Is Python really as bad as Sup Forums says?

Is Python really as bad as Sup Forums says?

I actually kind of enjoy using it...

NOTHING is as bad as Sup Forums says

Except for AMD, AMD is worse than what Sup Forums says.

Its not bad at all. You've been fed a bunch of lies

No, python is great.

What do you like most about Python?

Python just sets you up with bad habits if you ever decide to learn a real language that has things like memory management.

How? If your quarrel is GC type stuff many languages fit that bill

Sup Forums is a bunch of schoolkids and pajeets who think that to program hello worlds in C or Haskell in /dpt/ is any better than to program in MATLAB, R or Python or C++ or anything. If you want a good opinion ask more experienced people who you know how things work.

Tbh I love python, though it is somewhat ezmode. Scientists and people who just have to do some data analysis love it because it's so ezmode and they don't have to worry about the low level shit.
Also, since it has Qt, you can make cross-platform GUI programs without having to know shit about programming which is kinda nice.

Wow, home-bred couch-expert! what else can you say about me habits?

It's just fine.

I work in data science and frankly I much prefer R, however Python is okay too. My only real gripe with it is that the designers of the Python clearly have opinions on how you should structure your code, so it begins to feel very restrictive if you do anything complicated. The indent blocks are one example, but I also remember they were trying to remove lambda functions, map, etc. a few years ago and there was an uproar. I always feel like there's no escape from deep nested control structures in Python.

I'm not a "real" software engineer but my impression of it is that it doesn't scale well at all to complex problems and all of the math/data power is just stuff written in C++ passed with Boost.Python, it's not by any real virtue of Python itself.

Will I be a real programmer if I learn Python and do topcoder/hackerrank, Sup Forums?

It's pretty good if you want to do stuff like data analysis or simple scripting

Huge amount of easily accessible libraries, too

But that all comes at a price

I frequently work in sub-4k memory environments with about 64 bytes of RAM, so Python won't cut it there

There's nothing wrong with Python if you just want to learn Python, but if you're learning Python to learn programming in general then you're dumb. There are far better languages for that that will both teach you more about programming concepts without teaching you retarded Python habits that you'll have to unlearn if you try and move on to a different language.

>I frequently work in sub-4k memory environments with about 64 bytes of RAM, so Python won't cut it there
Not much will cut it there

>retarded Python habits
such as?

Most complains on python are quite like complaining you can't break concrete with a screwdriver.

Pretty much C and maybe C++ with a simplified standard library.

>not having memory management makes programming language not real.
This opinion is so hot I almost got burned.

Yeah, Python requires at least 512 bytes of RAM.

Please elaborate more. What bad habits does python teach?



it teaches you that it should work just like you expected it to
