Why are you wasting your time with Ubuntu, arch or gentoo

And why aren't you using OpenSUSE leap?

Because Debian exists.

Because Fedora is comfy

Name 10 reasons to use it over arch.

> Using distro with old, outdated packages

Only need one: Because I want to get work done and not have to spend a week fixing X.

Not an argument.

give me 102 reasons to use arch over mcdonalds


Too busy using pic related.

Why aren't you using a pure distro?


>no pic
really makes you think

Can't get over how ugly that logo is. Even Sup Forums could make a better distro.

but pic related is the best distro IMG_3189.png


>check repository
>no unity de

OpenSUSE has no reason to exist, at all.

You want something .deb based? Use Debian/Ubuntu.

You want something .rpm based? Use Fedora/CentOS.

You want something source based? Use Free/OpenBSD or Gentoo.

Opensuse is better than fedora, at least Leap and SUSE Linux Entrepris share the same source, not like Fedora and RHEL, basically Fedora is a beta test for RHEL

special snowflake?

Muh old packages, I couldn't care less about how old they are, they just werk, that is enough for me.

Well for starters Fedora is a desktop distribution providing up to date software, OpenSUSE Leap is an LTS release aimed at servers. Now if you want to compare OpenSUSE leap to anything compare it to CentOS, which shares the same enterprise base as RHEL.

If you prefer OpenSUSE that's fine, I'm not trying to persuade you to move over to another distribution by the way.

Fedora KDE is superior to OpenSUSE (both Leap and Tumbleweed), which is supposed to offer the "best" KDE experience.

Sadly, OpenPEPE is one of the worst distributions out there. As much as I've tried to love it, I can't. It's ideas are good and it tries to remain relevant but in reality, it's just awful.

I don't really like YAST.

I use Qubes, would this template be better than my Fedora ones?

>> Using distro with old, outdated packages
Debian testing has fairly up to date packages, fuck, if you're batshit insane use the "experimental" branch, the shit's more up to date than Arch.

because btrfs fucked up my hard drive last time i used it

>Fedora has a package manager that is slow as fuck.
>Fedora is forcing users to beta-test Lennart Poettering showelware before it becomes useful (looking at you, PulseAudio)
>Fedora still likes to break it's users systems. Recent GDM loop in Fedora 25 really turned a lot of users off.
Stop shilling this shit of a distro. openPEPE is a fucking miracle compared to Fedora.
That being said,
S L A C K W A R E | 4 E V E R

Doesn't show password prompt for disk encryption when running in a virtual machine. Ubuntu just works.

I use os leap. 8/10 great

Because anything touched by Novell in anyway is garbage.

Because my OpenSUSE machine is not currently powered on :^)

>{Other distro}fags GTFO reeeeeeeeeEEEEEE

For years I was still using a slackware system I set up using 90-something floppies.
Only stopped around 2007.

Using ubuntu now, because I got tired of wasting time.

Because systemd. Why use something infested with systemd when you could use void, gentoo or devuan?

tried it but its a huge pain to get some things installed compared to Debian or arch.

All Linux distros are basically the same. I use Ubuntu because it has the most mainstream support.