Vim or Emacs Sup Forums?

Vim or Emacs Sup Forums?

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Did you know? When the JSON license forbids using the software for evil, they don't mean it in a moral sense. They just dislike evil-mode.

Sue me, faggots.

vi -> many clones, one of which is stevie -> vim -> neovim
>vim is not even it's final form
>perfect from the beginning

Pepsi or Coca Sup Forums?

both are rubbish

Dr. Pepper

mostly made by single dude employed by the botnet that does whatever he wants
made by many gentlemen that actually vote about stuff

Emacs is the true patrician choice.
Anything other than that is trash and a waste of time.

go back and do some "coding"

vi for quick edits, emacs for latex, email, etc..

Plain notepad.

only if it was not using the most disastrous lisp implementation

GNU/Guile implementation on the way

> (OP)
>made by many gentlemen that actually vote about stuff

Mostly by an overweight Autist that throws a hissy fit if people don't transfer copyright to the FSF, and refuses to include non-GPL software.

yeah for decade now

pedestrian smak my friend good job mommy is proud :)


Vim just makes sense. Emacs just seems complicated and arbitrary -- a weird mixture of a GUI text editor and a vi-wannabe.

IMO, if you're just editing text, why would you want something like Emacs? With vim/neovim, you can at least fall for the meme of "muh efficiency." But especially in the modern software landscape, I just don't see the point of Emacs.

It makes no effort to be vi whatsoever.

except, you know, evil mode.

I'd rather have a common lisp implementation, desu. Much more of a complete "system" feel. Far superior.

So someone makes a package (or whatever the hell you call them with vim) for Emacs keybindings (somehow) and now vi is an emacs wannabe, by your logic.

I would agree if Emacs came with evil by default, but that's no the case.

Mother ;)

Let me explain to you dum dums out there why vim is better than emacs:

Reasons emacs is better than vim:
>has a shell built in
>can use bash within emacs
>tiling terminal manager much like tiling window manager
>actual tiling window manager too
>office suite
>several irc clients built in
>has the Extensible VI Layer or EVIL for short
>evil gives you all the vim keybinds in emacs
>built in the mighty lisp as opposed to the shitty vimscript
>you can't build fucking anything in vimscript
>you can write enterprise level applications in elisp
>emacs has a gui and a terminal version
>gui emacs can view pdfs and view images
>emacs supports autocompletion
>emacs has a host of other features that vim can never hope to support

Reasons to use vim over emacs:
>hurr durr it's 10 megabytes smaller and those 10 megabytes make my dick feel good

Emacs with evil-mode

You forgot org-mode, friend.

Why not both?
Also can't be fucked to learn emacs but it's always impressive seeing people use it.

Sublime text

Tried both, I prefer vim

vim users get easily impressed and tend to present elementary features as something next level

I like emacs but i can see the appeal of vim.

prove it

I unironically use VIM for coding (i'm learning so my files are only 50 lines of code maximum) and emacs for org-mode (with evil).
I plan to switch to emacs entirely when i will work on "projects".

So it's better because it's bloated text editor?

Emacs isn't a text editor. It's a lisp environment that comes with a text editor.

Evil (notspacemacs)

well said love

I unironically prefer nano for coding. Comes preinstalled on most distros and is super efficient.

vim is simple and forces you to use maths.



I prefer using vim, but emacs seems better made.

if vim had those major/minor modes that emacs has it would be perfect.

>not using your built in editor

lmao ok dude

I legit use both. Personally:
- Vim for programming and most text editing
- Emacs for org mode, and I guess elisp programming

I started with Vim for 2 years, so modal vim keys are part of my soul, and then I got into Emacs (with evil-mode) in order to take advantage of org-mode for my GTD system. Also I wanted to be more informed for these silly emacs/vi wars.

you're both retarded

RMS hasn't programmed or touched Emacs in years. It was recently discovered that he wasn't even aware of how to resize text via keybindings. He seems to be technologically inept these days.

>Emacs just seems complicated and arbitrary -- a weird mixture of a GUI text editor and a vi-wannabe.
Emacs is complicated and arbitrary, because it's core feature is extensibility. You can make it work however you want with enough configuration. It can even nearly perfectly emulate vim with evil-mode.

You forgot these Vi/m advantages
- More ubiquitous than Emacs,
- Better typing latency, especially noticeable delay in Emacs with loads of packages installed (e.g. spacemacs)
- Faster startup time

Obviously Emacs is all encompassing with endless features, but it's also slower and more complex. Vim is a pure, minimal, optimized text editor. Also, not that this matters much, but Vim is more popular, so there's a more active community around it.

My man

spacemacs, best of both worlds (and a lot more)

But it's still a Lisp implementation, which makes it better than every other editor.

Emacs sucks, but it's miles better than the competition.

vidir was hyped a lot recently

This feature is at least a decade old in Emacs


>More ubiquitous than Emacs
But you can edit files remotely using Emacs so it's a non-issue.

Instead of SSHing and starting Vim, I can edit through SSH directly in Emacs. This even works on embedded or lean servers that don't even have vim, or even vi, or even ed. You can even edit through multiple layers of SSH, sudo, and ftp.

>Better typing latency

Strawman. If you load thousands of poorly written Vimscript packages in Vim it will also be slow. Even with lots of well-written packages enabled, Emacs doesn't have lower typing latency than Vim. It's probably even better than Vim since Emacs handles key presses in its main loop preferentially to rendering, if you're using a slow terminal.

Yes, Emacs actually performs better than Vim in some cases because it has a sensible design, instead of being hacked together.

>Faster startup time

Emacs isn't that slow

$ time emacs -Q -nw --eval '(kill-emacs)'
emacs -Q -nw --eval '(kill-emacs)' 0.07s user 0.01s system 85% cpu 0.092 total

You can't honestly tell me that's too slow for you. Even with lots of packages installed it's fast because *gasp* Emacs supports lazy loading, unlike Vim.

>You can even edit through multiple layers of SSH, sudo, and ftp
>mfw vimfags will never understand the joy of editing a file inside a ZIP archive on an FTP server behind a bastion server


>GTD system
What is this?

Also, what exactly is the point of org-mode/what does it do?

Is not an editor.

I use emacs on desktop because it's amazing and i don't have to leave it, ever. Also org-mode, that alone makes it worth having emacs. On laptop i use vim because it's shitty chromebook without meta key and rebinding feels very bad to me.
>Emacs supports lazy loading, unlike Vim

I'm interested in Emacs now.

Is there any point in learning Emacs/Vim if I mainly work on Windows, though?

>emacs on desktop
Does this mean you use the Emacs GUI as opposed to using it in terminal?

Emacs works mostly fine on Windows. There are minor caveats with specific modes, but those are usually made clear.

I use emacs on Win 7 at work. It's frankly snappier on Linux, but it is fine on Windows.

Yeah it works mostly fine, but if I'm on Windows, is there any advantage to using it to edit my notes over Notepad++, for example? I'm a CS major so I feel like I should learn either Emacs or Vim.

And I run Windows because I play video games (I use Linux via SSH)

Gui because i use font with ligatures which don't work on my ricerfag terminal and i can't be bothered fixing it.

It's a lot more extensible than Notepad++. There's org-mode which is always a boon. Depending on the language you use, there may be features you never thought of with Notepad++ available.

Emacs + Evil, so both.

Is there any legit reason to use Emacs/Vim if you're not a sysadmin/don't mainly use Linux

> vi -> many clones
emacs has like hundreds of public clones too
emacs also isnt perfect from the beginning my init.el is like 1k lines of wich is 800 lines elisp atleast

statements or dont post at all


statements or leave, there are plenty good other text editors.

why vi for quick edits and emacs for other things, I recommend a micro emacs like mg for quick edits.

Sup Forums and its stupidity surprises me every time

stuff like this gets me confused
I have been using emacs for a few years now it was easy to get in to whereas vim requires learning a lot of stuff. sure I know hjkl to move and i to insert text but emacs is just way easier to control imo. I'd wish to learn to use vim some time, though.


>faster startup time
you are stupid
>noticeable delay in emacs with loads of packages installed
you are retarded

dont blame the text editor if you cant handle it

I used emacs for a while on windows, works well lacks just a few things you might not notice.

uh what do you do that would require you to use a text editor. or what even do you do on a computer in general.

I'd say yes, emacs is used by writers for blogs, books. some even just use emacs for org-mode with is made for organizing shit
vim maybe not familiar with what it has but probably many advantages too

I've just been editing config files with nano and doing other text editing with gedit. Should I learn a meme editor? I want to learn a Lisp so Emacs seems good but I like the idea of modal editing over using the ctrl key over and over. Is trying to learn to use Emacs with vi binds a bad idea if I have no prior experience with either?

This is kinda shitposting bc i've never used Emacs but for all those who wonder is there any point learning Vi(m) or most likely Emacs:

Yes. They are not that hard as legend says. After you get used to all 10000 keybindings (which you will eventually) and get the plugins you need they will (or just vim) increase your productivity a lot.

t. ex sublime / VS code / Atom user

Both are shit
Notepad++ is better

A guy I dont know has a friend who is extremely good in lisp, he and that friend of that guy uses vim. Yes emacs has many advantage but dont leave vim as choice as lisp editor.

>is trying to learn to use emacs with vi binds a bad idea
no, far from

if that is what your feelings tell you, go for it and force yourself a bit with it (as in dont quit after being slowed down for a bit) I forced myself into emacs now I can use it fluently

nice low quality bait, try again tomorrow

not he, he uses emacs, his friend uses vim* sorry

Vim master race

Yes, it is.

Emacs ships with viper so you agree with him?

vim --- I have used vi since 1986. Started on ed in 1984.

With vim you can get to real sheel. Plus its got its own internal macro language.

Yussss. we are the master race. :wq

minimal vim for small stuff/over ssh
riced out emacs (/w evil) for projects

vim as in editing mode (e.g. text motions and stuff) is the best there is, no doubt.
but in terms of 'project' features, it is lacking.
sure, you could rice it with plugins, but at that point you might as well go emacs.

> Is trying to learn to use Emacs with vi binds a bad idea
I did this, and I haven't really run into problems yet. I'd suggest you at least learn the basic emacs navigation keys just in case, but it's perfectly doable.

I unironically recommend trying out Spacemacs.
It's a tad bloated but it will give you a good impression of the Emacs ecosystem (which packages are popular etc.), and give you an idea how to customize your own Emacs eventually

>What is GTD?
"Getting Things Done" by David Allen. It's a method for managing and keeping track of all your todos and ideas externally, rather than trying to remember off the top of your head.

>what exactly is the point of org-mode/what does it do?
The closest word to describe org-mode is that it's an organizer. It can make outlines, lists, todos, projects, infinite sub projects, notes. It has a calendar that's easier and more flexible to schedule than Google Calendar. The feature-set is endless, and it actually has kinda sane defaults unlike the rest of Emacs.

It's the best way of managing a GTD system, imo. Even better than those gay pay-to-use services like Todoist or Omnifocus.

>dont blame the text editor if you cant handle it
Start up time is somewhat trivial these days, but you can't deny that Emacs has worse latency. It just feels more sluggish, and that effect is worsened the more packages you add. Taken to its extreme: Spacemacs has an absurd start up time as well as awful latency.

Another difference I forgot to mention: Emacs has SHIT performance on Windows compared to Linux.

actually you still cant blame emacs for that as the same is for vim

Yeah but Vim isn't designed to become bloated


vim for quickly editing files

emacs for everything else