The English language has no words to distinguish 'free speech' from 'free beer.'

>the English language has no words to distinguish 'free speech' from 'free beer.'
>when you talk about 'free software', they always think free-of-charge instead of FOSS

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This is why I have taken to saying free (libre) software in cases when there is any confusion.

Can't freetards just call it 'liberated' software?

>I use liberated software.
>You mean, you pirated it?
Yeah, no. And to begin with, liberated from what?

You should switch to a superior language, OP. Voisit puhua vapaasta ja avoimesta lähdekoodista ilman että kukaan luulee sinun tarkoittavan ilmaissovelluksia

That sounds more autistic, honestly.

Personally, I think that most people, except for layman who are out of the loop entirely (in which case, you're an idiot for trying to lecture them about the ethics of software, because they couldn't give two shits about free software) understand what you mean when you say free software.

I've heard Starbucks-drinking hipsters talk about using Emacs and how it's free software, so I think you're okay, OP.

Proprietary licensing. The four freedoms.

ya it's pretty gay.

that's why i always say FREE AS IN FREEDOM

> (You)
>Proprietary licensing. The four freedoms.
Even if the software never was under propriety license?


>the English language has no words to distinguish 'friendly love' from 'romantic love' or 'family love' like Greek
>if you want to say to a close male friend you love him as a friend, you have to walk on eggshells and be extra careful that he doesn't interpret it the wrong way

Liberated from proprietary control over the user, in comparison to the norm.

I know it does but there must be a way to definitively describe free software accurately in one word. The English language lacks it but 'liberated' is the closest we'll get. Liberty software even. Saying 'free' will always confuse people even when talking within the subject. There's tonnes of 'gratis' software which is proprietary.

The alternative is right behind Richard.
Call it software livre. Livre is a word that is associated with freedom, not in free as free-of-charge.

romantic languages have a bunch of other words for money related stuff, so this misunderstanding never happens around here.


I have found that anyone who has actually taken the time to read any of those click through proprietary EULAs will understand what free software is and why it's valuable.

Proprietary software = "botnet software"
Free software = "notnet software"

qt Finnish language teacher gives you qt three minute lessons. :)

Underrated kek

Why not just call it freedom software?

He can go back to speaking Hebrew then, dirty ugly kike

I think libre has a better chance at entering the lexicon. The US already has a large Spanish-speaking population of which already know the difference between 'libre' and 'gratis.'

If you're not talking to someone that already knows what free software means, open source is a perfectly fine term to use.

Like eastern europe by russians?

What did he mean by this

I'd just like to sperg out for a moment. Luckily, Stallman already did, which saves me a lot of typing.
Saying "open source" makes it sound like something for those spergy coders and developers, what with their source codes and everything. Free software is about more than that.

It don't matta

Outside of Sup Forums, no one will understand what you mean when you say things like "Free as in Freedom" or "Free as in beer". So say what you want. It isn't a limitation of the English language. It is an oversight by the nincompoops who came up with this philosophy.

You're an idiot

I platonic you

gratis speech

(of love or friendship) intimate and affectionate but not sexual.

Do you not know what an adjective is? I guess we should define that for you too.

a word or phrase naming an attribute, added to or grammatically related to a noun to modify or describe it.

So if we take out your improperly used adjective your sentence turns into "I you." You want to make sure that you use adjectives to describe what you want to say. so say "I platonically love you" or "I have platonic love for you"

>tfw Polish language has no words to distinguish "free software" from "slow software"

>On my world, it means "free as in freedom"

>ywn say "I romantically love you" to a qt gf

Why not just say open source?

Software can be open source but you may not have the freedom to change the code.

In Polish "free as in freedom" sounds exactly as "slow as in slowness"

Yeah, right. Von freien und quelloffenen Programmen zu sprechen, wäre vielleicht eine bessere Möglichkeit zu beschreiben was gemeint ist. "Frei und quelloffen", wobei "quelloffen" für nicht-technikaffine Menschen reichen sollte.

Just say "freedom software"
"freedom" instead of "free"

Didn't mean imply anything negative about your post user. That Man of Steel quote popped in my head after I read your post.

Twoje zdrowie! (Nie mówię po polsku)

Just call it "Free and Open Source" or "Free as in Freedom software" or "Freedom respecting software"

how do you pronounce it in english. "Leeber" or "Leebray"?

You do know RMS is more about free-of-charge/free beer software instead of actual FOSS software.

People misinterpret him so much, he's not forcing people to give out their source code, just that the software is free.
FOSS is just the extreme of it.


Jesus Christ, call it open software, and make a big stink about the difference between open and open source.

How do I say "I'd like some private tuition please Paula" in Finnish?

>>the English language has no words to distinguish 'free speech' from 'free beer.'
Which languages have this?

Quisque erat quam, tempor a mauris non, fringilla pharetra turpis. Suspendisse eget sapien vitae libero rhoncus pellentesque. Suspendisse ac ex id ante euismod maximus sed ut nulla. Vestibulum egestas in lorem sed consectetur. Mauris id diam eget ipsum facilisis facilisis. Sed vestibulum metus non auctor imperdiet. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc consectetur ex ac ex ullamcorper sodales. Aenean accumsan mattis velit, at rutrum tellus tincidunt sed. Curabitur in enim varius velit euismod auctor at eu neque. Suspendisse tortor quam, iaculis et nibh sed, auctor viverra ipsum. Fusce libero nunc, sollicitudin a imperdiet ac, mattis a libero. Proin maximus sit amet libero at porttitor. Morbi tincidunt tortor ac sem aliquam semper. Donec id dui tortor. Praesent dignissim ornare nunc.

Portuguese for instance
Gratis means free as in beer
Liberdade means free as in freed

br phoneposter pls go

>I love you, man. Platonically of course.
May as well just say
>I love you, man. No homo.

But the "libre" term was taken from French

True patricians say libre software

In a few years absolutely everyone will understand the word libre

I know that, and if the discussion goes anywhere you can bring that up, but if you're just introducing the concept to someone, "open source" works because it's less confusing for them. It's autistic as fuck to try to include finer nuances of a subject when explaining something to someone unfamiliar on the topic.

I'm not fucking French

thats why I support open source and not free software get fucked mememan

thats why you use freemium for "free" software.

So liberal?

>no homo
How much more normalfag can you get?

>this tryhard totally-not-normie-I-swear
Don't you have a workout to continue?

>speaking anything but English

you're irrelevant anyway

I don't understand why we need to specify the "free." Just call it open source software; all open source software is free in both meanings of the word.

no one thinks this

>no u

>has no words
it has a word it is free just because the common plebs are using it wrong is not the fault of the english language

thanks you for your hard work you have been much herpfur

english is one of the simplest and most shit tier languages out there

which is why it's so common. every retard can learn it

>has no words
>"free and open source" are not words
Thanks for the english lesson OP

At least it doesn't sound like shit.
Lingua Franca should not sound like French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese or some slavic mumbling.
German could work too, but English works better due to lack of words that sound like Unduturudigungingang.

>German could work too
lmao, German might be the ugliest sounding language ever.

Nah, French beats it hands down.
Then there are guttural groid groans - those still technically count as languages.

"Open source" and "free software" are different things, and introducing one as the other puts the wrong one on as the focus.



This is why I love knowing native Spanish and calling "software libre" and everyone gets it

That sounds even gayer you fucking idiot.

just say you use American software. Most languages don't have any translation for 'open source', but they acknowledge that America is the land of the free and the home of the brave

Stop posting, RMS hates the term FOSS

Most European and Asian languages.

I think English speakers understand that too.

Most countries see America as the land of obesity and military strikes.

>English has no word to distinguish between girl and girl (male)

is that a spaghetti vape?

the word you're looking for is 'context'

often times you need to be smart enough to judge what the word implies depending on the situation, low IQ's gtfo.

>the land of obesity and military strikes
AKA abundance and power

he knows our secret.

kill him.

but it does

trap, ladyboi, boipussi


If I have the source code no one can tell me what I can or can't do with it.

nobody assumed that a Sup Forums basement dweller made money with software anyway

then you say free as in freedom or copyleft

I just call the entire concept "software freedom".

That is false.
You might very well not have the right to change/modify/distribute it without commiting a crime.
In that sense open source software (and GPL software) can (and often is) not free.

>He minimum rinikadinka [your name].

No thank you.


slobodan is free as in freedom
besplatan is free as in beer

>the English language has 2 ways of pronouncing every letter
This is why I pronounce .gif as gif(t)

poo -> loo


>beady anglos literally can't be fucked to decode and read any written language other than their retarded, non phonetic, arbitrary one
Fucking brainlets