It's without 15 4 in Moscow now (was half of four when I opened Sup Forums). What's your current time, Sup Forums?

It's without 15 4 in Moscow now (was half of four when I opened Sup Forums). What's your current time, Sup Forums?

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Go to bed boris, youre drunk.

>half of four
Half of the fourth ofc. Excuse my poor English.

Revolution time tovarich

Time is a social construct.

I don't drink, it's early in the mourning, I want to know what time is it.

What will we do with the drunken borya
Early in the mourning?

Sos your moms chastity

That doesn't even make sense.
Practice your banter, Josh.

>without 15 4
>half of four

is this some king of drunk slav vodka code?

Its 11 12th of 10 here.

quarter to 4 and half past four i guess

You know what se doesnt make sense?
Your moms memories of last night

Nah half of 4 must mean half 3/ 3:30

Put him in the bed with a tovarisch captain's daughter :3

4 - 15 = 3:45.
3:45 is 45 minutes of the fourth.
3:30 is the half of the fourth.
3 by noon is 3:00 p.m.

You guys say 'half [x]' all the time in the UK, like 'it's half six' instead of 'its half past six'

It's 3:02 right now

No no, you really must raise this banter quality, Ethan.

What about now?

Captain has only a son, genosse.
Tяжeлoe тeбя ждeт yтpo, бpaт.

His kot is fine too.

Half 4 makes sense to everyone with over 10% of their grey matter intact.

15 4 means what? 4 minutes past 3?

21:11 and It's still wednesday. God damn, I hate living in the past

That man has grammatical personality disorder (or just a "i'm completely fucked up in this language"), i guess. There's 4:16 ante meridiem on the clock in the NW federal disctrict (here's the Moscow, Sanct-Petersburg, Veliky Novgorod et cetera).

11:28 PM (23:28)

8:29 PM

Like i raised your mom off my cock?

Why would you do that? Are you gay?

3:02 in muri-faggot-ca