How long did it take you to learn colemak?

how long did it take you to learn colemak?

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I haven't even learned qwerty

the longest word you can type with just the top row of qwerty is typewriter

Will never bother because it fucks up vim key bindings.

I tired Dvorak a few years ago but that was the deal breaker for me

About a week until I stopped doing lessons. Make sure you know your passwords first.

with colemak it's uglyfuq

Why is qwerty not good enough for you

Tell me why I should bother

Apparently qwerty was made because typewriters were slower than the writers.

That's actually just a fun consequence actually. It was actually made to keep more frequently used combos away from each other.

Also nice quads~

thank you user. I may reconsider

It was made to space common letter combinations away from each other because typing those combinations quickly on a typewriter would cause the machine to jam. It had the side effect of causing a very high rate of alternating hands, which actually means it's still pretty fast even in comparison to more "optimal" keysets. The main difference between QWERTY and Colemak/Dvorak is that QWERTY is more difficult to learn because it doesn't use the homerow as effectively and often requires strange contortions to hit certain letter combinations (especially on the bottom row) without losing the positioning of your hands.

If you can already ten-finger touch type with QWERTY, don't bother switching- it will take a long time to unlearn, you won't get any faster, and you'll be slower when using other people's keyboards. If you're only using 2 or 4 fingers to type on QWERTY, I'd recommend switching. You will be incredibly slow for the first couple of months, but you'll naturally be touch typing properly within a year without any training apart from shitposting. I recommend avoiding QWERTY keyboards for the first month or so after the switch, but after that you can start to use both.

What a meme

I can't be arst to learn colemak

Are there any programs designed to learn colemak I just realized I type with two, 3 fingers maximum, and am actually quite slow. I also have to look at the keyboard while typing, which is something I wish to change.

How fast are you 10 finger users? I've watched a 7 find her user get up to 185 peak speed. Does anyone know exercises to get me using my other fingers? Thanks

3 month to be somewhat fluent (70 wpm)

I write too much with my left hand for it to make sense.

>more than 20 tabs open a a time

I switched to Dvorak a couple of years ago. It probably took me a month to get back to my old typing speed.

I'd say it has been worth it just for the comfort factor.

4 months
colemak on ergodox master race here as well


why are people using dvorak instead of colemark?

Why should I bother if I can type at 150wpm on QWERTY and don't suffer from any sort of discomfort?

Main problem with qwerty is that it puts the most common and second most common letters in the top row rather than directly in the "home row".

You can easily correct the major problems with qwerty without having to change the rest of the layout.

Sure, learn dvorak and watch yourself having to carry a fucking keyboard everywhere you go to.

so my chromebook also has workman as well. so which one am i supposed to use?

Colemark is just Dvorak with some compromises to make it more accessible.

If you're autistic enough to use an alternative keyboard layout, then you'd want to go balls-deep, wouldn't you?

There's two ways to look at it.

If you're crazy enough to go for something different in the first place then you might want to all the way (dvorak). The other view point is that you may find yourself needing to occasionally use QWERTY in the real world so to maintain some level of familiarity with QWERTY you go with a moderate approach (colemak, various others).

Aside from Dvorak which is just completely different most alternative keymaps are basically just attempts at fixing perceived problems with QWERTY.

Are people here seriously that autistic that they would even consider switching from Qwerty to something else?

>hey guys learn a way of typing that no one else uses and will make you as slow as shit whenever you're working with other people or travelling and need to use another keyboard or computer

do none of you have jobs?

>brain can only handle one thing at a time
look at this guy

>being a phone poster AND a dumb frogposter at the same time
Sorry for your lots.

fuckin sold

Is colemak basically a gay version of Dvorak? I've been typing on programmer Dvorak for 3 years.

Which was done on purpose.
Just shows you how inefficiently designed the layout it.

>Durr I'm fucking retarded
I use Dvorak and every computer obviously has the layout installed already, it takes about 25 seconds of menuing to switch it permanently, independent of OS. The keyboard will still have qwerty keys on it, but if you're retarded enough to not know how to touch type without looking then you shouldn't bother using a good layout because you will always be slow

Do you go full autism when you have to use a QWERTY in public?

I used to type ~70 wpm QWERTY, now I type 80 Dvorak and 50 QWERTY. Dvorak is also much more comfortable and I can sustain high typing speeds for much longer.

human fingers arent the same length
qwerty is fingerpilled

You shouldn't. The primary reason people see improvement in their typing speed when switching to dvorak or any other layout is simply that they learn how tot type properly and quickly rather than just without looking.

>can't be arst to learn it
>fucking doomed from the start

I feel like the time spent getting used to a new layout outweighs the possible benefits. I've been using qwerty since I was 3 years old.