no botnet ples
What browser should I use
Other urls found in this thread:
mozilla firefox and ungoogled chromium
other browsers like brave and others are pure bullshit
don't listen to those faggots
i think you already know user.
not this
perhaps this
Firefox has been compromised
proof please
>mozilla firefox
they're an SJW company that cares more about little girls in Africa than about people who use their shit.
also, Mozilla betrayed its users.
Brave is better than Firefox.
Mozilla shills are busy lately.
it's so fucking laggy
it doesn't even work great
every time i switch tabs it crashes for 5 seconds and then ti works again
it's shit
i'm not gonna use it untill they fix it up
palememe and/or chromium woolyss without webrtc sync and widevine are the best choices I guess. better send data to sjwegle than Soros
Are you using windows or mac? It works fine for me.
>palememe and/or chromium woolyss
this or iridium
Means nothing.
Not to mention it screen tears on Linux.
Plus it uses ABP instead of uBO, so it's content blocking performance is shit if you add custom filters.
I tried it
The faggot developer of this shitty browser uses microsoft visual c++ 2017 DEBUG VERSION
and i can't fucking run it because of that
yeah i'm a winfag
Oh yeah and the code is shittier than my social life
pale moon. the furries too autistic to let any backdoors into his code
GNU IceCat
you answered your own question
lmao shut the fuck up
Use Pale Moon until Firefox gets its shit right.
Which is just now, with the release of 57 on nightly.
Maybe for some people's needs. I turned to Pale Moon once again after I found out there's a bug with cookies that makes extensions like Cookie Autodelete not work properly. There's just too many annoyances right now.
If you're autistic enough to want a non-normie browser but not retarded enough to use icecat, go for waterfox.
If you want a normie browser, go for Brave.
No matter how many threads we have about this, the facts will never changes:
>There is no such thing as a fast, memory efficient version of Firefox
>There is no such thing as Chromium without the botnet
Pick your poison
is nightly any good?
so mozilla are trump supporters?
((BRAVE)) is just Safari for Windows.
So, useless shittier software.
waterfox or icecat
it runs great on my windows and my mobile. The only complaint I have is the lack of extensions
>some blog with "activist" in the domain name
There is no proof in this blog post. It's all speculation presented as fact, by a blog with "activist" in the domain name.
>Mozilla, the non-profit organization which runs the Firefox internet browser, said Wednesday it was launching an effort against “fake news,” as fact-checking software backed by eBay founder Pierre Omidyar and George Soros got its first run-out in public to shape our Orwellian nightmare of future truth arbiters.
Nowhere does this say Mozilla is using the Soros backed software. It just says Soros funded the "Full Fact" software, and Mozilla themselves are looking into ways they can fight fake news.
Maybe Mozilla will partner with Soros in the future, but right now they aren't. So saying something definitive like "Mozilla partners with Soros!" is a lie at this point. Don't be a liar, and develop some critical thinking skills while your'e at it
Firefox nightly.
Ever since the 57 release it's been pretty good on Android as well.
Pic related.