What are your favorite vim plugins?

What are your favorite vim plugins?

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Doesn't all that take a while to load?

no not really, bruh.

Are they lazy loaded?

i dont even fucking know mang. I am just using this github.com/timss/vimconf with changed colors and some extra plugins. I am a total noob when it comes down to vim. it loads pretty fast and just works for me

edit: oh apperently it doesnt use lazy loading since it is still in the todo.

someyhing something I like emacs more

As soon as you get to the point of plugings, you should realise emacs is better. Go install Evil mode and delete dis.

>emacs is better
It isn't.

lot of tpope plugins, as expected
vim-repeat vim-surround vim-commentary

some semi handy text objects i use a few times a month
kana/vim-textobj-user kana/vimtext-obj-entire jceb/vim-textobj-uri glts/vim-textobj-comment

undo tree

syntastic but less slow

less bloated powerline with git info
bling/vim-airline and airblade/vim-gitgutter

diffs when files mismatch

easy aligning

very comfy tmux intergration with running build commands in split with one bind

the only tex plugin that worked without problems on my system

theres some others but I use them so little I might delete them now after noticing they're still there, could also go with a plugin that does commenting out words easily (vim-commentary only does lines from my experience)

looked over a few, tommcdo/vim-exchange is a nice thing to have and scrooloose/nerdtree comes in handy too

Vim auto indents to two tabs. How can I fix this?

by using google

I want org-mode for vim FUCK

taglist is the best thing ever, working with ctags is all you need to explore a large code base

Maybe this is a good place to ask:
Does anyone use or know of a plugin that automatically detect indentation of a file and set the indentation in the editor to match?
Plugin to comment / decomment selected lines or words so it works the same way regardless of language?
Updating of current file like if you do a got pull and the file gets updated or shows that there is a situation I need to deal with?

Google yields no relevant results, senpai.

No it doesn't, it just has an 8 column tab width as default. Look up the tab width setting.

what font is that?

vim-sleuth? i'd probably just use editorconfig (or a //vim comment line)

Thanks. I fixed it with set shiftwidth = 4

here's my vimrc, it's basically perfect


gruvbox is great, isn't it?


What color scheme do you use?
Getting tired of space-vim-dark

yeah, I used to use vividchalk, which I still really like but gruvbox is a bit easier on the eyes
if you like syntastic and you're using vim 8 you should check out ALE

Isn't vim organizer the same thing?

There is an org mode for vim though

What is it?
Not exactly

git gud

This is all I have currently. Looking at syntastic recetly.

Use ale linter instead


Nothing masterrace

:set compatible

is all you need

May I recommend Raimondi/delimitMate as an alternative to somini/vim-autoclose, fám? It's more up to date.

vim uninstaller

How do I fix the fucking colors on vim's background? The term emulator supports 256 colors and my color scheme works for syntax, it just shits itself for the background color and I can't seem to fix it.
It's not an issue with the color scheme since it does it with monokai and solarized too.

Sublime Text Editor!

:highlight Normal ctermfg=Grey ctermbg=Black

Doesn't work m8, it just disables the color scheme altogether.

vim-sneak, if you rebind the stupid defaults (i use '-')
vim-renamer fucking genius, I have a bash alias for 'vim -c Ren' because it's so useful.
goyo.vim great for writing.
vim-table-mode good for markdown

Ale looks really nice, will try it..

I like Molokai

Stock vim with only one line in .vimrc
set num

set number
set relativenumber

Is here any reason to use vim if I just write HTML/CSS/PHP/JS all day

>goyo.vim great for writing.
You mean like, prose writing?
I've thought about trying that, but wouldnt this require jumping through a few hoops to get two easily toggleable 'modes' set-up and running on vim, one for writing and one for programming?

seems like a bit of a pain

Someone help I'm still on it and it's driving me fucking insane
I checked every question pertaining to this on SO and nothing worked

There's always reason to use vim if you spend a lot of time editing text. Modal editing is tried, true and superior. Vim also has tons of really nice features for HTML/markup languages in general if you hunt around for plugins and snippets, as well as out-of-the-box support for markup tag text objects.

The real question is, are you willing to learn it? Are you dissatisfied with your current text editor? Do you have a little bit of time and patience to burn? It's your choice.

programming text editor in 2017 require plugin for autocomplete and running programs/debuggin right from editor



if you're writing punching in :Goyo 72 or something is not hard, making it toggable is not much harder.

I've whittled everything I need down to just these. I honestly could do without the completion plugin. However it is nice to be able to just pull up documentation for python/go without having to leave vim.

I use rodjek/vim-puppet at work though, makes working with large puppet modules easier.

What's your TERM set to? Are you using tmux?

I know with tmux I needed a combination of crap in my conf to get it to cooperate.

Use what works for you. That's the whole point. If you don't want to use vim then don't.


I've used this and gruvbox for quite awhile, I always end up going back to hybrid though.

tmux is usually what fucks things up for me


Yeah, I had to add this and launch tmux as tmux -2 before I finally got everything to cooperate.

set -g default-terminal 'screen-256color'
set -ga terminal-overrides ',screen-256color:Tc'

>he hasnt seen the wonders of EVIL yet

What are your vim startup times? What plugins are hurting your startup times the most?

320ms total here

Weirdly enough my colorscheme took 51ms to load, longer than any plugin.

use vim --startuptime vim.log to get a profiler log

>using vim as more than a txt editor
how pretentious can you fags get



Boy, you can use Emacs as a fucking window manager. We can have a few plugins.

123ms on Neovim here. My biggest hit is 'opening buffers'. How many plugins do you have? I've got like nine.

>How many plugins do you have?
8, and they're mostly lazy loaded and don't really impact startup. Mine only takes a long time because I'm on an old computer. Takes 72ms on a better computer.

Jeez, how old?

7 year old laptop with a Core2Duo. I mostly just use it is a dumb terminal for accessing remote servers

I don't fucking understand why do you guys argue so much about vim/emacs
I tried out both and they still look old as shit and impractical compared to notepad++
They can't even compare to it desu

This is bait.