Wake up

>wake up
>see this

wat do

Ignore it and start posting on Sup Forums

Honestly curious who makes those windows. Hell of a seal.

open the window

>day 6 of Indian vacation

I'm more impressed but the sheer strenght of the glass. What the fuck, there's like tons of pressure.

I am not surprised at all

Since he wouldn't be worrying about taking a picture if his window broke and all the water flushed in

Enjoy the comfiness.

Call the Dutch. They always know what to do in case of floods.

Probably because pressure is equally dispersed. Glass is very hard, but brittle. It shatters when struck a fast hard blow, but it very hard to deform etc.

Feels like in a submarine :3

Praise the guys who made that window

i would be very impressed that the water was at the window of my 37th floor condominium in toronto :)

or rather, realize you should've called years ago.

>when u try to brag but everyone in the squad just roasts u harder

LOL nice on chink

>High tide on lake Ontario today?

nice window

It is propably double glassed glass. Many people don't know that the free space between both glass plates is filled with Argon or other noble gasses which itself are under pressure, thus neutering some of the pressure the water applies to the window.

Open the window to see what is going on

>go back to bed
>deal with that bullshit some other day

you could put 20 elephants on average window glass and it wouldnt break