I just installed an undetectable keylogger on one of my uni's pcs

i just installed an undetectable keylogger on one of my uni's pcs
am i gonna get in trouble

if it's undetectable who is gonna find it?

i'm just scared that's all
i've never done this to my uni before

Is that the avocado guy?

on a thin client? that is going to get reimaged in a day?

if it is not hardware then good luck

>crappy shop
looks like him, what's his deal, anyway? AIDS, or some other disease? Eating disorder?

It's illegal, and they probably have cameras around to catch your dumbass.

nope. it's been 3 days and it's still working. so far only students have logged in, i was hoping for a professor to use it.

this is what i'm afraid of. if they find out there's a keylogger in that pc and they check the cameras to see who put it there, i'm fucked.

He's my pleb. Have you seen him lately?

should have thought of that case earlier son

Oh no the commie is starving, what a shock.

You actually might. Every year people get kicked for t hat.

shit i guess i'm fucked
bye Sup Forums im gonna go kill myself now

who is this fluid devil


probably now that you made this thread

>looks like him, what's his deal, anyway? AIDS, or some other disease? Eating disorder?

Jesus Christ get that thing in a 1400°F wood oven and save that poor cake

Someone post the squat webm

How are you sure it's undetectable?
I did that in my uni too, it's been 2 years now and nothing has happened

It just doesn't get picked up by the antivirus but i wouldn't say undetectable

Delete the keylogger. If it is THAT undetectable you should not be discovered that easy. Carry on, user. Just delete it if you can't deal with pressure

The guy in your pics is gonna detect that shit then come put his genitals in you. IN YOU.


Yeah they have multiple 4k cameras installed in every room that can read your monitor

Repeat after me, "I was there to check my emails"

>looks like him, what's his deal, anyway? AIDS, or some other disease? Eating disorder?
Socialism fuck you up man.

well it hasn't been detected by the school's antivirus, which is just windows defender, so that's what i mean
it's been 3 days now and it's still working
