/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previous thread: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /t/'s GNU/Linux Videos: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


>In some ways, Linux was the project that really made the split clear between what the FSF is pushing which is very different from what open source and Linux has always been about which is more of a technical superiority instead of a — this religious belief in freedom.

>There are 'extremists' in the free software world, but that's one major reason why I don't call what I do 'free software' any more. I don't want to be associated with the people for whom it's about exclusion and hatred.
>-- Linus Torvalds

What the hell, kid. Seriously.

In this exhibit you can see the stallmanist suffering from cognitive dissonance as he learns the truth behind his beloved false idol.


TALK TO ME GNU/oose!!!!

You are asking people to give up their values, of course you are trying to divide people. Free software (as opposed to just open source) has the same goal. Rather than allowing proprietary and free software to live together in harmony, GNU licenses seek to infect every codebase they live in, rejecting every line that does not accept their personal definition of free.

>>>/flt/with your friends.

>GNU licenses seek to infect every codebase they live in, rejecting every line that does not accept their personal definition of free.
This is indeed the best hack rms gave to humanity.

Why don't you grow a fucking brain, you pathetic imbecile.

>post OC memes on r/linuxmemes routinely for a while as a test
>never fails they wind up being posted on Sup Forums and in /fglt/


Reddit is awesome.
You should stay there.
btw I just created a plebbit account just to do the shit you said, but over there.
Because you're a dick.
That's why.

Kill yourself faggot


REALLY like xfce. hade KDE. used to like gnome but now i want to change it even on my main laptop

Ohboy. Now I gotta create 17 reddit shit threads for that one. You're really really incoveniencing me.

>Now I gotta create 17 reddit shit threads for that one
What is that mean?

This thread is kinda dead now. Guess I'll go over to reddit and be a complete fucking asshole and see how many people's day I can ruin.
And you know what? Reddit dicks actually deserve it.
They're generally shitheads, amiright?
And what's the deal with those retards all seeming to think that once something's been on reddit, it should never ever be posted anywhere else? Like they fucking own it now or something. Anything from reddit carries the taint, but they don't own fuck all. What a bunch of fucking shitstains. Fuck reddit. Fuck redditors. Fucking brainless hivemind semi-literate grammar nazis and misinformed fact checkers and upboat karma whores.
Fucking dicks. Every single one.
Reddit fucking sucks.

He doesn't know how to start a plebbit thread.

I'm on Linux Mint 18.1. The update manager shows a kernel update, but I haven't been doing it. Do I really need to update the kernel? I thought that security updates were backported to older kernel versions.


x.x.the third numbers are drivers and other features. the final 4th is patchlevel ~security and bug fixes.
But I've been using arch for about two years and have never had an issue with a kernel update with "update everything" or even with manually installing latest stable ubuntu mainline kernels.

so fresh install of arch and the text/icons are too small to read at a regular distance. I installed xorg-xrandr and used it turn up my DPI but it didn't really help. For the record I have HP Pavilion 22bw

I meant linux mint.


You can also delete old kernels from the view > kernels window of that update applet, but it's not a bad idea to have a fallback kernel.

Thoughts on Qubes? How long until you will consider it a usable OS for day to day activities?

It's already usable for day to day activities.
You just need min 8 GB's of ram for it to be decent at it. All those independent instances gobble it up.

hi, what do I need to unlearn from vim to use vi?

every shortcut.

Does anyone know how to add persistence (on a USB) to live kali linux boot? On Mac osx

Does someone have a guide to using Gentoo with the minimal c stage3?

You can't do this with UNetbootin?

I'm using Debian Sid. What are the top worst case scenarios I must be equipped to deal with in case a crucial "brown-paper-bag" bug slips through the cracks?

I'm not a newbie but I'm also not sure if I have what it takes to deal with the worst yet.

Pls no "have backups" responses, I've got that covered.

Should I just have a liveUSB with Debian on it, or what?

I've been going through the links in the op trying to find a distro to start with, but I'm struggling.

I'm looking for something as lightweight as possible that can be installed without internet. I read on the fglt website that debian can be light, but I'm installing on a shitty laptop, and I'm worried that my hardware won't be supported. From what I've gathered I need internet to install arch/gentoo. Should I just get Mint since it's retard friendly and try to remove as many packages as I can?

>try to remove as many packages as I can
Bad idea, specially if you don't know what you're doing.

Just get Lubuntu and call it a day. Or Debian with LXDE if you're feeling a bit more adventurous. LXDE is a great mixture of retard friendly and lightweight on toasters.

I need some help again.
I think my problem is just that I suck at iptables.
I'm trying to transparently proxy every connection from my computer to the internet through Tor, and I'm trying to do this with iptables rules. Everything seems to work like it should, my ipv4 and ipv6 traffic both get routed properly and non-routeable traffic gets dropped. My only problem is getting TorDNS to work. I have it running on port 5353, and iptables should be forwarding all traffic to the default 53 port to my TorDNS port. And this is where it gets weird, iptables really seems to be forwarding my address lookups to TorDNS because when I kill Tor, I cant look any addresses up. But I can't resolve .onion addresses at all, and sites like dnsleaktest.com show me my ISP's DNS server.
What the hell is going on and how do I fix this?

Been getting help on
stumped on this bs...

mom i'm a h4ck3r
seriously, just don't, it wasn't made for this

And I forgot these, here's my iptables.rules and ip6tables.rules:

*nat :PREROUTING ACCEPT [6:2126] :INPUT ACCEPT [0:0] :OUTPUT ACCEPT [17:6239] :POSTROUTING ACCEPT [6:408] -A PREROUTING ! -i lo -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 5353 -A PREROUTING ! -i lo -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags FIN,SYN,RST,ACK SYN -j REDIRECT --to-ports 9040 -A OUTPUT -o lo -j RETURN --ipv4 -A OUTPUT -d -j RETURN -A OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner "tor" -j RETURN -A OUTPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 5353 -A OUTPUT -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags FIN,SYN,RST,ACK SYN -j REDIRECT --to-ports 9040 COMMIT *filter :INPUT DROP [0:0] :FORWARD DROP [0:0] :OUTPUT DROP [0:0] -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT --ipv4 -A INPUT -p tcp -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset --ipv4 -A INPUT -p udp -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable --ipv4 -A INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-proto-unreachable --ipv6 -A INPUT -j REJECT --ipv4 -A OUTPUT -d -j ACCEPT --ipv4 -A OUTPUT -d -j ACCEPT --ipv6 -A OUTPUT -d ::1/8 -j ACCEPT -A OUTPUT -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT -A OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner "tor" -j ACCEPT --ipv4 -A OUTPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable --ipv6 -A OUTPUT -j REJECT COMMIT

And I have these following lines in my torrc:

DNSPort 5353 AutomapHostsOnResolve 1 AutomapHostsSuffixes .exit,.onion

Does installing Steam and proprietary nVidia drivers defeat the purpose of using GNU/Linux?

I'm curious if VAC is installed on Linux and if the nVidia drivers run telemetry like on Windows.

Basically just getting your packages in a state where apt refuses to do anything if you don't fix shit but it won't dl stuff to fix it because you haven't fixed it yet. And that case you can fix by either opening aptitude and choosing one of its suggestions or grabbing and old version of the troublesome package from snapshots.debian.org and using dpkg -i to install that.

stallman would argue it's against the point, but linus wouldn't
personally i'd say that the point is that you can do whatever you like with the software, and that includes running software on it that doesn't allow you the freedom to do what you want with it
basically, you have the freedom to choose

1. Don't install official NVIDIA drivers, they were good once ago, but now Nouveau is leading.

2. If you want to use any propietrary software, just put it into sandbox such as firejail. Then you can be sure it isn't going to get out out and use telemetry.In other words... SANDBOX EVERY PROPIETRARY SOFTWARE YOU HAVE IN YOUR POSESSION!

>Does installing Steam and proprietary nVidia drivers defeat the purpose of using GNU/Linux?
I see you have been taken in by the exctremist libre rants. Only a minority of linux users use it because they are triggered by proprietary software.

>Don't install official NVIDIA drivers, they were good once ago, but now Nouveau is leading.
That isn't true at all.

>1. Don't install official NVIDIA drivers, they were good once ago, but now Nouveau is leading.
unless something has changed recently, this is only true for the free AMD driver, not nouveau

(amdgpu-pro = proprietary, mesa = free)

An OS that requires 8 Gb of RAM to work? And people bitch at Windows. Why?

Ah, I kinda see (from the wiki page), compartments, Chinese boxes.

Anything I should change to boot Linux? I had a problem starting it on a PC, maybe I did something wrong here.

What telemetry(tm)? Stop using buzzwords created by proprietary software to make collecting data sound better.

Stop using Linux Mint.
Install Ubuntu with Cinnamon.

1) Why?
2) Is for work and I was asked to install Mint

Because it's a shitty downstream distribution which doesn't contribute anything apart from bugs and problems. You are using an outdated Ubuntu for no reason.

Whatever, I still have this problem to deal with, Mint or Ubuntu.

BIOS/UEFI problem: you didn't choose the device to boot from or the priorities are messed up.

The Linux Mint boot menu works, I start the thing and it stops working giving me that no signal thing while displaying a bunch of lines like "No Caching mode page present"

That feel when you finally write a bash script to convert your space-consuming flac files to ogg. Never felt the need to learn bash before.

Good for you friend. Maybe next time it'll be more than a one-liner

that was just stallmanquest retitled

Do you guys have any idea what going on here? I'm trying to boot off USB

>"I want/need things that are always guaranteed to work out. I don't care about the details, I just care about whether my needs/wants are catered"
>very dependent

>"I love to impress my family, friends, colleague and acquaintances. I have too much confidence in myself. I'm also trying hard to be a l33t haxor"
>prefers to wear shirt that are one size less or shorter pants
>is most likely a manlet and doesn't wear socks

>"I like uptime more than anything else and I prefer to choose things that are known to work than going against the flow"
>prefers the road most travelled than unknown shortcuts

>"I am a phantom in the stage people call 'world' and I like to use tools where I have total and absolute control over and be able to use it to its maximum"
>have total control of the 4th dimension called time and is very flexible when making tasks
>is most likely taller than average and have a very hunky body and husky voice

>"I am one step ahead of everybody else even with this imperfect human body. I can get things done at the end of the day - it's all that matters"
>probably below or above the average BMI
>very impatient and likes to do/fix it as fast as possible "begin last, finish first" is their favorite saying

>"I prefer simplicity and most of all the beauty in the little things that matters and matters not"
>have total and absolute control over ego and desires
>optimal physique and very precocious while having a cute voice TL;DR u r a qt

>"I prefer to get things done but I don't want to deal with everyone's problems. I am a centrist.
>just get shit over with
>probably don't care about what is blabla or what isn't blabla

>"I prefer to use technology for working or personal reasons and be able to use simple tools that will get the job done fast"
>most likely a developer or an underground fucko
>knows their shit though
*BSD (except osx)

After 30 mins it booted in and its slow as molasses, mouse movements take upwards of 10s to register

Actually now it's just completely frozen

What did he mean by this?

How good is wine for playing visual novels?

Do this is the power of Linux in the desktop, I spent almost 20 mins filling out the installer info at less than 1fps/10s and now that it's installed it's just as slow on my SSD I don't even know what to say

has worked fine with the few i've tried

That he really doesn't give a shit about anything other than the freeness of software. Even things like social conventions, worthless. The freeness of art? Irrelevant. World hunger? lol.

fake and gay

He does send some silly mails though.

Just realised I don't need wine anymore, so I removed it and all lib32- packages.

» sudo pacman -R $(paclist multilib | cut -f1 -d' ')
error: no targets specified (use -h for help)

I guess it's safe to remove multilib now?

I'm looking for a FOSS code analyzer in the likes of Locmetrics, any recommendations?



H-hey /fglt/!

Is there a low bloat e-mail client on GNU+linux I can use instead of mozilla thunderbird?

Preferably with the option to import my accounts from thunderbird.


Does it support newsgroups too?

I forgot to mention that.

please re submit your question with the right information

Is there a low bloat e-mail and newsgroup client on GNU+linux I can use instead of mozilla thunderbird?

Preferably with the option to import my accounts and subscriptions from thunderbird.

claws-mail is nice

Anybody else having problems with the last wine update on Arch?
Tried a few things and 2/3's of them give "Floating point exception". Downgraded to 2.14-1 for now and everything works just fine.

Why aren't you using gtop?

Looks like it would cause a 50% CPU utilization itself.

Okay, that is it. I was shilling unity and shitting on kde just a week ago, but now I am done. What is the best distro with kde? And I am not very fond of upgrading all the time.

KDE global menu when?[/spoiler]

>cant kill processes from list

systemd 234.11 leaks

>implying testing

have you noticed moar ram used for nothing recently

openpepe according to Sup Forums folklore

So, I had been using Antergos for about 8 or so months and it just shit the bed so I'm looking to use this restarting as a chance to potentially switch to a different OS, anyone have any recommendations? I've gotten gradually pretty familiar with Linux and it's workings but I still do wanna learn more. Anyone have any OS recommendations?

inb4 install Gentoo

highkey not tryna dedicate my body and soul to linux

if I want to run just Debian with i3 and no DE, what crucial things will I need to replace? Pic kinda related

KDE is a metapackage.
Basically a list of packages.
Make package manager list what metapackage pulls in
Copy paste the obvious deps and the stuff you know you want into cli install command, and let your package manager sort out the rest.
When I used arch, there was a full kde metapack, a lite version, and separate kde-games and such metapaks. There was a way you could get pacman to install the metapaks and then delete the metapackage itself without removing the packages it pulled in. I've also seen the same idea detailed for other distros, but don't remember the exact commands.

>have you noticed moar ram used for nothing recently
No. Should I? Everything is fine apart from wine-2.15-1

I want to put a lightweight distro on an old laptop with an i3 and 4gb of ram so my mom can browse with it. What's something that's secure that I can setup once and forget about it?
Preferably something that'll update automatically. I was considering Lubuntu, Zorin Os, or PcLinuxOs.

>shitty downstream distributions (except for Lubuntu)

Install Ubuntu on it and forget about it.

arch is a stepping stone

>giving your mum 13

>Just say NO TO DRUGS, and maybe you won't end up like the Hurd people.
>-- Torvalds, Linus

>implying he likes any kernel other than his own

>"I claim that Mach people (and apparently FreeBSD) are incompetent idiots."

Will Aur packages auto update with pacman -Syu?