Try to make me like Spanish

I kinda want to apply my linguistic gift towards Spanish because of its usefulness in the job market, but I always cringe horribly every time I look at it or hear it because of the mental associations I have with it. I can't help but just think of it as a sangnigger Aztec too-lazy-to-learn-English drug-dealing shitskin poverty language. I'm not even a Sup Forumslack. I had these exact same mental associations a decade ago in middle school; my father was a guard at an immigration office who learned Spanish and he wanted me to learn it as well, but I barely retained anything I learned in the classes. Even Esperanto is more appealing to me because even though it looks and sounds a lot like Spanish, it has the advantage of being etymologically Central European. Prove to me that Spanish has value despite it being the language of some of Earth's shittiest countries. I already know German and Latin.

Don't like it? Don't learn it. Don't be autistic.

Are you admitting my stereotypes are right? I'm just exploring the possibility I have the wrong idea.

Spanish is a European language, whose origin comes from latin. idk why are you so butthurt with our language.

Didn't the muzzies come over and cuck you a while back?

It just a form of vulgar latin.

Spanish vocabulary of Arabic origin is only 8%.

anyways, no real reason to learn Spanish at all.

>t looks and sounds a lot like Spanish,
Sounds nothing like Spanish.

I don't know why you're even pondering learning Spanish if you have such obvious prejudices towards it.
And no, Spanish was not "cucked" by Muslims because Spanish didn't even exist back then, it came to be with Castilla, circa 1300~1400.

When arabs invaded the iberian peninsula the spanish didn't even exist.

idk what the spics did to you, but they let you real fucked up

The average american believes "spanish" means mexican.

He is a product of southern education.

>I don't know why you're even pondering learning Spanish if you have such obvious prejudices towards it.
First sentence in the OP. Job market. It's literally the only relevant language other than English in the United States, my German won't get me any jobs in Kansas since the only teachers they hire thereof are native speakers.

>it's another yank who reveals his blatant inferiority complex

>First sentence in the OP. Job market
So you'd learn a language you have no respect to just because it might help your curriculum? Don't learn Spanish.
Seek German communities in which German is a plus, I'm sure you'll find them in the US.

Mira gringo no seas un pinche pendejo malcogido como el donal tromp wey esos son pinche putos malcogidos que me quieren deporatar wey no me hagas que te chingue wey mi abuelito dijo antes de morir si alguien te hace bronca dale bronca y eso es lo que te voy hacer wey pinche racista wey a las putatitas como tu hermana me la chingo bien de aquellas wey no seas como los del club far west que son bien pendejos pinche gringo

>Seek German communities in which German is a plus
The only such communities are the Amish and they speak a dialect completely different from modern High German. Only the pastors would know what I'm saying.

C'mon, I mean, do you really have nothing to tell me about how I'm full of shit and Spanish is the best language ever? I don't have much experience with European Spaniards or their history because here it's the Mexicans who invade and thus it's only their language and culture that's always taught, so what said has some truth to it.

ioe guey cálmate


uhh q olorsito a chicano asksjkasjksjka

>I already know German and Latin.
prove it or fuck off
say "I'm a retarded blob of fat" in Latin

>The only such communities are the Amish and they speak a dialect completely different from modern High German. Only the pastors would know what I'm saying.
Then learn Italian or French, surely there must be tons of them there.
>C'mon, I mean, do you really have nothing to tell me about how I'm full of shit and Spanish is the best language ever?
I have reasons, but non that would change your mind, and it's not like I want to change your mind anyway.
>I don't have much experience with European Spaniards or their history because here it's the Mexicans who invade and thus it's only their language and culture that's always taught, so what said has some truth to it.
If you are interested in Europe, you already speak German, so you don't need Spanish.

Don't like it. We don't want you either.

Gutta adipis retardata sum.

And now say "I use google translate to pretend to be a polyglot on the Internet, because I'm an autistic dick-sucking bitchboy" in German

Was zum Teufel hast du gerade verdammt nochmal über mich gesagt, du kleine Hure? Nur damit du es weißt, ich war der Beste meines Jahrgangs bei der SEK M und ich war bei vielen geheimen Anti-Terror-Angriiffen beteiligt. Ich habe über 300 bestätigte Abschüsse! Ich bin im Gorillakampf trainiert und ich bin der beste Scharfschütze der deutschen Bundeswehr! Du bist höchstens ein weiteres Übungsziel für mich. Ich wische dich mit solcher Präzision davon wie sie noch nie zuvor auf dieser Erde gesehen wurde, merk dir das. Du glaubst du kannst davonkommen, wenn du im Internet so eine Scheiße über mich erzählst? Denk nochmal drüber nach, Arschloch. Wärend wir hier schreiben benachrichtige ich mein geheimes Netzwerk von Spionen überall auf der Welt und deine IP wird gerade zurückverfolgt, also bereitest du dich besser vor, du Made. Dein kleines, mickriges Etwas, das du Leben nennst wird vollkommen ausgelöscht. Du bist verdammt nochmal tot, Kind. Ich kann überall sein, jederzeit, ich kann dich auf über 700 Arten töten, und das nur mit meinen nackten Händen. Ich bin nicht nur im unbewaffneten Kampf sehr gut trainiert, ich habe auch Zugriff auf das gesammte Waffenarsenal der deutschen Bundeswehr und ich werde es ausschöpfen um deinen miserablen Arsch von diesem Planeten zu wischen, du Stück Scheiße. Vielleicht hättest du dein scheiß Maul halten können, wenn du gewust hättest, was dein kleiner, "schlauer" Kommentar dir jetzt einbringt. Aber du konntest es nicht wissen, du wusstest es nicht und jetzt bezahlst du den Preis, du gottverdammter Idiot. Ich werde Wut auf dich scheißen und du wirst darin ertrinken. Du bist scheißtot, Kleiner.

Try to find some Spanish music and movies that you don't find cringey or horrible. I mean not raggeaton but something that's more intelligent so maybe you will change your mental associations and also learn Spanish. I don't know any but people in this thread probably do.
Write down 5 things that you like and/or adore about Spain or Spanish-speakers