Rate my 16 year old self trying to program a 2d game engine

Rate my 16 year old self trying to program a 2d game engine.
These are just some examples.
Was this acceptable? My code hasn't changed that much in the past years.

Loading tile images as plain bmp lol.

I don't want to

Map loading with MSAcces database.
I just keked very hard.

OP is 17

How did you know?


If you're not programming homebrew games to run on the SNES hardware, then what are you even doing?

Looks bretty basic OP, typically middle school code or early highschool.

Is that Delphi?

>i just keked very hard
you talk like youre underage. grow up, get cynical, then come back

I'm sorry, but you need to be 18 to post on Sup Forums.

Good one on you for coding these while bored in CompSci class, OP.



Why not?

Good stuff

I don't see anything wrong. And I don't understand what are you starting this thread for.
Of course it's acceptable as long as it works. Nothing looks particularly shitty, and even if it did - does that really matter?

Or are you one of those purists that upload code for reviews? That's retarded m8, don't do it. Or at least gtfo off Sup Forums with it.
It works = it's good.

I just noticed this in my old backup folder and I wanted to share it. It doesn't even compile. But I think you are right. At the end of the day the quality of the code doesnt matter as long as you don't fuck it up pretty bad. Nowadays compilers do wonders.

It just seemed like a strange choice for a young person. I learned it in high school in 2003.

Nah, it's what I learned first and what Im used to code. Now it's really hard to me to code in other language. I think I fucked up myself by learning Pascal as a first language. I want to learn other languages but I always return to Pascal.

I wrote a C compile at 12. Get on my level noob.

I ran over glowing CIA niggers at 9/11 years old.

I programmed my own DNA in machine code while just a wee sperm.