Youtube will almost certainly be one of the most difficult parts of Google to defeat...

Youtube will almost certainly be one of the most difficult parts of Google to defeat. Things the size of it though have faded away before now (look at MySpace, used to be the biggest website on the internet).
>hundreds of millions of people use it on a regular basis, even non normbook or twitter users
>home to just about anything, no matter your interests there will always be content for it
>people as young as 9 are being indoctrinated by shitty political ads and agendas
>kiddies drawn to these people on the platform with millions of followers each

Ideas for stopping this:
-Convince the biggest ((youtubers)) to create a second channel on an alternative platform. It appeals to them more than just abandoning youtube completely and helps build up the opposition website's userbase more.
-Redpill the ((youtubers)) about the shady shit going on, causing them in turn to redpill their audiences and perhaps encourage them to move to the opposition
-More anti Google propaganda and stuff being spread across social media, the standard stuff we're already hopefully doing.

Sup Forums threads belong on Sup Forums

Sup Forums != Sup Forums

bump the trump

When did Sup Forums start autistically supporting Gulag just because they're afraid of the scary Sup Forums boogeyman? I sincerely hope you understand the bed you're making for yourself here.

This thread is a uneducated tool comparing marxism with the wave of left leaning sjw that have plagued the Sup Forums - technology board, when the core ideology is actually advocating the inexistence of a socio economical context prefering to replace the class struggle with racial conflicts, it becomes difficult to justify why the original poster made this thread and his ideas public for others to comprehend.

Lol, says the fucking highschooler (or college drop out) who got cucked into actually believing Sup Forums.

I know examining the truth requires critical thinking skills and logical thought processing skills which you simply don't posses, but try TRY for the love of god to see the bullshit you're licking up reading that propagandist drivel.

Read BOTH sides of the argument and examine the FACTS, not bullshit lies that pretend to be facts with no evidence, real honest to god fucking facts, and THEN make your informed opinion.

You're so obviously only getting your information from one side of the equation that it's laughable you're trying to tell ME I don't understand the bed i'm making for myself.

Fucking top kek.

Why does youtube need to be defeated? It doesn't make any money. I assume they just keep it around because cultural significance and the backlash killing it would generate.

Google is losing money on youtube. Create troubles for google and they'll start cutting expenses.

Do no reply to obvious fucking bait or shill, this board mostly doesn't have fucking mods anyway

>When did Sup Forums start autistically supporting Gulag just because they're afraid of the scary Sup Forums boogeyman? I sincerely hope you understand the bed you're making for yourself here.
Sup Forums has been fighting against and bitching about the botnet for years. Now that Google has hurt your feelings you want to shit up our board. This attempt to "redpill" us about Google is insulting.

Fuck you and your hurt feelings snowflake.

>Do no reply to obvious fucking bait or shill
That's literally what this thread is

I like this pasta. Saved.

Written off the cuff, thanks senpai

I fully 100% support youtube.

you know Sup Forums is lame when you walk into a technology or video game thread and get politics

every fucking thing now is politics, there is no escape anymore

>he thinks i'm from Sup Forums
Sup Forums isn't the problem here, it's the fucking retard newfags on this board who brutally defend the google botnet evil empire for some fucking reason. If you give Google a free pass to ruin the internet just because you hate Sup Forums, get the fuck out.

What? Sup Forums has always agreed with Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, and every fortune 500 multinational CEO. You're delusional if you think otherwise.

and if you think we're going to support your bullshit nazi ideologies because we ALSO hate the botnet that is google, you're having a fucking laugh.

We hate nazi's FAR more than we hate google.

Fuck off fascist, we're coming for your colonialist structures next.

>We hate nazi's FAR more than we hate google.
Thanks for proving my point, tumblr/g/. I think we're done here.

>it's the fucking retard newfags on this board who brutally defend the google botnet evil empire
No one does what you are describing.

> If you give Google a free pass to ruin the internet just because
Oh god, I just replied to bait. Fuck off.

Kek, cry more you fascist cuck.

I'm all for supporting alternatives to google services, but not if they're going to specifically push an agenda of racism and nazi ideologies.

Pateron bans nazi groups, I know what'll show those damn liburals
>creates Hateron
With hate literally in the name, it leaves no doubt what kind of message they're sending.

I doubt any "resistance" to google being put forward by these retards is going to be anything less than some nazi propagandist site.

You know maybe these threads wouldn't be here if Sup Forums itself wasn't being swarmed by low-effort nigger shills, lefties and other undesirables. These things don't happen for no reason.

You know maybe it's because even the regular pol tards are getting tired of the bullshit nazi jerk fest that has been the last 3 years of pol.

Nothing to do with this? I'm not even particularly right wing, I just know what I'm seeing when I look at the shit google does, corruption and something which needs to be stopped.

Fuck it, this is probably bait. take a (You).

>nazis are bad waaah waaaaaah

People are getting tired but not for the reason you just mentioned. Really gets the noggin joggin.

Why dont you go back to your echo chamber where you can pretend your president is somehow actually a competent politician.


You autistic racists will never defeat Google.
Just fuck off kindly.

Thanks, sweetie!

People with nignog-tier intelligence and reasoning like you shit all over the boards where they gather and you get frustrated when they come to the board you are active on and shit over all over it in turn? Like you can't say you didn't have this coming.

I'm not american btw, so lol

ahhh, so you're just a retard.

Well have fun LARPing

>apparently opposing my information being sold, censorship and a blatant communist bias is equivalent to being racist.

I like how you can't counter anything I said at all.

ITT: nu-Sup Forums defending the most hostile and fascist website on the planet because they think it's ok to censor someone because of their political view.

kys faggots

Sup Forums was always just spam and it's spread to other boards for 'teh lulz'
feel bad for those niggers taking Sup Forums spam as a serious ideology to follow

Because nothing you said is factual, you're pretending Sup Forums is for some reason raiding Sup Forums with left-ism bullshit.

You can pretend all you want, but that's all it is, pretend.

The problem isn't Nazi's or white supremacists, but accusing someone of being one without any decent evidence. There was an Al-jazeera video which featured Tim Pool of all people being a "white nationalist".

More people will calm down if media outlets fuck off with the click-bait horse shit and blacklist every pseudo-journalist who contributes to this cancerous fake social signaling bullshit.

Sup Forums has it's own board, fuck off.
You're shilling against Google only, why? Microsoft is even more evil (considering all their software is closed source and has even more telemetry, Google at least has android), Apple is also garbage. So include them in your shillings if you want to be taken seriously.
You won't be taken seriously if you don't also recommend GNU/Linux as the only OS people should use, and firefox/iridium as the only browser.

Sup Forums isn't your personal army. Whatever you have against Google keep to yourself or to another board.

.t google employee

No, Alphabet should die that means google, youtube etc need to be killed.

I never claimed Sup Forums itself is raiding anything you spastic retard. Notice how I just said that the people who are shitting up the Sup Forums boards are people exactly like you.

So what am I pretending?

Sup Forums delusion. Have fun finding sponsors for your rightist video platform.

Also sage.







You claimed you're coming here, to Sup Forums, specifically because of what "we're" doing to Sup Forums

Either you're a retard, or you're amazing at playing the part.

I've just upgraded my gdrive plans and bought another year of gplay, youtube tv, and a couple apps on the gplay store.
Is there anything else I should purchase to help Alphabet out?

everyone I don't like is a nazi

t. brainlet cranky baby with poopy diaper

5 shekels have been deposited to your account, goy.

Youtube is doing the work for us. The new draconian free speech rules are going to kill off the site. The algorithm is even targeting math channels like numberphile.

Except I don't really go here. I found a link to this thread and saw the retardation in it and responded to it.

And I'm not referring to this board when I say people like you are shitting it up. I say people like you because you all have mostly the same views including "ebil nahtzees!!1!!!"

Maybe it's because you dumb fucks are ACTUALLY supporting fucking nazis...did you think about that for a second?

Maybe WE'RE the baddies

YouTube is a service, not a right, if you really want to spread your shitty political opinions do it outside were (by law) authorities can't censor you.

>anti google
>supporting nazis.

when you insert your anti-semitic bullshit it makes your once legitimate opinions void

Yeah but I don't give a shit about Sup Forums's problems as I'm not the one shitposting in Sup Forums. That sucks for you guys I guess, but it has nothing to do with Sup Forums. Deal with it there, and fuck off from our board (or post Sup Forums-related topics).

Because as weird as it sounds we both have one goal in mind.
The death of Google and the rest that tries to take away our freedom, and giving us propaganda, such as #pride or #Trumpishitler

sshhhhhh, no ebil nabis here, only mummis(male) milk

No one is stopping you from hosting your content on your own website.

Yeah but then we can't redpill normies by making them watch racist nazi shit hidden in with their normal viewing diet.

Nobody's "taking away" your freedom

Wew. Who let the Bernie fags out tonight.

you're on Sup Forums not Sup Forums we hate google, but we also hate nazis.

Oh I see what sort of mindset you have now. Can you actually explain how your edgy personal beliefs are better than NS or any other nationalistic beliefs without looking like an obnoxious dick? Look up Walter Sanning, Carl O. Nordling, Frank H. Hankins and other authors that aren't jewish/biased against anyone speaking out against dubious claims including shit that has been disproven like jews being turned into soap or lampshades or being carried by rollercoasters into ovens.

Please note that I don't give a shit if you don't subscribe to the ideology, but if you can't fucking deal with other people because they do or they support it or similar ideologies then you have no one but yourself to blame. Maybe you shouldn't deal in absolutes. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

downtime while the bull is being prepped.

>Can you actually explain how your edgy personal beliefs are better than NS or any other nationalistic beliefs without looking like an obnoxious dick?
the fact you call it NS instead of just calling them what they are (nazi scum) is pretty damn telling.

Sorry, but you've been fed lies for years and you're too far gone to actually see anything resembling truth. (((they))) are out to get you, and nothing will convince you garbage otherwise.

>well are you a nazi?

So is this a legit thing then?

>enabling pop ups
truly peak Sup Forums

Wow gee maybe because the proper term actually is national socialism.

You know whats actually telling is when the evil corrupted nazi is willing to have a convo but you're not because you think they are literally subhuman.

>Nobody's "taking away" your freedom

I wonder who is behind this post.

It has ublock built in, so presumably the pop-ups are still blocked just not by firefox.

Lol you're not willing to have any real conversation, you're quoting bullshit talking points Nazi's LOVE to bring up because it casts some amount of doubt onto EXACTLY how many jews were gassed and shit like that.

That's not the fucking point, the point is your ideology is disgusting and based in hatred, to be perfectly honest, the few instances you can "prove" liberals lied about nazi's being bad guys PALES in comparison to the shit we can prove did fucking happen.

Just because you're white doesn't mean you're somehow any better than anyone else, and to pretend otherwise is just mental retardation taken another shape.

Zionism is disgusting. Open border for Israel!

>PALES in comparison to the shit we can prove did fucking happen.

Dis gone be gud.

A non-American atheist idiot who really wishes Google did pay him for all this shit, but no, they don't, I'm just stating facts, isn't that what all of you in your safe space constantly brag about?

what, it's just gonna be a slew of bullshit statistics you can barely source that still make the nazi's look like bad guys, just slightly less bad than what the liberals say.

Unless you go for the really outlandish shit like it's literally ALL made up by western media to frame hitler's nazi party.

Fucking kek.

>Sup Forums is one person


Only a fool didn't know this whole thing would hit a ceiling sooner or later. People will only tolerate to a certain point a person who keeps bashing jews, blaming negroes and minorities for their poor life choices.

The only real surprise is how many on Sup Forums are defending those in the bubble. As if they rightfully deserve to be making money over abysmal videos.
Just goes to show Sup Forums has changed quite dramatically.

dont worry mummi and your big brother will protect u from "naughty" ideas.

Seems like you cry babies need protection from us, we're all perfectly happy telling you that your "naughty" ideas are pure hate filled garbage and have no place in civil society.

We don't need protection from you, you dumb fucks are crying because you need protection from us as is evidence by this thread.

Just goes out to show what this whole thing was about in the first place: Money.

Just like Trump made millions of dollars by just being outrageous BEFORE becoming POTUS. It's profitable, or dare I say it: used to be.

Only nu-/pul/ thought there was a hint of honesty in their preachers. Nobody really gives a fuck about real politics, just like our politicians don't really give a fuck about the people they are supposed to represent. Molyneux tippin' box was on fire, same thing about Sargon and everybody else, the fuzz made insane revenue.

You just had to make one spicy video and people would meme you into a cozy life with the annual paycheck of a hollywood celebrity.

Well, party's over fellows. Turns out, being a political preacher, for the thousands of talentless hacks who couldn't just make acid comedy and were still getting rich on ads, in youtube is not a real job after all and you'll have to work for a living.

And google is not wrong on this one.


Entirely correct.
Sup Forums used to once preach about all these idiots finding real jobs. But that tune has changed dramatically.

>civil society
>banned ideas


Not all of them are turbonormies who think anything Sup Forums (or Sup Forums) is literal neo-nazi, a lot of people just want the political stuff to stay on Sup Forums, myself included.

Society is always allowed to decide for itself what is and what isn't accepted.

Pedophilia used to be commonplace, marriage before 13 was a regular occurrence. Western society however has decided this is not acceptable any longer. There is no natural law that prohibits you from marrying a 13 year old, but society will stop you.

just use adblock when you go there and tell everyone you know that they should install an adblocker.

Problem is, it's not just political things. We've just had a thread where LGR had a video about some autistic """retro""" tech be fucked like that. No politics at all, just had nice demonstration for the children how Windows used to be before Pajeet.

So, if this hides ads but also clicks them, does the website get paid for the ads?
I've actually been looking for an ad blocker to support websites while not seeing ads.

>couldn't just make acid comedy

leave Sam Hyde out of this, bud.

loli poon isn't protected in the constitution. you dumb baka

And neither is freedom of speech protecting you from anything BUT the government attempting to infringe on your speech.

A private entity is still free to do what they wish.

Some rope to wrap around your neck.

It clicks them but I'm unclear whether advertisers would consider the clicks valid.

The other board is suggesting that it creates invalid clicks that flag the website for abuse.


"The Outreachy Summer 2017 program is wrapping up on 30 August with running a similar length to Google Summer of Code. The Outreachy May - August 2017 internship program offers stipends of $5500 USD and for this session was available to "(i) you are a resident or national of any country or region other than Crimea, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria, or Sudan and identify as a woman (cis or trans), trans man, or genderqueer person (including genderfluid or genderfree) or (ii) you are a resident or national of the United States of any gender who is Black/African American, Hispanic/Latin@, American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander.""


Hello Hitler please go back to your Sup Forums board

Alt-right is ALL WRONG and now murderers with Nazi haircuts

including install an addon to fuck with a monopolistic corporation because the power they have and wield is a danger to the freedom of everyone. Also this "civil society" has always embodied the ideas in the Constitution and not caved to momentary trends or to the shit salesmen who want enforce authoritarianism on people who refuse to buy their shit.

Fuck you, pajeet. It's not your safe space, shitskin, go to fagbook or reddit.

>Youtube will almost certainly be one of the most difficult parts of Google to defeat.

Not at all. Just deprive it of revenue. Watch all the content you want, just use a good ad blocker while you do it.

The YouTube structure has always been unsustainable. It's easy to defeat YouTube simply by appealing to human greed. No one wants to watch ads. Simply popularize the good ad blockers with normies and you'll deliver a devastating blow from which YouTube will not recover.

The blocker that I use blocks every type of ad on YouTube, including unskippable stuff. It's brilliant.