I went to church the other day and I instantly felt intimidated by the place as I walked through the main entrance

I went to church the other day and I instantly felt intimidated by the place as I walked through the main entrance
I almost felt ashamed for stepping inside because I couldn't respect the "keep silent" sign at the door
No matter how hard I tried
every noises I made kept resonating between walls up to the 35 meters high ceiling and then coming down amplified
even letting out a whisper made me feel like a criminal
Well sorry Jesus, I didn't mean to disturb the granny sitting on a bench (at a distance that's like half a soccer field from me) with only the sound of my respiration
She probably cursed me in her prayers but whatever

I thought, why would you build a place so cold and unwelcoming if the core values of your religious teachings are love and forgiveness?
It's true, in the summer heat it's nice to have a chilly place to spit some prayers with your hommies but
In the winter it's worse than to be locked inside a freezer, just holding the bible without gloves while singing psalms will make you want to set fire to the whole place
Not to mention, the office is so boring
when you get out of here you're boiling inside and since you're not allowed to be violent for no reason
you kind of want to start looking for people who dont believe in Jesus so you can bash the everloving shit out of them
It was a popular pass time back then by the way

Nowadays, these churches are almost empty
After a century of separation between government and clergy ponctued by wars and countless scientific discoveries,
Our western european country was almost about to proudly announce its victory toward ignorance.
You know, This lack of common sense that is usually crippling over lower classes and impending their ascenscion to the kingdom of heaven as they
resort to crimes and violence of all sorts to feed their younglins
We were almost out of it, even the gypsies were learning to count to ten on their fingers

But then Jewish Mercantilism took over
Government borrowed money to private banks
couldn't pay debnts so started importing muslims instead

then we went back to the middle ages with them
but that's another story

Could you elaborate ? Are you saying heaven is or is not real, and are you saying religion is or is not going to come back ?

Thank you.

This is probably pasta, but
>why would you build a place so cold and unwelcoming if the core values of your religious teachings are love and forgiveness?
As a labour to God. It's not meant to be scary or attract followers, it's meant to show God how devoted we are to him by being really reverent in our worship.

I think Heaven and Hell are imaginary places created by men to find some outer dimensional justice inside of this chaotic mess.

Religion is already here and will never leave.

>t's meant to show God how devoted we are to him by being really reverent in our worship.

I think it definetely misses the point then
I aint following these teachings to show how submissive I can get, I just want a place thats comfy enough for me to share the warmth of my being with other conscious life forms
but these churches have the ambiances of mortuaries

>but these churches have the ambiances of mortuaries

Then go when there is a mass.

You're not supposed to be "comfy" in church. If you want entertainment, go to one of those Protestant megachurches with rock bands.
Catholicism is a very self-sacrificial faith, Christian traditions weren't formulated with fun or comfort in mind.

I believe the ambiance you're feeling should be one of introspection.

Submitting to god is the only way, all else brings misery.

Did you go to a gothic church? They can give you this feeling

Yeah and now we are importing bunch of even worse fanatics and retards than christians from ME.

This is rambling. I don't know if you think this is art, or poetry, or whatever, but if you want to get a point across don't be so vague.

Well sounds like you're not a christian then

Don't fuck it up for those who are.

Could you please explain me what is a Christian ?

Someone who believes in stupid shit.

Phwoar, would you look at the fedora on that one!

the religious impulse in man dies when it is standardized.

Just the truth m8.

It's not the truth but your opinion... the other guy doesn't reply, I presume he doesn't know

>says opinion
>"Just the truth"

Sure thing popelord.

Even ancient aliens makes more sense tbqh XD

It seems your feelings on religion are stronger than people who are religious.
How does it feel to have a hatred towards something that supposedly doesn't even exist?

they didn't make it warm because people spend only few hours of the week in church and it is just not practical to build some kind of heating system that would not damage the interior also when there is only one big masse a week and the whole local comunity is gathered in the church, like it was in good old days, share number of people make place warm. They focused on acoustics more since sound systems are quite modern thing

>organized cults dont exist
What planet do you live in?

are you trying to shitpost?

I'm Christian because when i was born my parents chose for me, and i've never said i believe in Christianity (or a God). But there are some values that remains true even if you're not religious. I know many sides of different religions and I made my opinion and I'm not telling you what I know is the truth

I'm saving this shit thread or destroying it.
Either way suits me just fine.

>Raised in Finland in a casual Lutheran family
>Baptised and confirmed as a kid, and go to church on Christmas and Easter
>Don't really think about religion that much
>Find this website called Sup Forums
>See these cool Americans talking shit about religion all the time
>Decide I should fit in
>Virtue signal about atheism at every opportunity
>Atheism goes from being a mere state of being to a major part of identity
Go out and live your life, mate. No need to feel so strongly about other peoples' business that doesn't affect you.

You think you know finns but you dont.
Americans prolly copied talking shit about religion from finns.
Just because you entered here when australia got it's internet established doesn't mean others havent watched this shitshow earlier.
Finns are only habit christians, except for few muslim tier hillbillies.

>no argument
>does a meme
I suppose you need something to feel superior about. As if not liking church is even an achievement these days.

There's nothing wrong with being habit christian though. The moment people stop being the muslims have won.

Oh we were arguing about religion in 2016?
The fedora must have clouded my vision on that part.

won what?
The fedora tipping competition?
Finns are barely christian by culture anyway. All these holidays etc are pagan shit with a christcuckstamp.
Get real muh nigga.

Can we go back believing in Wodan again?

Just go and join up with the neo-pagans(atheists), I'm sure you'll find lots of meaning and truth there

We found the last catholic of France. Where do you live ? Allier ? Lozère ? Ariège ? Creuse ? ... ?

ayo holl up! you be saying we wuz mudhuts and shied?.
Fucking LARPers