
What do they mean by this?

not enough wwwww

something like "does a mirror hiss?" only misspelled a little

pzocizk? Zpixwiezek...

kurwa kurwa zyyczywycyyyyzyrrrzzznr

to bestialize

the first word could be "missile"

We don't have x and v in our alphabet.

i hate this meme, check this

życzyć tbqh to wish

Na szczescie szcza w szczecinie

luckily he pisses in Stettin

oon miettiny että näin neitseelisenä autistina elän varsin kristittyä elämää.
En juo tai harrasta esiaviollista seksiä, elän vaatimattomasti ja runkkausta lukuunottamatta taidan noudattaa raamatun kaikkia oppeja.

Niin aattelin että pitäsköhän liittyä johonkin uskonlahkoon. Jos sieltä vaikka löytäis kavereita ja jopa vaimon.
Muistan kouluajoista pari poikaa jotka kuulu näihin lahkoihin, mitälie helluntailaisia tai viidesläisiä, ne oli just mun kaltasia arkoja ja rauhallisia tyyppejä joiden kanssa oli kiva pelata lautapelejä.

Mitäs mieltä nyymit? Kannattaisko liittyä johonkin tiiviiseen uskonlahkoon jos sieltä vaikka löytyis kavereita ja vaimo. Vai tajuaako ne että en usko jumalaan?

Man, your language is wierd.

Basically a bike hose with a small hole in it, modulated by putting more pressure on it.

Well, on the other handy ou say we bark, at least some super butt-flustered pole did.

Pretty interesting.

radio noise or snake hissing are the usual metaphors for Polish

Maxim Gorky wrote that God punished us with the curse of hissing because we were liars and swindlers

It would look much less weird with kyrilik letters.

But so they have to imitate way to many sounds with simple latin letters.

Thanks, interesting to know.

>Polish word for "boy" is Kltzop
>Polish word for "girl" is Dzychkun
>Polish word for "cookie" is Chiavanchka
>Polish word for "man" is Menzcyzcyzcycz

actually your word for girl is "kid" and cookie is "girl"


it's grzdźbrżącz in my local dialect actially, not mąż

Or they could adopt a Slavic alphabet devised anytime later than in the 18th century.

Szczecyn -> Ščecən

problem solved

>being a rabżdrzygan

what's wrong your bydło granda couldn't afford a ticket to Chwaszczyno

Can Polish people understand what I say if I mistake s'/sz c'/cz z/dz dz'/rz sounds and palatalized sounds?

foreigners are not expected to speak properly unless they are from former Kresy

Zyzzwcizzyc= zwyciężyć

No. You have to be a fucking jew if you want poles to understand you

Is this candle or flower now?

>boy - h.Lo.pa.c
>girl - J.ev.chyn.ca

"to win"

fug :D

So those differences wouldn't cause deadly misunderstanding?

>these subhumans breathe the same air as me
>they demand equal rights
>they demand respect
>they are proud
>they fall in love
>they have children
>they die

Wew, I wasnt expecting a few zeds to make me see the light...

most people would understand the context or ask you to clarify

nobody gets mad at foreigners making funny mistakes because only ukrainians and czechs manage to learn polish properly


Aferim, Yunanci effendi.

Kwas deoksyrybonukleinowy wyrewolwerowany przez dwuheksylosulfobursztyniansodukwasudeoksyrybonukleinowgo!

Stop bullying Poland pls. Thankyou.

I'm glad to hear that.
I could distinguish s'/sz c'/cz, but z/dz is same sound for me.
And wi+vowel and palatalized sounds come after enigmatic successive consonants are hard.

It's like 5th Polan bullying thread today, what is happening?
I don't get this mene. Polish doesn't have a single case of 2 W-s in a row.


I just typed random shit


>actually writing down schwa
Why is Slovene so autistic?


what's wrong with ciasteczko


>s'/sz c'/cz z/dz dz'/rz
z and dz are nothing alike
dz is a voiced version of c
if you mixed let's say ć with cz you would be understood, but you would sound like a retard or a baby

it's common in Japanese to pronounce z as dz

>z and dz are nothing alike
Well yes they are
>dz is a voiced version of c
The second half of dz is z. That's why it is spelled that way.

I have never heard a more disgusting language than Polish

at least its not portuguese,

that language sounds like they are all chewing on rocks.

w- suffix
this counts as one tho
>The second half of dz is z. That's why it is spelled that way.
No, it's not. Just like ć is not just c + i


that your useless asses wouldn't exist without the help of polish generals