Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums
I was curious about this glitch on this calculator and why it's giving -1 for the answer instead of 1.

You bought a fake calc

in case you are not baitinf and are just stupid, it is order of operations. Exponents are computed first. The 1 gets squared before the negative sign gets applied


Are you fucking stupid? Negative doesn't get applied, it just is or isn't. In the cheap calculator world though, sometimes negative is calculated by subtracting from zero to conserve address space or some shit. I remember reading an article about it a long time ago. So you're both stupid, and correct, simultaneously. Good job.

you're a faggot and a bitch. I had to make a shitty calculator like the OP for my senior design project.


your calculator is reading it as -(1^2) so the square of 1 is 1 and then the negative is applied. You'll have to type it in your calculator as (-1)^2 to multiply -1 and -1, to obtain 1.

it applies PEMDAS from left to right with MA and AS having equal ground.

use Reverse Polish notation faggot.

(-1)^2 = (-1)(-1) = 1
-1^2 = -(1)(1) = -1
you should know this if you passed high school

But shouldn't -1 always by (-1) because it's +(-1)?

HP 50G doesn't have this problem.

Any negative number is implied that there's a (-1) in front of it. So -2 is really (-1)(2)
So when you have -2^2, the square is only applied to the 2 and not the -1 in front.


This is what happens when you don't use a casio calculator.

>not using BEMDAS

I use a TI-85.

Use the parenthesis around -1. It should be (-1)^2. Otherwise, what you have is -1*1^2. Order of operations would be -1.

You're all fucking calculator apologists. -1 is a single value. - is not a value. Just because a calculator and the people who programmed it are too stupid to adapt this doesn't mean you can start fabricating order of operations to justify incompetence

I didn't apologize for why this happened, I was simply explaining why it happened.

If you do this on a more advanced calculator, it doesn't happen. Hell, you can do this on an a calculator app in the iPhone App Store, and it will do it properly.

IIRC TI calculators have a - button and a (-) button. The former means subraction, the latter means negative number.

>current state of Sup Forums
i didn't expect much, but holy shit

Wrap the -1 in brackets and then apply the ^2 and see if it right.

Depending how you typed it the equation could be 0-1^2.

Alternatively use the ± key after pressing 1 rather than using the minus sign before pressing 1.

try (-1)^2 you pretentious wrong faggot

I think the actual expression you want would be (-1) ^ 2.

The answer obviously depends on the order of operations, I would argue that this is the expected result.

The calculator does -(1^2), if you don't set the brackets yourself then you can not expect the calculator to read your mind to determine what you meant.

I'm very sad, some brainlets never did math on paper, can't understand parenthesis, yet are somehow on Sup Forums.