What do you guys think? Should African Americans be given a country and then deported there? Liberia didn't quite work...

What do you guys think? Should African Americans be given a country and then deported there? Liberia didn't quite work, but maybe this would.

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It's called Italy

Blacks aren't the majority in any of those states, though.


That's insane. They're not the majority in any of those states and left alone they would probably just genocide all other races.

>Wants some of the most racist states to make up their black nation
I wish they would just fucking move to Africa, but I doubt Africans want self entitled retards either

>Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina removed from the country

Holy shit yes please take them away.

How about just give them Louisiana and deport all non-cajuns and non-blacks from there...and deport all blacks from outside there?

>Wants to secede from the Union because of racism
>The Civil War started because white racists wanted to keep their slaveholding property rights

History really has a sense of humor.

How about a population transfer?
It has worked before. Sometimes peacefully.

We'd lose control of the Mississippi River if we did that. It's not as important as it used to be, but it's still a major shipping route and the Port of New Orleans is one of our busiest. Let's just give them Alabama, that state offers nothing except good college football.

>>Wants to secede from the Union because of racism

They don't. All of those states are, at most, 30% black.

It wouldn't work. Black people are just too settled in the major cities of the Midwest and Northeast.

>We'd lose control of the Mississippi River if we did that.
Good point.

>It wouldn't work. Black people are just too settled in the major cities of the Midwest and Northeast.
They migrated there after the invention of the mechanical cotton picker:

It wasn't that long ago.

>They don't.

So why do they want "a nation within a nation for black people" ?

That was a voluntary movement in search of jobs and to escape from Jim Crow. Very different from a forced migration. And the welfare state today means that black people in the inner city (and poor people in general, really) aren't faced with a choice of "move or starve" like they were prior to the 1960s.

Because they're an idiotic group of radicals that don't represent what black people actually want.

>Because they're an idiotic group of radicals that don't represent what black people actually want.

And how does that in any way, shape or form negate my original post in this thread?

Your original post made it sound like those states wanted to secede because of racism.

No, I was talking about that group of people, the Black Panthers.

Don't you find it historically ironic that millions of people died just 160 some years ago in a war, in order that black people not be owned as slaves, and yet they are here arguing that segregation should happen again.

They can always go back to Africa fucking dumb cunts.

Your cancer has spread here so thanks for that. What you need is to give them a big dose of Zyklon B.

I know an African and he says they all hate American blacks. He calls out their we wuz kangz too.

Africa is full of those countries

Why don't we just deport them to Africa

Why didn't they like Liberia again?


guess they didn't like niggers in charge of shit

US already owns the land and it would be much easier to do it this way.

It turns out countries run by wogs don't function.

Haiti exists already.

Nearly all black, surrounded by water, etc

They had the misfortune of being colonised by the French though

They also are the only country that exists because of a successful slave revolt.

Didn't work out too well for them.

Haiti is a pretty miserable case really, they were one of the most violent and exploitive slave colonies in the Americas (which is saying something), the Frogs sacked that island for almost all it's riches and resources before the slaves managed a successful revolt. Then after that it was ruled by a succession of corrupt dictators who continued exploiting the population and it's stagnated ever since. They never really had much of a hope.

Liberia didn't work because they were foreign there. Them having their own small chunk of the US would be different.

>Didn't work out too well for them.

Yeah, well, you can say that now. But that doesn't mean the slave revolt wasn't justified.

Give them one of those states and use eminent domain to get the non-black people out.

It would be a good experiment to see what an all black state would be like.

You guys should've deported back to Africa a long time ago.

Liberia worked for a while until they overthrew Americo-Liberians.

I agree it was completely justified. The frogs were running that place into the ground and not investing in any sort of development whatsoever (schools, hospitals, roads, infrastructure). The place was basically hell on earth, and unfortunately it hasn't changed much. I'm saying they never really had much of a hope to begin with after the revolt, they were shunned by the international community, and their country was composed of an illiterate, impoverished, and traumatised population who were foreign to the land.

How about mississippi instead? That state offers literally nothing

The river can be the border



Hmmmmm...I think they're on to something here. A prosperous Black state will give a lot of pride to African Americans and a home to look to, since it'll be as African American as they are, in literally the land with the most African American history, well, except that it's missing Tennessee

If the river is the border, then who gets control of the river? Better to shut them out entirely and avoid a dispute.

Is that Africa in their crest?
Why don't they fuck off to Africa if they love it so much?

Look how the French national team looks like.

>That state offers literally nothing
Ah yes, just give them an already impoverished state with barely any resources/stuff to export and see how they go :DD:DDD:D:D:D:DD:D epic D:DD:D:D:D

>The place was basically hell on earth, and unfortunately it hasn't changed much. I'm saying they never really had much of a hope to begin with after the revolt, they were shunned by the international community, and their country was composed of an illiterate, impoverished, and traumatised population who were foreign to the land.

It was even worse than that tbqh.

You should read the book Black Jacobins, by CLR James. Really gives you a glimpse into how shitty life can be for human beings.


I guess they're getting a taste of their own medicine.

The Jews weren't a majority in Palestine either

Which state then ? California ? Carolina ? Georgia ?

>human beings

why not just give all the southern states to blacks and mexicans, and let only white americans live in the rest of the usa?

You are aware that this is int right?

I reckon most African Americans wouldn't move there. If you had a job, family and friends in another state, what motivation would you have to uproot your life and move to one of the poorest states in the Union, which would most likely be very politically/economically turbulent if it achieved sovereignty. Then again you have the fact that those states are still majority white, good luck forcibly evicting a few million of them from the land they've been living in for generations. It just wouldn't work.

>if you had a job
what jobs? the industry in the north was falling apart or started to fall apart as blacks moved there


Creating an independent islamic state run by a militant anti white organization. Hmm, I wonder what can go wrong.
>Protip they are goung to decent into a repressive tyranny, bee extremely poor while blaiming it on you, have different gangs fighting each other, pledge allegiance to ISIS, commit cross border attaks and start shooting missles at you while demanding that you give them water, electricity, health care and free entry to your country.

With enough money you can create a fake country literally anywhere.

Just look at israel.

>Babu Omowale


Or should it be Destroyedland?

You think this new African American state would be booming economically for some reason? There'd be much more jobs and opportunities in the USA.

Won't solve the problem, once they start to murder each others and become thirld world states while north ones get prosperous where do you think people are gonna go ? They will still play the victim card

Giving it a black president would truly make it a black country.

When Suriname and Indonesia became independent the first thing they did was murder all political opposition in their country.

>where do you think people are gonna go
Many western countries have a dysfunctional immigration system, but with political will they could easily deport illegals at much greater rate. In an ethnically homogeneous country (one without a fifth column voting against nationalist causes) whose members have learned from the mistakes of the past, there *could* be such political will.

bit rude of them

They already have a country

That would be unfair to the cajuns who probably have the most legitimate claim to that land below natives maybe.

The original Black Panthers were pretty awesome and it sucks that these assclowns have hijacked their name and logo and are dragging it through the mud. They knew they couldn't establish their own credibility and so they have to try and steal that of others, looking to associate their shitty, racist proclamations with the efforts of the brave and honest men and women who actually fought for the defense and self-determination of black communities.

The surviving Panthers have denounced this new organization time and again. They shouldn't be confused with those who want to profit off of a reputation that they did not earn.

Why are blacks problematic everywhere except in here? Most people in favelas are mestizos and most narcos are castizos, blacks are the less violent

well we'd basically just be sticking to what we've always done with them throughout history

consistency is key

As long as they just take those states, we don't need the shitholes anyway.

Yes, it's worked out so well for you guys thus far

>The original Black Panthers were pretty awesome

I don't think they were ever awesome. They were always black supremacists, as opposed to A.Phillip Randolph and Bayard Rustin, who were simply true liberal people, and the people who really organized the march on Washington in the 60s.

They are the people that deserve all the credit.

The Black Panthers were nationalists, not supremacists. They wanted integration, but they wanted it on their own terms and refused to subordinate their efforts to predominately white organizations. They were chiefly concerned with educating and arming their communities and also ran their own welfare programs. They shouldn't be conflated with groups like the Nation of Islam which actually were (and still are) racist separatists.

I agree that Randolph and Rustin are underrated though. They ought to be household names on the level of MLK.

The South states they mentioned, kind of a weird mix though

Well, the whole Nation inside a Nation thing is stupid, but the concept of having some states having a identity campaign and encouraging blacks to live and work to make a nice little collection of states not only welcoming for blacks, but making a name as the home of blacks, is pretty endearing.

The gangs and utilities will be their problem, just like it is with our States now, they will still be Alabama etc etc

Either it succeeds and it becomes a home and inspiration for blacks, or it fails and becomes Detroit

Of course they want land with pre built industry and farming.
Why can't this stupid niggers go to africa and make a country there?
Oh right it's shit and not as comfortable as they are used too.


Yes, I support segregation.

>tfw Americo-Liberians didn't succeed