/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /t/'s GNU/Linux Videos: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

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Install Source Mage

My ssd died last night and I'll be reinstalling OS' today

As a normie user of i3, will I notice any differences if I switch to Debian from Arch? I don't think I had anything crazy installed from the AUR that I would be missing. Is Debian stability over arch a meme in Q3 2017?


I like arch better because the software is newer.

Stability just means old in debian terms. There's no reason to use debian on anything other than a server.

I like how the gnu tryout section start at 0, nice touch.

Looking for a daily driver OS that I can install steam, etc onto to maintain some normie status but not be on botnet 10.

I feel like I had a lot of stability issues using Antergos and i3 in combination. Specifically in combination because I was getting issues in i3 that I wouldn't get in Antergos with Openbox or Solus with i3.

As someone who generally doesn't do much 'under the hood' work I was wondering if I should install the exact same antergos + i3 setup again or try something different.

>repeating the same old meme
How about gaining some knowlege?

install openSUSE Tumbleweed

Are you saying that Debian packages are newer than Arch packages?

>anything behind arch is old
If you don't want to trigger people try using more precise terms than "old".

While I don't know your problem or even Antergos really well, I figure yea, you should just try again if you feel this is the only problem you had.

'cause it sounds more likely that this was a bug somewhere in the Xorg - i3 stack or something rather than a profound distro specific issue.

Apart from that, if it's just i3, why not try awesome wm or some such another powerful automatic tiling wm? Not like that's TERRIBLY profoundly different.







How can portage be the best package manager if it's written in python, the most unstable clusterfuck of a programming language in the known universe?

>Apart from that, if it's just i3, why not try awesome wm or some such another powerful automatic tiling wm? Not like that's TERRIBLY profoundly different.

Ignoring my problems, what would be the reason to switch / what does awesome provide over i3?

I guess because i3 was the first I used and worked, switching would have felt like "distro hopping" to a similar de.


No, but they aren't older also if you use Sid.

Please user, make me want to install gentoo again.

No, the point really only was that other tiling WMs ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiling_window_manager#List_of_tiling_window_managers_for_X ) should probably offer a viable alternative to i3 in case it specifically STILL bugs out on your machine and Antergos.

Not going to try and write a treatise on all the subtle and not so subtle differences in features and default configuration and how they might be superior or inferior - it's only a suggestion for another pretty nice tiling WM with a good bunch of features that you might try first when dodging a bugged i3.

What are some cool terminal commands?

in hopes i get one

dd if=/dev/urandom of=/etc/resolv.conf

For disabling acceleration you could try xinput set-prop "$id" "libinput Accel Profile Enabled" 0 1
you can get the id of your mouse from xinput --list

alias killscreens="screen -ls | grep Detached | cut -d. -f1 | awk '{print }' | xargs kill &> /dev/null && echo 'Done.' || echo 'No detached screens found.'"

For ffmpeg and mpv you can use apt-get build-dep to grab the build dependancies and then just grab the source and follow the instructions.

Regarding speakers you will have to give more details like how you "know" they are not detected, what DE, what they are connected to, pulse/nopulse, penis size.

systemd-analyze plot > startup.svg

Actually, the commands that do the thing you need done are the cool ones.

function awktunes() {
awk 'function wl() {
return (rate/160)*(0.87055^(int(rand()*10)))};
while(1) {
if (wla==wlb)
a=b=0; c=128;
ca=40/wla; cb=20/wlb;
de=rate/10; di=0;
for (i=0;iwla)
{a=0; ca*=-1};
if (b>wlb)
{b=0; cb*=-1};
if (di>de)
{di=0; ca*=0.9; cb*=0.9};
while(c!=128) {

general smgl manual
cast smgl-setup
man smgl-setup

sorcery tui settings manager

update sorcery
sorcery update

update grimoires
scribe update

rebuild everything
sorcery rebuild

rebuild packages needing an upgrade
sorcery upgrade

cast and reconfigure spell
cast -r

reinstall dispelled package from cache (if you still have it there and don't want to recompile it)

after casting new spells you need this to have apropos, man -k, and whatis

list grimoires
scribe index

to check for broken installations
cleanse --fix

delete completely a spell
dispel --nosustain

What a waste of a post.

echo -e \\e#8

Cool commands senpai

curl cheat.sh

Try this:
printf 'main(t){for(;++t

bash or zsh or fish?

zsh has better tab completion and such. Most of my scripts are in perl or python anyway.



installed manjaro with xfce, worked gr8. now whenever i shutdown or reboot(shutdown -h now) it freezes after closing everything.

it gets stuck on my background so i assume it isn't closing xfce?? pls help

I've made some observations about people who use zsh and I know why most of them think it's better than bash.

People switch to zsh either to be special snowflakes or because they see cool zsh prompts in desktop threads or because they hear it has better completion (I personally don't think it does).
Most of them have no idea that the same look can be achieved with bash, that you can embed commands into your PS1, they probably haven't heard of PS2, PS3 and PS4 and they probably don't even know what readline is.
They haven't heard of inputrc, they don't know how to add custom keybinds to macros in bash, they don't know that you can change the editing mode of the interactive shell to be Vi-like.
They don't know about incremental search nor do they know about different completion settings.

Some may say that it's better for scripting, but scripting in a non standard shell is pointless, since you still need to know POSIX scripting and in most cases bash, since it has more features than sh and unlike zsh it's everywhere.
If you want to use a sane language for scripting, use python or if you're working on a larger project, you might also want to consider using a non interpreted programming language like C.

Zsh users are mostly ignorant impresionable people, hipsters of all sorts including nu-male macfag webdev sitting at starbucks types and most of them like to pretend to be cool for using a non standard shell while barely having scratched the surface of bash/readline and I do not want to be associated with them in any way.
In order to make an informed decision about which shell to use, you've got to at least know the basics of both shells and what readline is and what you can do with it.

I personally don't see a valid reason to switch to zsh. I think zsh is bloat mostly for the sake of it.
There might be valid reasons to use zsh, but most people certainly don't do it for valid reasons.

If you want to customize stuff or adopt a huge pre-customized configuration, it's probably zsh. Gazillions of configurable features.

Also good for your-own-use-only scripting. Zsh's scripting dialect is ultimately more pleasant than bash's if you ask me.

But bash and fish aren't weak either. Maybe you just should try them all.

>If you want to customize stuff or adopt a huge pre-customized configuration, it's probably zsh. Gazillions of configurable features.
I'd say thats a meme. All shells are customizable.


>does the job
>doesn't come in your way
>muh gnu
>muh gpl

zsh has completion across remote hosts for SSH commands and seems to tab complete arguments of commands better. If there's a way to add that to bash then sure, I'll switch back.



I chuckled.

and also

nothing you can't live without

t. Bash shill

nice, I'll check those out
thanks user


Not to this degree. It has been a primary focus of ZSH to have in-depth configurable features for almost 30 years now.

It's somewhat the EMACS of shells. No, not every other shell has as many features and tweakables- the gap is generally quite large.

>pulse/nopulse, penis size.
Don't know what you mean?

Also I want to compile because outdated versions of ffmpeg/mpv


But is bloat, most features can be done with an .inputrc file. Please educate yourself.

zsh is easier for newbies to rice, yes. That is even a valid reason to use it.

>zsh has completion across remote hosts for SSH commands
I know scp has a bash completion function on debian that completes remote files. Just checked for ssh and it doesn't complete for remote commands but it is certainly possible if anyone could be bothered. Here is the openssh-client completion btw if you want to copy _scp_remote_files() termbin.com/fy9g

>there are people in this ITT thread RIGHT NOW not using the GNU shell

>zsh is easier for newbies to rice, yes.
Examples? It's not like that PS1='benis@benis%' or alias ohmybenis='echo benis :D' is hard.

i'm with bash

>That is even a valid reason to use it.
It is not.
Noobs need to learn the standard shell first.

That is a lot different than installing a theme manager for zsh and switching through them until you find something with sufficiently decombobulating pastel colours and unicode emojis buffeting your poptart sparlkilng cursor.

>Noobs need to learn the standard shell first.
You sound like a really terrible person.

So I deleted very much small and medium sized data(Ebooks etc) from my drive and my System was quite unresponsive, even MINUTES after the Files where succesfully deleted,

I'd like to know what exactly happend with my System. With confidence I was able to fire up some monitoring tools. But I am not quite sure how to review what really happend. Here are 2 screenshots, maybe someone of you can explain to me why my (Dec.2016 1200€) fapping machine stroked so hard on this one

ohmyz.sh/ might be a good start. Or less fun, just the documentation at zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/

As one quick indicator, look at the builtin functions of zsh zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/Functions-Index.html vs bash gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bash.html#Function-Index

What file system are you using?
Where did you learn english you weirdo?

>You sound like a really terrible person.
You sound like a person to whom it makes sense to run before crawl.

>collection of aliases, which work 90% on all other shells, much mac crap, much chucknorris and LOL
>installing a "plugin manager" to set up aliases and functions
>end up with a huge configuration, can't remember a single command
good for beginners, yes

Is it worth spending time actually learning bash/CLI? I've been using linux for a few years on and off now (like 6) and I kind of only know enough CLI to get by, I learn more when something comes up and I have to.

redpill me on GNU shell, bash is comfy


why aren't my Ktorrent files seeding?

>I really don't write often in english
sorry for that

ext4 ontop of LVM on a SSD

If you don't have a terminal open 24/7, you only have 10% of all the fun. It's worth it.
Start writing some scripts which automate stuff you do daily to kick off.

I have a terminal open 24/7 (yakuake is top-tier dropdown) but I use it for mostly brainlet activities like youtube-dl

all the time you've spent on GNU (and Linux) without honing and utilizing your CLI skills are wasted

Does installing source mage takes as much time as gentoo? Do they have binaries?

>installing binaries on a source based distro
gentoofags are embrassing
whats the point, showing off the gentoo logo?

I still find it a comfy OS, more comfy than windows, I don't consider it a waste, my computer is a tool more than a fun project. I just do CLI work when something breaks.

>uninstall your file manager, your graphical editors, package management frontends, graphical archiving tools, torrent client, etc
>replace everything you can with CLI/TUI
>do this for a month

because nobody is downloading lol

>not using the C Shell

it's useless and tcsh is no better

>not writing your own shell

install gentoo

I use the gnome-shell.

Wizards Assemble!

Advanced users of GNU/Linux (and I mean advanced), remember to try Source Mage GNU/Linux. True source-based distribution, and (in contrast with Gentoo and Arch) is:
Free from obfuscated and pre-configured code.
Fully committed to GPL, uses only free software (as in freedom) in their main package.
With even the documentation licensed as FDL.
Without 3rd party patches, sensible defaults or masked packages.
Doesn't need obfuscated python libraries, only bash.
No systemd (they've implemented their own init scripts system sourcemage.org/Init).
Uses clean dependencies as they came from upstream developers, which by the same provides instant updates.
Can heal broken installs.
Can also use flags.

Do you like Arch Linux's AUR? Do you like Gentoo's portage (or ports-like) package manager? With SMGL's "sorcery" you get all that. Making new spells (package build files) not found in the grimoire (repository of spells) is easy sourcemage.org/Spell/Book

Bash hackers welcome! Come and join sourcemage.org/

Installing SMGL is easy, here's the simplified process:
>boot a live Ubuntu (or whatever) USB drive
>go to SMGL website and download compressed archive of the base system
>partition and mount partition(s)
>extract the archive onto the new partition(s)
>chroot, set root passwd, hostname, configure network and locale, write fstab, install grub/lilo
>compile a kernel (preferably the newest stable one from kernel.org)
>update sorcery, grimoires and the build toolchain
>rebuild the system (hold spells you've already built, so you don't build them twice)
The install guide will hold your hand through the whole process sourcemage.org/Install/Chroot
Do the chroot method, since the regular live ISO method guide is out of date currently.

Here's a list of common commands: pastebin.com/i4DALaNV

>You sound like a person to whom it makes sense to run before crawl.
Nope, I am someone who thinks you should let people choose their level of immersion. You don't need to know posix shell to install themes and post in desktop threads, you don't need to be able to write scripts to drive a linux desktop. As much as it may make you or me sad these are facts and taking a passive aggresive approach to people who like things you don't like is not a helpful attitude.

>file manager
I can already do all of this in CLI

>package management
same deal

>graphical archiving tools

>torrent client
don't see the point of this, just makes things harder to manage, maybe I could see the value if you mean setting up the back end of an rTorrent web interface or something

Is there anything more to learn about CLI? Maybe I should be looking at learning bash scripts now for automation

I have written my own shell, but I'd rather use a more full featured one.

Took less time on my laptop than with gentoo

Which is the best software to create a boot-able USB. I need to get off wincuck immediately.


rufus is good

Transmission had a nice ncurses interface which is dead easy

Try rufus.

I'm managing 700 torrents right now, the GUI speeds things up immensely, I have no doubt I could run most things in CLI with little issue, just whats the point if its less efficient anyway?


>You don't need to know [X] before knowing [F(X)], where [X] is a statement and [F(X)] a derived statement from [X] via rule [F].
You need to if you want to understand [F] and I want people to understand [F].

Thank you

>not using rtorrent

I used SystemRescueCD but had to point to bash to chroot, installation is easy, will try port a spell next