Windows will never make another os as good as this again

>windows will never make another os as good as this again


is this the new Illya thread?


cute trap

Get out with your 3d trannies

You're supposed to look at the monitor

ya mcm has an anime based os, he 27.

literally who

is this a tranny?

98se was the best

I was forced to use 8.1 on my laptop due to RDP 7 being shit.
I like it a lot.
Apparently the performance on 7 and 8.1 is about the same.
Is there any reason not to go for 8.1 on my desktop as well on my next reinstall?


8.1 is the only good modern windows

Just go for 10 and install ClassicShell.

>try to change the color of the bottom bar
>windows picks another color

>Microsoft will never make an os as bot free as this again

End of life for Windows 7 is 2 years 4 months 28 days from now.

Isn't 8.1 better though?


I guess that answers the question.

Too much iliya

no such thing