What technology would he use Sup Forums?

What technology would he use Sup Forums?

He warned us about Google/ Goolag and other SV cancer.

Some sort of libreboot laptop with a hardened FSF approved distro. Encrypted everything.

google netbook plus google account

lol autistic millenial in deep needs.

he was into the NWO game. he wrote what was going to happen to the gullible goy.

now, useless brasinless bag of shit, login to github and follow and star systemd repository

beta males like you did it

so do it now

gullible goy

fuck off back to plebbit, retard

an X200 with Libreboot and GNU+Linux


Temple OS

well he was a communist so probally gnu+linux libreboot laptop

I believe a Remington portable.

Typewriters are technology.


a comodore 64 like a real man, non of this gentoo or windows cuck shit

he was a good goy so the new Microsoft Windows 10 surface pro 6

brother may I have some oats before bed

eezezeehzaheaheahahaha hhes dead rofl

he wouldnt use anything past the analog era, maybe a radio

In modern Britain? A fidget spinner and a big energy-efficient LED sign that says "Told you so".

heh, tough break kiddo

Anarcho-Syndicalist, probably GNU/Linux

Most correct answer ITT

The NWO insider was that Huxley faggot.
Orwell was a repented commie and is based.