If they invented FTL communication, what if you had transistors connected with FTL speed

if they invented FTL communication, what if you had transistors connected with FTL speed

would it be an infinite fast computer

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SR kicks in and for the observer it'd appear to send messages backwards in time. Enjoy your computational time machine, now post tanlines Maki.


>Enjoy your computational time machine
what kind of algortyms can you do on it?

Would Maki's pussy explode if you inserted a dick into it at the speed of light?

we;ll never know because shes a lesbian

Lesbianism isn't real.

maki is a piece of shit

You are now discovering why anything you know fails when considering FTL phenomenon. You'd probably figured out by now that these cannot exist.

Also, anime on Sup Forums. is over there, fa.m

dont be rude on nicos girlfriend
its at your peril

why does it fail? infact receiving the results back int time would be fine if you just mixed in some non-relatavaistic systems as well to process the results. like async computing

Wait, what? How does FTL allow for infinite computing power again? I don't see it. Signal will go faster than light, yes, but not immediate.

hmm im not sure we will need to consider it
if we think about the relatavistic effects the signals could travel in time so it would be instant

I'd love to follow this thread but I can't have all this pedo shit on my screen with my gf around. Another potential interesting thread ruined. . ..

wow are people with gfs actually this insecure??

You can't even spell relativistic, dumbass! Your post makes no sense.

tell your gf she's a fag

There is a "Werk Tyme" button in upper right corner that hides all images on Sup Forums. alternatively, just block it with adblocker of your choice.


You would still have slow transistors, as it's the switching time that adds most of the delay, not the time the signal gets to em.

>here's a Wikipedia link to something very remotely related, I don't have to explain anything!

if we just make the signals travel far enough back in time that its before the switchin thing it will be super speed and perfectly timed

this thread is highly advanced, we dont have time to go over the basics for you!

Yeah, all this amazing high level discussion that's happening, right now, in this very thread...


The leakage would still get you.

Thanks man now I feel like masturbatiing to Maki doujins again

lightspeed is not infinite though.


maki is a really cute girl