I can major in whatever I want anywhere I want. How do I make big money in tech?

I can major in whatever I want anywhere I want. How do I make big money in tech?

Make software for hedge funds and other finance companies. As long as you get the right connections to enter the industry, you've literally written your future self a blank check. As many millions as you want.

Steal a good idea and get lucky i.e right place, right time

Just steal other people's ideas. Find something existing, make a variation on that idea (just enough to be able to claim to be different), and then assert yours to be better.

Look into your crystal ball and find out what the big buzzword is gonna be in five years. Go get a masters' degree in that.

Become a CEO.

lucky ball says tough luck



They make fuck all on average though.

What do you think enterprise salesman make?

Hint: over $150k for sure, and many make much more.

Pro tip: Millennials suck at sales so the field will be short staffed going forward.

Developers make more on average according to Payscale.

Major in marketing and use your skills to trick VCs into giving you money.

This is how both Microsoft and Apple have been doing business since the start

Mine Ethereum

It's have to be less than 30% equal, as Suits has teach me.

If your parents are rich and have friends in tech, you'll make lots of money.

You won't make good money unless you're good at something.

You won't be good at something and put the time in unless you enjoy it.

Choose something that interests you and excel at it.

If you do this, you will spend most of your time attempting to explain things to people who haven't even grasped the basics; and very little doing what it is you excel at/enjoy.

don't bother, you will always be poor

Actuarial science if you're not a brainlet

Hey m00t how are you? Long time no see

Go to bed, dad.