May we now as an online community of international anonymous people vocalize weird things in different languages

May we now as an online community of international anonymous people vocalize weird things in different languages.

Other urls found in this thread:

if someone gives me a mic i will say what they want

First quest:

Zdravo Marijo
Milosti Puna, Gospodin stobom.
Blagoslovljena ti medju Zenama i
Blagoslovljen plod utrobe tvoje Isus.
Sveta Marijo, Majko Bozja, moli za nas grijesnike,
sada i na cas smrti nase. Amen


go fuck urself burger

excuse you im a kraut

fuck you krautroach

Define "weird"

I will have you know that I'm half German, half English and 100% Aryan.

i am liberator, preaper ur boypusi
kinda late at night.

lawl you sound like a mexican or center american

Read this

Gimme gimme chicken tendies,
Be they crispy or from Wendys.
Spend my hard-earned good-boy points,
on Kid's Meal ball pit burger joints.
Mummy lifts me to the car,
To find me tendies near and far.
Enjoy my tasty tendie treats,
in comfy big boy booster seats.
McDonald's, Hardee's, Popeye's, Cane's,
But of my tendies none remains.

She tries to make me take a nappy,
But sleeping doesn't make me happy.
Tendies are the only food,
That puts me in the napping mood.
I'll scream and shout and make a fuss,
I'll scratch, I'll bite, I'll even cuss!
Tendies are my heart's desire,
Fueled by raging, hungry fire.
Mummy sobs and wails and cries,
But tears aren't tendies, nugs or fries.

My good-boy points were fairly earned,
To buy the tendies that I've yearned.
But there's no tendies on my plate!
Did mummy think that I'd just ate?
I screech while hurling into her eyes,
My foul-smell bowel-dwelling diaper surprise.
For she who is un-pooped on is she who remembers:
Never forget my chicken tenders.

Are you black or a spic nigger?


Top notch

No point asking us to read it if your reading is already perfect m8
No one else could do better and we would all feel bad


Why does this shit require flash :(

Lads just got back from jogging and I had a flatulence so strong I was passing wind with every step, so ferociously that I was afeared I might soil myself.

Post some retarded text

Peбятa нe cтoит вcкpывaть этy тeмy. Bы мoлoдыe, шyтливыe, вaм вce лeгкo. Этo нe тo. Этo нe Чикaтилo и дaжe нe apхивы cпeцcлyжб. Cюдa лyчшe нe лeзть. Cepьeзнo, любoй из вac бyдeт жaлeть. Лyчшe зaкpoйтe тeмy и зaбyдьтe чтo тyт пиcaлocь. Я впoлнe пoнимaю чтo дaнным cooбщeниeм вызoвy дoпoлнитeльный интepec, нo хoчy cpaзy пpeдocтepeчь пытливых - cтoп. Ocтaльныe пpocтo нe нaйдyт.

I mean in english.