Post homescreens. What apps does Sup Forums use regularly

Post homescreens. What apps does Sup Forums use regularly

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Fuck off stupid attention whore

Been working on this over in the /wg/ thread.

How do you set up automatic download with antenna pod? I'm trying to use it to replace my current app, but having no luck with it

Also note there's a clock and battery bar in that interface.


Please give me icon pack, wallpaper, launcher, widget app and a tutorial.

Please excuse Jewbook.



The wallpaper is just a generic image, pic related.

The icon pack is The Grid. The launcher is Nova. I used KLWP to make the animations and clock and battery and whatnot myself. I'm working on a way to make a popup weather panel and other shit. Theoretically I can export the preset from KLWP and upload it and you can just download it and apply it. I'm not sure what assets you need or if it saves them and exports them as part of it, though.

That's clean as fuck

Post the wallpaper please, friend of mine is obsessed with Kantai, her in specific

Here you go m8

Larger image


What android Sup Forums reader do Sup Forums use?

Love it.
Pic related is smartlauncher

Stopped caring about ricing since I got an OP and can change icons on stock launcher. Shelf is neat too, replaces the one on action launcher that I wanted to use but couldn't because widgets wouldn't update on it.

r8 and h8

I realized that the best aesthetics I'm getting without rooting my phone (Google Pixel, big mistake) is to just make it as clear as possible.

post wallpaper and i'll give you a 10/10

Normie here

Still a work in progress.
The smaller hexagon slowly rotates around, and the larger one gradually changes color.


Sure thing, user

Also, if you want the full image

are you using microG?

Are there any good non-proprietaey launchers? Nova Launcher is proprietary right?

Yes. I like kpop

k-pop is just american pop with ching chong wing wong and flashy dances. J-pop uses legitimate jazz chord progressions and is usually written by competent musicians with cutesy ching chong wing wong vocals. J-pop is infinitely better.

Here's one with Red Moon turned off.

You seem confused. America never had any good pop or music in general. It's all trash. You're thinking about Europop and while k-pop is similar it's much better.

I do agree that J-pop is good.

Looks a lot better with it on desu. You should change the colors

K-pop literally sounds like American shit-pop only in a different language. The music is centered around the voice, much like American pop, and so the notes and melodies of the instrument usually take a backseat, leave only a wall of techno wub wubs and beats.

Wow, its been a while.


I use my PSP emulator a lot for tekken



What's OGInsta+


Not him but:

OGInstagram is an unofficial Instagram client that lets you access your account, publish photos, follow other Instagram users, and do pretty much everything you can do on the official app. The main difference is that it also lets you download photos and videos from Instagram.

The entire OGInstagram interface is identical to Instagram's in every way except instead of reading 'Instagram' along the top part of the interface it says 'OGInstagram'. Everything else – profiles, photo feed, search tools, etc. –is exactly the same.

The main (and pretty much only) novelty on OGInstagram compared to the official app is that when you press the share button you'll get an option not just to share the image or video link, but also to download it. This download takes place in the background and it goes directly to your downloads folder.

OGInstagram is an Instagram client that offers more features than the official client. The best part: it makes downloading videos and pictures from Instagram easy.