In your country what happens if you bump into someone while walking

In your country what happens if you bump into someone while walking

>They apologize
>You apologize

Other urls found in this thread:

you stare at each other for 5 seconds then turn around and keep walking

Both apologize or at least should, foreigners usually just dont notice the apology.

depends who you bump into

keep walking and mutter sorry


you check if your wallet is still here

I have at the same time no idea and every idea what this statement means


Most people apologize
Chinks keep walking and pretend it never happened.

80% apologise
5% don't even care
Rest 15% will start a fight and both call upon a bunch of people to back up in the fight

Out of the fucking way cunt!

both apologize quickly while avoiding direct eye contact but still turning their head halfway towards each other as a sign of recognition

Apologies are exchanged and then continue doing whatever it was they were doing.

>lo siento amigo
>no problem jose

>>They apologize
>>You apologize

This, but in a sort of passive mumble.

If he\she belongs to a higher stratum then you have to apologize. This is what it looks like here.

>Rest 15% will start a fight and both call upon a bunch of people to back up in the fight

When you have so many people it must be 24/7 chaos!!

the amount of stories I hear of aussies getting pick pocketed in france makes me think this isn't some spicy meme

Yell out either
> Ayy yo, I'm walkin 'ere
> Get your face out of the gabagool and watch were youse is goin
> Whoa there partner
Depending on where I am in the country

Raise my hand without make eye contact. If I bump into somebody's back and they can't see it immediately I just give them a tap on the shoulder (is the hand gesture common btw?)

if person you bumped on drops something you say sorry and help him/her lift that up and again sorry and that's it

What if you bump into a serb?

get beaten up and apologize

you say 'oprosti' and he says 'izvini' and you say that izvini is wrong word and that he should go back to belgrade or some other shithole, and than he says that you are a dirty ustasha, and than you knock him out and smash his car.

Wow you Turks are really rude to white people

and if it is a serbian female you say 'oprosti' and invite her to your weekend house on seaside .

We could all probably save a lot of time and trouble by shoving Canadians into them.

Literally the exact same thing here.

>They Apologize
>I keep walking

What are u guys? A bunch of cucks?

So true.
Fucking chinks.

If it's a guy, you have to fight.
If it's a girl, you have to marry her.

Fucking LMAO
Can I have more please sir?

If it's a normal human being-we apologize.
If its a serb we kill him.

>bumped on one rages
>bumping one does not apologize
>bumped on one starts a fight
>general rage
>crowd makes a circle around
>might imply death if its past 6pm and there are no cops around

i avoid crowded places and always keep at least 3m of distance while walking on the street. this is a human jungle.

Weak must fear the strong.

Just smile and make an apologetic face. Optionally say sorry. Move on.

And If it's a gay, you have to kill him.

You can't bump into a gay, unless you're floating about 40 meters high.

>no problem
Then the nigger proceeds to steal the wallet

>say OPA and keep walking

I do that too, can't even control it. It's pretty rude.

Hardcore anal sex

That happens in Russia as well doesn't it?

Kek this

>both say sorry
>I stole his wallet
>He stole mine
>Both hurry to ATM, but the cards are already blocked


>Bump into a stranger
>*unsheathes katanas*
>Heh... nothing personell kid

>you apoligize
>If is a women, she apologize, if is a men, he chide you.

It's mostly just apologies but sometimes people see it as an excuse to make some small talk. Immigrant scum bump into people on purpose and try to fight.

b-but algerian and moroccans are different n sheit

First this and then this

A know a bunch of people to back me up myself

First you steal our couscous, now you steal our social habits? not cool.

if you're in a Parisian tourist trap, that's the first thing you have to think about.

>I apologize
>They're keep walking

>First you steal our couscous, now you steal our social habits?
Nah man, it's our heritage from you lot after all, there are 10 millions arabs in Hueland

All those arabs are Lebs and they have nothing to do with couscous
Culture thieves :^)


>both have steamy sex in the floor

Don't make me do it

Same in my country

You can't.
You are not strong enough to get rid of me.

>Excuse me
>Excuse me

If it's a chav and I stepped on his shoe?
Get stabbed

If it's a working class person?
Both apologise to one another.

If it's a middle class/aristocratic person?
Get looked down upon like the scum I am.

We have a very established class system.

How did you see through my ruse

50% chance they give a quick "sorry" and keep walking
25% chance they don't even notice (or pretend not to notice) and keep on walking
20% chance they stop and apologize properly before moving on
5% chance they try to start shit

Because I'm the same, maroccobro

>"aye, my bad dude"
>"don't worry about it bro"
t. California


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