Tfw grown out of Sup Forums but have nowhere else

>tfw grown out of Sup Forums but have nowhere else

I hate how the pseuds are so in my head I'm going to finish reading books and that I find boring (manufacturing consent and guns germs and steel and snow crash). I don't even have the balls to live life how I want. I feel the need to go through SICP even though I'm about halfway through and it has stopped feeling as useful. If I lived according to my tastes I would immediately postpone SICP and stop reading those books or other boring books. I simply don't have the balls to live according to my intuitions.

I have no short, easily rememberd, always correct life philosophy that will tell me what to do and I hate myself for it even though I know it could never be created.

People who espouse philosophical beliefs or lifestyle beliefs are all hypocritical snake oil salesmen astrologers. Even the ones who aren't selling you something are like nails on a chalk board when you don't want to be spooked.

I over analyse my life to a stupid degree. Real example: Should I read books on my phone on the train for 20 minute journeys to read more books? Will this type of efficiency simply degrade my life in to an information consumerbot? Is it a sign that I am hard working? What if it's not worth it because I would pick worse books than I'd read at home? Is it worth reading books 3 to 6 pages at a time? What if giving the mind nothing to do is the healthy and smarter option? What if it's not and I bore myself for no reason?

>aged 26
>no friends or social life since 18
>no female attention ever
>went through university with zero social experiences
>became the loner nobody talks to within two days of my current job
>never been to pub, club, or party
>missed out on all the 16 - 22 formative social experiences that people look back on fondly (teen crushes, school prom, school dances, university fresher's week, any sort of relationships at all)
>know that women all have 5000 tinder matches and think the average male is ugly

>tfw grown out of Sup Forums
You'll get over it.

I was at that stage 7 years ago.

is this pasta

Pretty much this. Been on Sup Forums since mid-2006, and on Sup Forums since late 2007. Thought it was a complete waste of time by late 2008-2009, but I'm still fucking here (did manage to get a two year hiatus from 2013 to 2015 though).

How was the hiatus?

Reddit may unironically be a nice place for you. Over there is a more diverse user base with great communities that actually discuss the thinks they love instead of trying to piss each other off.

I just come here to shitpost, so I don't have to do it over there and keep reddit a better place.

It was nice, to be honest. I've never had so much spare time as then, when I didn't spend literal hours on shitposting.

Honestly I agree.

Reddit is definitely PC and whatever else but it does seem like a much better place to gather information and discuss things. Especially in smaller subreddits that arent affected by people making dumb puns for karma.

it's your future, kid

I had cut down up until a week ago.
Sup Forums is killing my degree.

>I just come here to shitpost
This. I come here for fight club + loose talk about subjects + dank memes which are 10x the quality of Reddit.

That's the reason I cut back as well. Then of course, I completed my degree and started working on my PhD, which led me to start back up again.

Start lifting my nigga. Lifting is not a meme but if you're autistic you still won't get nice women but your mind will slowly adjust into fake alpha male.

Sup Forums.

I lift.

Doesn't help I sit om Sup Forums between sets on my phone and post all day when I come home

You didn't miss much

Well, when I left Sup Forums gold passes was still a joke and moot said no to captchas, and when I came back moot had gone full jew and implemented captchas and paid accounts.

That's my point

Nothing of value

yes, reddit is the place to go for real discussion, especially for niche topics. in order to have a real discussion you do have to compose yourself in accordance with basic internet etiquette. so if you absolutely cannot even control yourself for long enough to contribute to a discussion without calling everyone poojet niggerfaggots and saying that intel is run by jews, then Sup Forums is the only place you will ever be able to interact, and you will end up a jaded, miserable social reject like OP. this is the place to come for unfiltered bants and actually good and fresh memes

and before anyone tells me to "go back", i have been on Sup Forums since it people were unironically posting "epic win" so you can go chug your own dicks.


>visit Reddit for genuine Twin Peaks discussion, since the Sup Forums threads went to shit after the revival got popular
>any given day
>at least one thread about some attention seeking faggot getting a tattoo
>HEY CHECK OUT WHAT MY GF DID FOR ME, pic of some shoddy sweater
>retarded discussion that has no base or reasoning whatsoever, idiots eat it up until...
>inevitable counter thread that shits all over aforementioned retarded one, dethroning the current widely held beliefs in one fell swoop
>"Here take my upvote!"
>"You. I like you."
>certain comments that are otherwise innocuous are hidden because of their stupid rating system
Nah, that website is a shithole. I'm sure the Sup Forums equivalent would also be just as niggerfilled.

Are you me?

Not really. The subreddits ive used are much better.

I've unironically learned way more about political theory than Sup Forums.

Has people who hold records regularly posting, among others with impressive lifts. As opposed to fat neets on /fit/.

People with procards post there.

Every single claim is sourced and discussion is actually intense

>r/netsec and r/malware
Not bad subreddits either

That's pretty much all my experience with reddit but so far it's been great.


Simpsons was right again

shut the fuck up idiot
don't you understand what's happening here?

What does this have to do with technology?

i'm 33 now and i've accepted the fact that i'm here forever.

you have to go back

you have go fucking back
>i come here to shitpost
this explains everything, we have to end that mentality of coming here just to shitpost, fuck off plebbit

>Every day, once a day , give yourself a present.
>Try to make everyone feel good and work to mitigate suffering in all living things
>Love your self more than anyone else.

Works for me.

go back

You can use both sites tho