Did I hear someone say "Byzantium" ?

Did I hear someone say "Byzantium" ?

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>the west is crashing after 600 years because immigrants are sacking their romes all over again
>the east will will dominate all commerce, culture, military, wealth, living standards and all other measurable things for 1400 years all over again

time to tip Isus Hristos

Gib back claim turks, byzantium shall rise again

someone called?

byzantium still exist, here's a map of it.


Dearest st. Teresa please let it be so

the patriarch never blessed anyone in that map................ m8 are you trying to spread heresy??

The Turks have always aspired to take onto themselves the glory of the Byzantines and I think the West would be quite willing to overlook language and ethnicity to give them that (sorry Greece) The problem is fucking religion, while they may have been Orthodox the Byzantines were Christians... The Turks will never overcome that barrier...

How come orthodoxy is so based?
You guys call your "pope" a PATRIARCH, there's not even the possibility of some feminist random whore blame the patriarchy out of the social problems because that's what's all about your culture.

I feel ashamed about what have become of the catholic church nowadays, though. This faggy pope just doesnt represent our traditions anymore. No wonder he's a jesuit. Any pope before john paul the second would have condemned the things he's doing now

Their army is dissolved, isn't this like the perfect time to... you know... make this guy happy?

If the Roman Empire could go to Pagan to Chalcedonian to Eastern Orthodox, it's not unreasonably to suggest one carnation could be Muslim.

At least, that's how they see it.

Expel the turks senpai

The problem lies with the fact that near the end The Roman Empire (as Byzantium), become nearly a theocratical state. Christianity had become more or less the heart of the empire. It wasn't ruled by the glory of rome, or by some idea of being Roman, but by the idea of being an Orthodox Christian.

With that gone, people can't reconcile the differences between Byzantium and the Turks.

meh, the Pontifex Maximux of the original Roman religion remains in Rome a Catholic... That was a part of the problem for the Byzantines, it never really was the Roman empire once it abandoned rome and Latin... But I digress, the important thing here is perception, the Sarracens were an enemy to the West, the Byzantines were at least a bulwark, as isolated as Eastern orthodoxy may have been in some respects from the west it remained Christian and European, the Turks made it Muslim and Asiatic (the division does technically go through Istambul itself, I'm talking symbolism) the Ottomans were largely that other that defined Europeans much the same as Moors in Africa. As much as they would argue otherwise acceptng them as Byzantines (which is not even how they view themselves as Turks tend to be rather proud of their own heritage) is not really viable... Despite being the originators of Western civilization, a role we all acknowledge, the Greeks would in reality be the true heirs of Byzantium, except without actually holding the city the claim is pretty much worthless... In reality it is as lost to history as Carthage...

it's almost as if religion is just a meme

its getting worse though brasilbro
material wealth leads inevitably to degenracy

no, i just want that greece to conquer whole balkans.

>material wealth leads inevitably to degenracy

thats fuking communism right their

heresy is bad mmkay? dont do heresy kids

are you guys Germans?

what do you mean lad?

>not Bulgaria
dissapointed in you senpai

bulgayria doesnt even have the bird

its overused m8

nor the byzantine cross......

Someone is still sour they ellected an Argentine pope...

I'm not brazilian my mexican pal, I'm just worried about what he have done to the catholic church. He even tried to block the incentives the former pope benedic xvi tried to do in regard of making the use of latin more diffused inside the vatican. This pope just cares about people following him in social media and being on newspaper's firt pages as "the good guy being tolerant and shitting over tradition", that's not all about when it comes to christianity.

I find him a bad pope because he doesnt seem like he can get a grasp about what tradition means to an institution that have been around for about 2 thousand years ago. Maybe if he were raised in europe like the last popes we had he could understand it better and respect that instead of kissing the feet of somalian refugees

poop is a scam, patriarch is holier

Material wealth leads to complacency, complacency often leads to boredom, boredom often leads to degeneracy.

the entire problem is that the patriarch of rome is supposed to be first among equals the entire premise of catholicism is based on heresy
but thats not just gommunism laissez faire capitalism is even worse in that regard imo because it actually works

I hope Turkey will get someone closer to the West and an Atheist of course.

heresy grows from idleness, this much is true

we should all start posting clapping people from our countries when american responds, this should be a rule in neo byzant state

Different styles, Francis is a charismatic pope who's also left leaning unlike more conservative an academic Benedict XVI, in all fairness I'll concede Benedict was smart in stepping down, John Paul II pretty much tied the Church remaining in power so long and putting down any attempts at collegiality in favor of acting through lay orders like the Opus Dei. He gave them way too much power and ceded too much to conservatives in a pretty key moment where the impulse behind Vatican II could've still been used for reform. In Latin America they shot liberation theology down and legit attempts to engage in social labor in favor of pro-government clergy and just some very shameful concessions to wealthy donors and institutions. In the US they did the same thing to nuns working for social justice. It's really infuriating when meanwhile it seems that there were more pedophiles in the priesthood than in fucking /b... At least Francis is more reform oriented even if he's being held down by the ultra-conservative African bishops. A schism is coming if the Vatican can't balance need for reform in Europe and the Americas with neanderthal conservatism in Africa and Asia, you might think there's a similar division in the West and while to some extent that's true the thing is straitjacket conservatism has gone too far for all the priests holding doctorates, not just Jesuits. A celibate priesthood and practical ex-communication for those using contraception and divorcees is just ridiculous. I'm an atheist BTW, but as a cultural catholic I do follow tthese things.

I'm pretty sure you didn't actually

It's not my sola fide friend, regardless of what you may think even the Orthodox patriarchs held the Bishop of Rome primus inter pares, that wasn't what brought about the Great Schism even if Rome holding supremacy other than symbolic was certainly an issue. Now, this was the way early Christians all the way to the Middle Ages and sola scriptura, amongst other "heretical" beliefs, the view of supremacy as a heresy is a posteriori innovation.

I do agree the catholic church were up to some reforms, but he seems to forget about its roots at the core. I mean, he's the new guy trying to change everything, and as he's getting popular, he keeps changing the whole institution by its core and making traditional people wondering if that's what they really want for the institution. I wouldnt be surprised if the next pope were a female one, taking on account the path he's leading the institution to. I dont mean that would be a bad thing at all, but that's not the way he will keep the faithfull ones that have been inside the church for the last millenia that still rely over the old traditional values, do you get what I say?

He can't just shit upon the past and think everything will be good for good, the more he gets mainstream people following him on social media the more he will lose traditional people that really take its time for going to mass because they care about the church

>my sola fide friend
> even the Orthodox patriarchs held the Bishop of Rome primus inter pares
that was what i was referring to
but he isnt primus inter pares anymore because he considers himself above the other patriarchs
the pope needs to return to orthodoxy and than we can purge the land from the protestant filth together

bogomilism was the best thing to happen to the Balkans in the last thousand years

and it happend in the best land macedonia


also Byzantines were hated by all its neighbours, they were dicks

Dude, the church is going to change whether traditionalists accept it or not, there's a big push being made for a pope from Africa from within the Church, I'd grant you it would be more fair to have a mexican or a Brasilian first given the size of our congregations but this is what's coming... At some point the Vatican will have to make choices it can't keep putting off...

Like I mentioned earlier I'm an Atheist even if I'm not the fedora type and do care what happens to the Church, what comes next isn't for me to have a voice in, but I think this isn't what's keeping the Churches away from full communion however, I'd say a Pope like Francis would have little trouble accepting a role as primus inter pares and respect the independence of each individual patriarchate. Ecumenism isn't restricted to Orthodoxy however, I think the Vatican has been in conversations with Anglicans as well. The ultimate goal is one united Christendom even if some denominations, Mormons for instance, will never be accepted.


come on brothers sing it with me!

frankly i dont really care hugely about enforcing dogmatic purity on others as long as we call a crusade on the mudslimes

It all started with pope franciscuck, and it can be reverted. The reason the catholic church is going under its downfall is because it doesnt keep to its traditions anymore, while on the other hand that's what kept the orthodox church still alive today, because they have divided themselves from the catholic church a thousand years ago due to the same reasons of its own fall. I believe the future is in the east, wether we like it or not. The west needs a huge reform if it wants to exist as a sovereign land, if they keep neglecting it as if religion, politics and culture just dont matter that much as how it was in the past, they should accept the fate of being conquered and divided among slavs, turks and arabs. On the wake of that mess, I do stand with the patriarch

Vatican II was indeed for a good part a mistake. They threw out the child with the bath-water.

Latin Americans are about the only people left in the West fanatic enough to crusade and Islam isn't an immediate threat to us, you'll have to try and figure out a different solution.

You sound a bit too bitter for this to be about Tridentine masses...

Denbts. Pay them.

I do like the classical output, but I get a little bit angry about the path our western civilization is taking right now. After the things going on in france, the church losing its main role in society, post modernism becoming the rule, the west being infested by muslims...
I know you get what it must be like, but if it means going full orthodox in order to maintain what we still have, I guess it would be better than watching things go down and let it all drown out along