Node.js forked over alleged CoC violations

>Reasons for fork:
>"Repeated ToC violations by an authority figure went unaddressed."
>Not sure what ToC is, but the alleged violations appear to be of Code of Conduct.
>Alleged violations are described here:
>Most links are private, but here are the public ones:

The fork is at

Other urls found in this thread:

>social justice and codes of conduct
>'developers' with pronouns in their twitter bios
>feminists with aposematic hair

All shit that nobody cares about

If you were wondering, that means "warning colors".




SJW broads confirmed for nazis.

This Node.js shit going on right now is particularly egregious since the neon-color dyed hair women who are trying to kick out the one developer are using "muh privacy" shit to prevent the accused from disclosing the specifics of their accusation.

It's a SJW/FOSS witch hunt at its apex.

honeslty node needs to be forked by less stupid people or ECMA needs to get off their ass and make a "desktops and servers" spec that just extends exactly what's outlaid already.

node's dubious runtime choices of doing really stupid shit like wrapping source files in function wrappers now make it at odds with ECMA6 anyhow. fuck them.

Quality post.
Do you think this is the apex? That would be nice, but I am afraid SJWs won't rest until tech is completely split along the now-forming political lines. Like, if you contribute to project A, project B will scan your GitHub history and ban you on sight.

wtf I love node.js now

A fork with no reason of existence. Not that I care since I don't use node.

SJW are corporate tools so little surprise they would be mobilized to kill any open source some rich Jew doesn't like.


And they say National Socialists aren't really Socialists.

no thanks. I don't want more transpiling aids.

also last I looked dart is basically dead. their binary package link points a 403 forbidden and no distro packages their runtime.

not only that ECMA6 and 7 basically added literally anything good about dart in javascript anyhow.

I just want Joyent to get fucked. their bindings are half assed and their JS is even worse.

I was thinking of picking up Node on my vacation for API development with Express, but this whole code of conduct shit was giving me the second thoughts (I was almost going for Swing). Let's hope with this fork the node.js becomes focused on real coding.

>I don't want more transpiling aids.
None is needed on desktops and servers.
>also last I looked dart is basically dead
It is back because +++Google+++ now uses it internally. is superior to Node.js.

This fork is by the SJW's so don't expect any coding, lots of issues regarding COC, white males and other bullshit.

Anything these new gen feminists touch goes to shit so please let them all be contained into their own shit repo and we can look at them like they are in a fucking petting zoo.

Dart is an different language which doesn't allow direct interaction with JS, has no implicit type conversion but meanwhile neither static typing. Also they give no shit of making a REPL.

>conduct coders create their own feel-fork
>Node devs continue working on Node
Doesn't seem like a bad deal really.


Liberalism bring the worst of us

That's rape.

ya i know but like i said. apt search dart does not return dart. dnf search dart doesn't return shit either and fedora 26 pretty much packages everything under the sun which makes me wary of using the language.


ya ok man, whatever.

>SJW fork maintained by warning color hair "developers"
They will write a whole book of a CoC and nothing else, the fork will die very quickly.

Is 'botanist' of higher rank than 'artisan'?

Dart also requires some bizarre internal Google build tool (that they built because existing build tools were not flexible enough for certain cross-platform Chrome-related thing) to build the binary.
says here "help wanted". who is better in making logos than Sup Forums

>that they built because existing build tools were not flexible enough for certain cross-platform Chrome-related thing

now I'm further turned off the thing. lol


so are you sticking with node are you going to switch to something else like go? i want to know where nodejs developers are going.

this x inf

nginx is c, you can use plenty more languages in your handlers e.g. java, but lua is pretty comfy

issues and pr section is mostly trolls

what do you use openresty for?

Which one of you did the last one?


They had to use it because of Dart has integration w/ Chrome to allow build of Chrome with native Dart support enabled.

$ ayo holUp.js


probably none of us. there are people other than Sup Forums hating these transnigger jews

just imagine having to work with these abominations

>so u is sayin?
>woah hol up hol up...

So all the triggered trannies are trying to take their ball and go home? What precisely is the issue? Let them. And then ignore them once they do.

Quick rundown:

So there are 3 alleged issues against this guy Rod Vagg:
1. He apologized to a user who had been moderated. (He admitted he shouldn't have done this, and apologized for weighing in on the issue without getting context.)

2. He used names of companies when commenting on a public issue, and failed to edit his post. (He says he did edit his post soon after, but wasn't specifically told to remove the company names.)

3. He tweeted an "inflammatory anti-code-of-conduct article", and then tweeted screencaps of responses, which showed his pleasure in upsetting people. (The article was about speech codes on college campuses, and he tweeted it asking people to consider the downsides of CoCs. He tweeted the screencap saying he wanted to start a discussion, and the tweets in the picture were 1: saying they wanted to shit on his laptop, and 2: asking if he was an idiot.)

So basically, the TSC (I think) was asked to vote on whether they should kick him out of it, and they were split, but the majority voted not to kick him out.

Then, some people got angry, including some TSC members, and decided to fork Node.js into Ayo.js. "Ayo" is pronounced "I.O.", and is a play on a fork that was made a while back called io.js whose purpose was to introduce some new technical features to Node.js, and was later merged back into Node. In comparison, Ayo hasn't really done anything of value, and is basically just a fork for political purposes. Someone requested that NPM add support for Ayo.js, but (at least the dev who responded) said it didn't add anything of value. (NPM did support io.js when that was a thing.)

>As an open and welcoming community, I suggest not stating how "ayo" is pronounced. Instead, let's gracefully accept all pronunciations.
>[Edit by @zkat: Bye ]
>{ Title Removed } #20
>zkat changed the title from [redacted title for intentionally racist content] to [redacted] 13 hours ago

Yep, I meant that with those cancerous people focused on their own trigger-safe bastion of CoCs maybe that shit will move away from the Node.js repo.

absolutely disgusting
migrating my project to golang right fucking now

but this is a good thing. now that all sick people are gone, node can finally be a happy place

webapps/sites (saas), the available modules and documentations are best in class imo

openresty + postgres, I just copy over the .conf and
>docker build;docker run;
for deployment, ez

currently making a html5+websocket game

user, it means that Node is now free of those kind of people, since they all hopped over to their new political correct fork instead.

All I did was click on a link and saw

She's a qt tho.

Thanks for a good post.

I'm using nodejs because I"m not fucking using gjs or some other bullshit completely different desktop javascript and my life is dependent on fucking javascript anyhow.

also i like javascript, but I'm not a huge fan of Node.js

She is a 3.5/10 whose only limit on screeching is her anorexia.

Guys, this is actually a great thing - we will see how TolenUX would be run in real life.

As if you needed any more proof that web development is irredeemable cancer.

Article he posted:

>nginx is c, you can use plenty more languages in your handlers e.g. java, but lua is pretty comfy

ya ok, whatever. I read the project description and it has nothing to do with my complaints of node.js

I don't use node just for webapps, I use it as a full fledged desktop scripting language because I actually like it and find it better than python in almost every way other than the underlying runtime and OS apis.

more qts

also to add on that. gjs use to be ok but gnome 3 has been dropping the ball hard on gjs. I don't want to write GNOME's fucking interpretation of C#/Java (Vala) and GTK+ is gross without using Vala because fucking C.


lmao that filename

I can't wait until someone decides Electron needs to support both Node and Ayo. In the future, I imagine there will be a million choices for using Electron, instead of the default Chromium/Node.js/V8.

>Do you want Node.js or Ayo.js or [third meme competitor].js?
>And are you going to use V8, Chakra, Nitro, Spidermonkey?
>And Chromium or Servo?

NPM is run by know nothing trannies. This explains so much.

> golang

C++ is where it's at.

another meme project
there are few nice trolls in issues/pulls

> Microaggressions

ay lmao

that's why it's slow as fuck. and that why i'm migrating to yarn

Yes! I've been waiting for this to happen. I didn't know if it'd be nodejs or golang, since those two groups are very infiltrated. I was betting on nodejs just because it collects shit like a boot when coming back drunk at night.

I hope we get more of these events so that people finally wake up and notice what these parasites are doing. I remember github from 6-7 years ago and it looked like a great, young company. Now it's more of an indoctrination camp / platform for hurling abuse.

It's interesting to see how radicals have converged on the biggest code publishing platform - wouldn't be surprised if they added a button to report projects for triggering them.

Everyone that gets burnt by this kind of attack is one more person that will stand against them.

A few years back, anti-SJW comments on HN were downvoted into oblivion. Now they merit thoughtful replies because more and more people are getting scared that the carpet's being pulled out from under their feet.

>not %28%28%28engineer%29%29%29

protip, no one uses yarn because it's even dumber.

also package-lock.json now so yarn is basically deprecated.

>that design
>Hu brought hus frisbee.
>Thon threw the frisbee to thonself.
Holy shit, I think I got transported to the living meme dimension

>uri encoded bracket.

do people actually do that?

seems that it's abandoned. i'm probably gonna make pr and replace thon with thot


shiggy diggy
that shit is so broken, and noone cares to fix it

what's the problem?

found this guy somewhere in ayyyo issues
"feminist ally trying to improve"

has this nice repo

Someone pls propose this logo

Conservashits are also socialists. Everyone's a socialist about things they really care about more than money.

Turns out though, most of the self-styled "liberal democratic socialist," type are now totally comfortable being the spearhead of hyper-violent post-apocalyptic capitalism because they get to victimize white men first.


Node has been 'forked' almost 8000 times already.

package-lock is:open sort:comments-desc

What is node.js license and what is the forked projects license?

If they aren't GPL compatible why are we even talking about them??

>using a language with a TOS/COC


but this fork is most likely to fail

you do it. don't be a faggot. i'll give you a thumbs up emoji

>no one uses yarn because it's even dumber
If that were true, it would be quite an achievement considering

He should be reported for running a harassment website off GitHub.

i doubt they will remove it, but i'm gonna try just in case

Today's conservashits are 1950's progressives, duh.
>Everyone's a socialist about things they really care about more than money.
Either you have an unusual definition of a socialist, or you need to study pre-20th century history.

ok, fair enough.

does yarn actually work then?

Bake that fucking cake you libertarian cunt.

I am not a libertarian. My political views are actually easy to infer from what I said about conservatives and the fact that I am telling you to study history on a technology board.

Yes. It's built by transgenders from Facebook, which are waay better than npm transgenders

ok, I'm fully convinced. it's like 1000x faster too. good shit right here.

thanks for letting me know my man.

You need to check your privilege and stop mansplaining to me fascist.

noone posted a logo? you guys are weak

thats just idiots that don't know how to star

bumping for meem potential

I mean, I think you're right, but your image shows two girls or whatever they are with natural hair color, at least, it could be natural

proposed it

like it faggots


the madman