62% of Americans don’t even have $1000 in savings

>62% of Americans don’t even have $1000 in savings

But how do you.... pay for things....

Other urls found in this thread:


credit cards


38% could have $999.99

When I was 10 I already had over 7000 usd saved up. Wtf america?

When I hit as low as 2 grand in my bank account I'm starting to freak out.


>ameridumb education

paydays a big deal, most people will enter poverty mode in the 3-4 days leading up to payday

>Being poor

I have 1000$ in my pocket.

Have ~30k in my checking acct

i get 50-70k a year from mommy and daddy



They do the same In Australia. Only millionaires could hope to purchase a house at your prices with cash only.

>being oil-niggers

Is this net savings or gross savings, excluding debt?
Most people don't get to net savings until they're older, because of house mortgage.

In the fall of 2005 I was 22 and started studying, I had about 700€ and no debts. Parents helped me a bit.
In May 2009 I was ready to graduate except for bachelor's thesis. At this point I had saved up 5517,30 € working part time, and had no debts.
Now In 2016 I have 40592,24€ in deposits, about 16 000 € in investments and no debts.

I should really clamp down on my spending, I could save quit a bit more.
I'm lucky that I don't need a car, but I really should get started on buying an apartment.

there's a huge disparity between ethnic groups as in terms of net worth. White family households have like ten times more net worth than black families. And to answer your question, yes a lot of people live on credit.

fake and gay, proofs?

Net savings.

>not being a rich oil nation

>7000 Euro study debt
>soon B.Sc in computer science
>feeling like shit already

I can't even imagine how shitty it'd feel as an art student or some other subject with 20k+ debt.
I'd probably kill myself.

Well that explains it, most normies have a millstone called a house around their necks


So 49% have no account or $0 in savings account.

It doesn't seem to be net savings.