Could Weaponizing Net Neutrality really stop the Content Provider mass purge? How would we even do this?

Could Weaponizing Net Neutrality really stop the Content Provider mass purge? How would we even do this?

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Why the fuck would we want to weaponize it? Also fuck off Sup Forumslack.

0.14 bitcoin deposited into your account

Where did Sup Forums come from this? Wtf are you talking about?

This is not reddit or another link aggregation website. Also, political content better suits the board.

> Posts a link of a political motivated video on an image board devoted to technology. . .

>putting politics together with technology
>not technology making politics like DDD
howtokill technology in one single fucking way.

>Open video
>It's mister metokur
>Close video

>Video is a really faggy looking dude and comments are full of meme posting cancer
Wow, you really convinced me to not support net neutrality

>Spouting an ad hominem, a complete non argument
That really convinced me to change my position on net neutrality as well

t. Jewish Internet Defense Force

>Guy with tranny hair and exposing his chest for all to see isn't extremely gay

>Doubling down on the non-arguments is going to convince anyone of your non-argument

>Calling a fag a fag isn't an argument
Sure thing gayboy, don't forget to post another one of your gay hero's next.

[sarcasm]Yes, because using ad hominems and doubling down on them to justify why you don't agree with some guy who made a video on the internet is not only logically sound, but something an intelligent person would do in order to make and defend your argument[/sarcasm]

hows this for an ad homoerotic?


Stay classy, nu/g/.

absolutely, positively, Sup Forums

The video is fucking stupid

Funny how I see people throwing autistic, psychotic fits about Sup Forums more than I see actual Sup Forumsposting.

Video is fucking Sup Forums.

Not really. It's about censorship on the Internet. Nothing about Jews, nothing about Trump. But keep jumping at shadows; it really makes you look sane and reasonable.

This video is as retarded as Sup Forums.

Quit using Sup Forums as a noun.

But it is a noun

As a person successful enough to afford a living in a big urban area I don't care about net neutrality because I already have several ISPs competing for my money.

Plus those dumb rednecks supporting it in small town America are going to get absolutely fucked due to their ignorance so it's a double win for me.

>this video is as retarded as new york city
>this video is as retarded as taco bell
>this video is as retarded as my house
You see how dumb you sound now?

net negativity is phrased so imconprehensibly to me

like wtf it's a double negative in the title

If i haven't remembered what it meant the last 6 times someone explained it to me plz don't bother trying again and ill go on my way

if you want to rephrase the title to make sense ill listen

all of those things ARE retarded.
You see how autist you sound now?

I'm no psychologist, but I think ascribing human traits to inanimate objects is a sign of something...

The words you are saying don't even form sentences. GTFO.

i swear to god this is the same faggot monitoring threads he doesn't like just so he can sperg about about boards he doesn't like

lmao sign me up if I get that per shitpost

how do you "support" ending net neutrality? Do you write a letter? Do you adblock websites that want net neutrality? Because I already do that. Do you use alternative services? Because I already do that.

I'm trying to think of ways to get this to work besides having conversations with ISP tech support letting them know how much I want "The Hulu Bundle". I can't.

Don't get me wrong, I'd like to watch the whole thing burn. But I don't know how to move forward with this one.

If something has been retarded it is the past tense version of the verb.


The internet's Sampson Option

>Option 1: Contact Internet Service Providers
The goal is to let them know that you are unhappy with their services. Detail a scenario that's happened to you, or a friend where you were denied access to communication over the internet. This can either be soft banning, shadow banning, outright banning. Ask them what they can do for you as a paying customer. Ideally, these kind of phone calls would work well in high volume. But that will be hard to achieve. So aim to make the phone calls as great and memoriable as you can with the telephone agent.


>Don't be edgy. Don't start Nazi larping and meming over the phone like an autist who's never talked to another person. Come up with a reasonable scenario to complain about: "I posted some stuff about feminism and now my friends can't see my tweets?", "I made a youtube video about its advertiser vias and now I don't get revenue?"
>Don't be an asshole. Be polite and professional. When they tell you there's nothing they can do, be polite and suggest that maybe there should be.
>Don't threaten or do illegal shit. This is self explainatory.
>Remember, we already know that the ISP can't do anything for you. But you need to let them know you're unhappy about that.

(I meant Samson Option, FUCK)


>Option 2: Contact Social Media Customer Support
The goal here is pretty much the same. State that you're unhappy. State why. When they tell you its their ToS and their website, remind them that you're going to contact your ISP and complain.

>Option 4: Operation Plowshare
Operation Plowshare was the US name for using nuclear exploses for peaceful construction. The goal of this option is to create or otherwise gain support from a service on the internet: Social media, file sharing, porn, etc. Once we have their support, we lobby the ISPs to give us a better connection with our customers. Network with groups that advocate ending net neutrality etc.

To be continued...

Contact list/numbers

Please expand on these if you can.