What western country would be the best for Russian immigrant?

What western country would be the best for Russian immigrant?

south east France, there is already a lot with orthodox churches aswell.

I think a lot of Russians immigrate to Canada.

You have high unemployment. Also most of Russian youth are total fedoras now days.
Yes, moving to Canada is very popular. Btw Australia is popular too due too the loose immigration laws, low unemployment and very high salaries but it's so far from Russia that it is less popular than Canada. I would choose Australia over Canada t b h because of climate (Canadian is same to Russian and it's certainly bad for guy with asthma).
Also majority of Russian immigrants are engineers, workers of programmers because our industry has almost died but our educational system produces tons of engineers every year and IT is seen by many young people as an opportunity to move abroad.

I think Australia is a great opportunity for a new life I actually recommended Canada because of the climate but if you want to chill out after work go to the beach or something Australia is the place to live!



Lol. Poles are mad rusophobes. Also it's poor shithole which is not much better than Russia. I would got there only to get EU passport and move further to the West.



>if you want to be a wageslave i suggest going to germany, there are already many russians and people from former Soviet union here.

Not a problem, if you're educated and experienced in your job.

If you're neither, and want to move, unemployment anywhere will be a problem for you.

Germany or Sweden, I heard they like muzzies...

only lefties, our orthodox friends quite dissaprove muslims, its always funny to watch

I know this, this is the reason why you should invite more of them this will make the muzzies running for their ass

It's not about religion, it's just a racism actually. We are totally okay with Tatars, western Caucasus peoples at home, and we have problems with Armenians who are Christians for example. Most of Russians are irreligious. Maybe you mistake Russians with other Slavs, idk.
Germany is good but Germans seem to be big xenophobes and it's very difficult to fit into germs society as people in 2ch/em/ say. You will always hang out with fellow Russians and other immigrants there. But Germany has tons of job and great welfare, yes. Also my grandy was there already, lol.

>Not a problem, if you're educated and experienced in your job.
Dude, even educated and experienced frenches complain about the unemployment now.

Romania. It's like a Mini-Russia. You'll feel like home.


>It's not about religion, it's just a racism actually

You mean you don't like arabs because they are arabs ? In fact it's the very reason why nobody like them...

But no it's not why this user said, actually russian tend to dislike muslims here, but's it's maybe because they are arabs because even Chechens don't like arabs and niggers...

Ireland. We like (white) foreigners here.

t. in norn ireland visiting family

Chechens are very nationalistic actually so I see nothing strange in it. Russians en mass don't like black and brown people so Christian and Muslim blacks would be seen the same and no Russian would have real problems with Bosnians or Tatars. People here don't like people from Southern Caucasus the same despite Armenians and Georgians are orthodoxes and Azerbaijanians are shias.
You are not better than Russia.
Isn't your economy in shit?

Ukraine or Belarus actually is the best western shitholes for Russians. Europe is full. USA is also full of Russian Jews. I'm one of them. (мoи poдитeли из Poccии) And also think about Canada or Australia.

It's really blown out of proportion. I'm in engineering and people out of my school get 90% employment before graduating.

Иди нaхyй, тeм бoлee pyccкиe eвpeи ничeм, кpoмe фopмы нoca oт pyccких нe oтличaютcя. Hy и бля, вce oкpyжaющиe cчитaют тeбя pyccким (и coвepшeннo cпpaвeдливo, нaдo зaмeтить).
>And also think about Canada or Australia
Haибoлee aдeквaтныe вapиaнты, пo вceй видимocти.




Wew. So, I just fell for memes? What about your politicians treating unemployment as No.1 problem of France?

Sorry, I didn't understand your message, I can into russian a little bit. Пpocтитe, Янe гoвopю пo-pycки.

Fuck off. We're full.

Come to california
Everyone comes here


England, we share your love of excessive alcohol consumption


there are loads of Russians here for some reason

Full of what?

Most of your "Russians" are khokhols actually


>Pedro trying to stop whites stopping the niggerification of his country
Full of shit

>и coвepшeннo cпpaвeдливo
Toлькo вoт oни нe cчитaют ceбя pyccкими, вce eвpeи - лютыe нaциoнaлиcты. Хopoшo бы pyccким этo пepeнять.

Full means corpulent in Russian, maybe it's a pun :D

Full of shitskins.
>any difference

I've been reading up on this subject for a long time and, take it from me, there is no way for you to live a better life abroad unless you are an IT specialist or an engineer/architect/doctor. But if your knowledge is not attached to a particular country you can find a job anywhere provided that you know the language.

It is, but mainly for old people and for newcomers.

If you have a degree in engineering, or if you have a relative experience, then enterprises are hiring, it's just that it's either shitty jobs or they want experienced guys.

>Full of shitskins.
>0.6 Arabs


It's pretty much the same shit except here it's hot as fuck and we have more blacks and gays.

Israel. We're like 25% Russian speakers

Won't work out unless he has jews in his pedigree.

mate our economy is growing at the fastest rate in europe

the USA like any immigrant that isn't muslim

Fucken lold. Russian economy in a world of shit.

Countries built on immigration like US or Canada are a good choice. Especially since you already speak english.
As for my country, not sure if I can recommend it. Germany certainly has a good job market situation, but integration is not as smooth as in US for example. Furthermore, you would have to learn German.

No one like muslim, especially Assyrians in Södertälje lol

Idk i meet goy Russians every day so I'm not sure how they get here but it's possible

Sweden ofc, try Karlskrona, FRA won't mind. :-)

Oh no, Poland is level down


Ironically we have a lot of Polish and Ukrainian people too kek

Don't remind me about polish diaspora. There are few of them here posting under american flag and all of them are afraid of telling that the're polish irl.