremely complex looms

I don't think knitting has conditional branching.

>better at arguing

I do both, programming is nothing like knitting (I crochet actually).

The reason I like crochet is because its exactly the opposite of programming. Basically very rote and mindless, repeat the same action 1000x. Programming is mostly thinking hard about a problem with a few small chunks of writing.

So your argument is stupid, even tho females are perfectly fine at programming.

to be fair most programming (CRUD especially) is rote regurgitation of boilerplate code to do the same shit over and over

Not really, no. Most women can't into abstract thought and reasoning, which is essential to programming.

Women in general are good at many things, but programming isn't one of them.

Men in general aren't good at programming either.

>Is programming kind of like knitting
No. It is closer to Lego.

They're good at things that work under the same principle.

Are her breasts kind of like pillows

Can't that be largely automated?

In other words, it's child's play. Not a high paid professional skill set.

No. It's not knitting you're thinking of. It's basket weaving or perhaps.... you know those Louis XVI chairs? Well it's kind of like making one of those.


Women are only good at being cum receptacles.

They did compress the shit out of that image


no it's like genocide

That sex differences in tech aptitude is cultural is obvious, it just doesn't matter because culture is arbitrary and changes. Feminazis don't complain in good faith, they're upper class whores trying to parlay their well-off background into a lifetime on easy street.

Though to their credit, at least they're asking for handouts from private entities.

>(I crochet actually)
get the FUCK back to tumblr faggot cuck.

>knitting your own programming socks
now that's neat

>Is programming kind of like knitting
One is trying to think like a machine, the other is being a machine for a Chinese dilf owner you have to suck off for a bonus afterwards.

>Women are better at both.
Is that why men were the main developers and pioneers in the fields of politics and ideology?
Women are only good at nagging.
When it comes to instructions and arguing though, when men get serious they end up changing the whole planet in the process.

Knitting involves a very repetitive process. Programming involves using creative thinking to explicitly avoid unnecessary repetition.

How do you make a tripcode like that?

I think Tripcode explorer is supposed to be the program used to crack them. This one was generated by a friend of mine though. I don't exactly have a computer with a strong enough GPU.

By figuring out the tripcode conversion algorithm.
Come on you stupid faggot, even some dumbass like me who hasn't coded shit in his life knows this.

>politics and ideology

knitting and crochet follow simple algorithms and procedural scripts. That's where the similarity ends. Show me a modular object oriented beenie pattern.

Faggots who decide how much bills you will pay, how many taxes you will pay, whether you will be employable or not, whether you will be conscripted or not, how many benefits you will get or get taken away from you, and pretty much every aspect of your loser life.

The psychology of someone who believes or thinks of such a thing is in probably a much worse mental state than the people they are attempting to analyze.

The sole reason women do not go into "technology jobs" is that these jobs are generally really shitty. Long hours, they don't pay a lot unless you work for the top 1% of corps or win the lottery with a random startup (even more work hours), and they aren't """social""". These jobs are also highly competitive, meaning men jockeying for recognition so they can climb a ladder of success.

Most women aren't wired this way. They want 9-5 job, with maternity leave, and they want to socialize all day with coworkers (mainly to gossip about other coworkers). They want potlucks and other social things none of which exist in programming a distributed system for 12hrs a day.

It has nothing to do with 'ability' as women are traditionally programmers, back when it was a 9-5 job and not hyper capitalist race to finish first and pull a slot machine in hopes of cashing out your shitty startup for fame and fortune. NASA programmers were trad women, and even Stallman noted how secretaries became the first emacs programmers because they started customizing the editor back in the early 80s.

I like turtles


>Prefering to employ people based on their gender rather than their skill levels
>Making a huge issue out of the fact that more people of one gender gravitate towards employment within a certain field
>Expecting actual people (aka real, non NPC) to care

The sole reason why women go or don't go into technology is something i don't give a fuck because as far as i'm concerned this may be the only life luck has granted me, and i'm going to waste it my way rather than wasting it to comfort some random bitches who ain't even my family or acquaintances.

you go birl.

That's why we literally created programming right

Isn't it kinda sexist to assume that women are good at knitting?

But no, programming is not like knitting. Programming is a wide field with various complex sub-fields, like computation theory, data science-y stuff, network-y stuff, graphics stuff, etc. Of course you can learn programming just by itself easily (without any of these complex sub-fields) but then you won't have any application to it and are not a programmer. And that's one of the reasons why programming takes years (even decades sometimes) to master, and not 21 days.
And you can't "form fairly complex abstract patterns with your hands even as your attention may be focused elsewhere" in programming, either. If you are working on a real project and do that, people will die or millions of dollars will go down the drain or something similar disastrous will happen.

Yes, to compare it to knitting is really simplifying it a bit too much.

I know a lot of women who knits.
Knitting requires you to follow a pattern, but you have to do the same thing over and over again.
If you fuck up, you need to remove the mistake and then do it again.
Learning knitting is certainly a skill, but it is a skill you can do while you concentrate on other things.
If a dinner drags out, they pull out their gear and knits, if they are in school, they knit etc.
Every opportunity where they just sit and listen, they knit.

Programming is different.
I don't do the same thing over and over again.
If I have to do something that is even close to the same thing two times, I automate it.
I can't pull out my laptop in the middle of a meeting and "do a bit of programming".

I can talk to people while I program because there is a lot of time I don't do anything. (compiling, running a test etc).

True, but don't tell my boss :^)

>eta cuck


Women follow knitting instructions in a robotic manner. It's the same as data entry. It certainly shares nothing in common with programming.

If I really had to compare it to knitting, I would say that programming is like building a machine that knits for you. Which can probably take years before your machine does anything at all (depending on your approach of course).

I'm a man and I want work-life balance.

Those fags "working 12 hours a day" are actually shitposting on reddit or this shithole for eight of those hours while shitting out some mediocre CRUD app for some Business degree jackass that doesn't know the difference.

The issue is that these business-coding jobs are in decline because IT departments are just outsourcing everything "to the cloud" instead of building internal systems. This means that organizations everywhere are having massive brain-drain as IT departments turn into password reset departments or people who sit on hold with the support for cloud services and pretending to actually be working.

That, and the HR flacks added a job title to discriminate between code monkies and people who actually know how to do shit.

>I can talk to people while I program because there is a lot of time I don't do anything. (compiling, running a test etc).

>They want potlucks and other social things none of which exist in programming a distributed system for 12hrs a day

I feel like these are conflicting arguments.

I don't get the whole women aren't biologically suited to tech thing though- I mean, it's not really a physically demanding career.

Java, Python, and C++ are
C, Assemb, and Haskell are more like using handtools to carve the statue from balsa.
Takes longer, is way harder, but more precise and lightweight for the same structural integrity.

>It's the same as data entry. It certainly shares nothing in common with programming.
Unfortunately, a lot of programming jobs basically are data entry. Too many "programmers" don't know shit about software design and just mash together things other people already made.


Check your privilege

I'm a Slav, i don't have to check shit westweenie.
You better check your back instead.

That's not a "we", that's a single woman who embraced feminity and everything feminism hates while playing with alghoritms and mathematics out of her own curiosity.

You yourself are a worthless dreg.


Knitting is fine hand motions over long periods of time it's a overwhelmingly a motion skill not a logic one. There is some logic involved but considering that they use paterns. They're doing very little actual brain work.

Programing can't really be equated with anything in nature that came before, just like math.

It's a pure logic based skill of deduction and cause and effect.

If you can compare knitting to programing, I'll compare it to hunting. You need to coordinate with a team, know the lay of the land, factor in how different object will interact, know what cause and effect each parameter will have. You need to do it all in your head and then execute it with precision.


>writing knitting patterns

I think WRITING is a keyword that's being overlooked.
The act of knitting itself is mechanical, but a knitting pattern is a series of very specific instructions.
Writing a knitting pattern is writing a set of specific instructions using an accepted set of terms.

The author is likely using knitting as an example to make their argument more accessible to a lay person.

Is dish washing kind of like rocket science?

> because they are indeed mostly of the category that requires the intelligence that men have marginally more of
You don't have to be intelligent to program.

i dont thing that is the most efficient way to grab her bottom shelf chips

'social stigma' is the reason *x* can't do *y* isn't even an argument. unconventional personalities are paraded more than they're condemned. the reason *x* can't do it is simply because *x* isn't capable of doing it, if they were capable they'd be doing it. if he/she says social stigma is the reason that stops him/her from doing it, he/she is simply blaming everyone else, rather than admitting they're incapable.

>women are good at knitting so they are better at programming because I say so
This doesn't make a lot of sense. Clearly whoever wrote this has a very rudimentary understanding of how a computer actually works.

You do know that the majority of programmers were women in the early days of programming?

feeding punch cards and replacing burnt tubes and refilling the teletype paper was never "programming"