Watch London has fallen

>Watch London has fallen
>U.S president says "England is our oldest ally"

Stop this shit there.

Other urls found in this thread:

>England is our oldest ally

Literally wat lol

>England is our oldest enemy

blame the retard who wrote that line, fuck England

> usa
> anyones ally

caution: you might be backstabbed by niggering country

Well your country has only existed for 68 years

What did you expect from a meme movie

How about no ?

>Watch London Has Fallen
>title reveals movie is about London
>who cares about fucking London

Stop this shit there

>Watch London has fallen


Allying with a country that
>elected a socialist and literally has tons of communes
>didn't join in in iraq
>9% Muslim with terrorist attacks every months
>hardly share any cultural ties with


Allying with a country that


Wow I feel popular
Enough of me to go around :3

t. nigel

It's a blatant lie or a statement made in ignorance. London is an ally but not our most old.

Sorry France, but we have a special relationship with the U.K. now. It's over between us

What's wrong with that? It's better than the bodies of dead children spread on roads.
t. Pablo Daqurias

Our oldest allies

t. muhamad farage


Moortugal is England's oldest ally and France would be our eternal rivals.

-25 friendship then
fuck you dude

>Stop this shit there.

Face it Pierre, Uncle Sam fucked you and chucked you. As soon as they won their revolutionary war they couldn't care less about you.

We love you France!!!!


they even went to war with them like 10 years later the absolute madmen

Sorry, I know it's not very Nice of us, but your whole "EU" thing and "let's try to kick America out of Europe" really rubbed us the wrong way

We've always supported the EU because we don't want to deal with another European war

>London has fallen
Shittiest movie ever. The message is literally "The American drone programme is okay because 'murrica #1 fuck yeah!!!"

Yep, absolutely

ever heard of nato ya fucking sausage?

>It's better than the bodies of dead children spread on roads

Morocco is.

The US was just a pawn in their war with the British Empire by all French standards.

talk shit get hit

Military alliances don't force nations to cooperate on the same level as economic codependence

It doesn't really matter if the UK leaves though, since you're an island, have historically been tied both to Europe and to NA, and because you don't start retarded Germany tier wars

>Marrocan detected

Oldest ally doesn't mean best ally.

Anglosphere forever.

What do you expect from Hollywood propaganda?

It's bullshit, I agree, but seriously, what were you expecting?

I stopped the film when the french president get killed

white house.. the home of the democracy where Bills dick dived into Monikas mouth..

You gotta wonder how many bastards were conceived in the White House.

The bastards in the white house are all elected!

>You gotta wonder



Now that i think about it, it must have been pretty weird for the britfag monarchy in the years after the American Revolution to have to deal with the usa as its own country.

GOD, if only int had existed back then, the banter would have been extradimensional, and since we were still freshly from the uk our banter wouldnt have sucked balls

Coincidentally, they're also sons of bitches and mother fuckers.

T H E R E V O L U T I O N W A S S T A R T E D B Y F R E E M A S O N S A N D J E W S 4 C H AN W O U L D H A V E B E E N A G A I N S T I T

Interesting, but unfortunately, to the detriment of /d/, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /jp/, and a dozen other boards, you can't impregnate little boys.

I dont give a shit what Sup Forums would have been for or against.

>introduce him like he could be a little relevant character
>he dies right after

>Amèrica, we are your oldest ally non?
Fuck off France

Panamad dropping bombs again
Why does he do it?

t. Mohamed DeWashington

even if they did just do it as a fuck you to england they spent a shitload of money and actually put a ton of effort into helping us out

That was only a half-war. Literally.

Wow, maybe you should rename all those Lafayette places and boats "Mohammed" then