FCC Official Letter on Chairman Pai

This is an actual, official letter leaked from the FCC website:


pic related.

Other urls found in this thread:


what the fuck?


holy shit its real, my sides, downloading and putting it all over the place. ONCE IT IS ON THE INTERNET, IT STAYS THERE FOREVER.

Archive time

i thought that the link was actually something else :D:D

I dunno how you managed to get that on there, but god speed, user.

What the fuck?


Sup Forums was a mistake.

>t. Ajit

look mom I'm resisting drumpf

look mom I'm supporting drumpf

Talk about extremely unprofessional. Makes me sick.

this an idea no like by the majority of people on either side of the political spectrum. it'd be retarded regardless of the party in power. stop being a retard

most people don't understand network neutrality. its like patriot act sounds good in name terrible in reality.

It gives ISPs more control over the internet. The majority of ISPs are horrible price gougers and push other stupid shit like TV packages, phones and security. While those things aren't entirely related to Net Neutrality, they are an indication of how they have and will abuse their power. It allows them to stay firmly planted in their positions, it is not good.

Don't go to the link. He's trying to get your ip

ISPs aren't the ones censoring the right on their internet platforms that all supported network neutrality. Thank god Trump made it in or you authoritarian fucks would kill free speech in the name of hate speech and cyber bullying laws.

This was me. Not gonna give any more context or proof, but... yeah. I'm officially responsible for a minor fake news story.

I have no knowledge of hacking or exploits but this was pretty fucking simple to pull off.

posting in a happening thread lol

Internet 'speed lanes' is basically what they'll do. It means they can legally throttle traffic to specific sites, or flat out censor it.

For example, if they wanted to, they could block Google.com and force everyone to use their search engine, or throttle Netflix to force you into buying TV package deals.

bad b8 m8

No he's not. Shit is posted on Reddit too.

Even if said person were,You can't do shit with a home IP you retard.

>ISPs aren't the ones censoring the right on their internet platforms
Yet. Comcast owns MSNBC. Haven't you had enough already?

the absolute madman

How much are they paying you for this? Im warning you guys DO NOT GO TO THE LINK

Lol, what the fuck is wrong with you? Who said I was for censoring speech?

What makes the net-neutrality stuff difficult, and incredibly challenging to explain to normies, is that there's two combatants - big ISPs and government - and we don't want either of them to win, so we're trying to play them against each other.

How can this be real? Enlighten me.

what would be the advantage of this?


>but is that a Macbook OP?
>better be a pre 2015 model i swear

Stop acting like you know anything faggot

How will drumpflets ever recover?

im too lazy to actually look into it, but it seems ecfsapi is ECFS Public API documentation fcc.gov/ecfs/public-api-docs.html

using their api you can submit a full filing

the only part im not sure of is why its ecfsapi.fcc.gov instead of publicapi.fcc.gov

what the fuck

Holy shit

if you support NN your implicit in censorship.

They're not actively censoring through the ISP and thats not the only ISP

net neutrality is globalist filth


I can see if the OP said something like "click here for CP", then he could harvest IP's of potential pedos, but this is serves no purpose.

>They're not actively censoring through the ISP and thats not the only ISP

google, amazon and netflix already are censoring and they support NN

No you aren't? Please stop assuming that anyone who holds some idea against the current administration means they're a leftist cuck. Wanting the internet out of the hands of ISPs and the government is the opposite of censorship. Speech should not be censored and neither should the internet.

Oh my lord.

I can guarantee you that in a few days the FCC will be in absolute emergency damage control mode over this, and it's going to be glorious.


without this stupid regulation your grandma could pay for faster speeds for just facebook.com monthly, or for Sup Forums.

REMEMBERonly leftest commie socialist scum support NN

Defending Net Neutrality but not calling for regulations against obvious monopolies such as Kikebook, Goolag, and Plebbit; is the same as saying you have free speech since there's a square where anyone can speak in, but that square is 10 miles from town and in the middle of a desert.

NN gives FCC more broad regulatory power how is that out of the government hands and its corporate welfare for left leaning corporations.

this, NN is socialist + crony cap


I'm not a fan of the government or large corporations. They both fuck us every chance they get. But I'm personally less trusting of corporations that I am the government. If corporations were in control they'd fuck us even harder.

This is a win.

The idea is that small ISPs cannot have agreements with large routing networks to get the same sort of bandwidth as large ISPs because they don't have the capital to do so.

By allowing net neutrality to lapse, it could potentially allow other ISPs enter the market as they wouldn't carry a requirement to give high speed access to the entirety of the internet.

There's a limit amount of ISPs due to a defacto monopoly where major ISPs (all of them) have a non-compete agreement that is by all means completely illegal as far anti-trust law goes.


Ok is this real or fake?


>Pai Ajit

The regulatory approach is wrong. Your approach is regulatory in the sense that it says "No one can charge anyone for massively invading this world of the internet". No, I’m not finished. I want people to understand my position, I’m not going to take a lot of time.

They want to deliver vast amounts of information over the internet. And again, the internet is not something you just dump something on. It’s not a truck.

It’s a series of tubes.

And if you don’t understand those tubes can be filled and if they are filled, when you put your message in, it gets in line and its going to be delayed by anyone that puts into that tube enormous amounts of material, enormous amounts of material.

Now we have a separate Department of Defense internet now, did you know that?

Do you know why?

Because they have to have theirs delivered immediately. They can’t afford getting delayed by other people.

Net Neutrality is a necessary evil due to the non-compete agreements that large ISPs have been allowed to engage in... which by all means has lead to a monopoly. It can only called "free market" because there's more than a single player still on the board.

But when all the players have agreed to never treat eachother competitively, it violates the essence of the free market.

I'm only a humble meme farmer, but I believe this violates anti-trust law.


Is this a PDF uploader or something?

It's fake obviously.
Anyone can do it.

Boring, where my goatse?

Why would you do this and lose your job? It's like all those people quitting the councils and what not over Trump calling out both sides at hicktown. You're just giving him more power by basically throwing your job in the dirt, so one of his picks can do the job instead, and worst case scenario you're going to get in trouble.


We have a separate DoD internet to deal with possible threats and redundancy.

A lot of the DoD internet is accessible through regular internet tunnels (see F5 tunnels).

There's relatively few pieces of the internet that DoD has that's completely inaccessible from the regular internet. One of which is SIPRnet which you can only access from a SCIF.

The joke is that branches of the US government, like the FCC and the US Geological Survey have largely unknown public FTP dropbox links so you can drop scientific data, and misuse of these resources is illegal.
I don't know why they don't just force authentication, but this was submitted by a retard from Sup Forums and is now public facing since the US govt has to archive all online communications FOREVER as per the freedom of information act.

>google, amazon and netflix already are censoring and they support NN
Yeah, and you dumbfucks have always been ok with letting corporates take a huge shit on everything. You clowns have been saying all along ,"Google can do whatever they want with their business. Don't like it? Don't use it." I hope you all drown in your tears. The rest of us will die with a clean conscience.

Anti trust laws are for cucks too, fuck consumer protectionism is a bunch of commie shit keeping the market from weeding out losers

What's the difference from a large corporate mega-monopoly and a communist regime?

They both inevitably devolve into self-serving corrupt piles.

Mega-monopolies are ran by the successful though and for good reason, communist regimes are made to give short bus retards a chance at their participation trophy.

Full Filing Step 1 - Upload Files

First, submit the files that you want to upload. Each file will be given a unique temporary name during the initial upload

curl -i -F name=test.pdf -F [email protected] publicapi.fcc.gov/ecfs/fileupload?api_key=

Expected Response
Returns the unique temporary file name for the uploaded file. This unique temporary file name will be used when submitting the filing.


How eloquent. So you want them to have federally backed power shits because muh Netflix and fuck comcast XD

OP literally just trolled all of Sup Forums

Communist regimes inevitably get co-opted, or always began, as a means for the mega-rich to consolidate power.

It allows the corporation to have direct control over a nation. Communism that our grandfathers fought, the type we saw die again in Venezuela; hasn't been a real thing for decades.

They're federally backed right now. How do you think Comcast is able to swing being the only ISP in entire regions of the country?

It's because they've entered agreements with the city governments to have exclusive access to the lines and beneficial treatment by the city/state.

I'm saying that we shouldn't give them free shit and tell them they have no guarantee their fiber network won't be used by other ISPs to render competing services.

That's what happens when you give losers power, the structure inevitably fails.

Remove protectionism and every corporation suddenly has to compete in the larger market in a zero sum, survival of the fittest game, ensuring only successful systems and infastructure are implemented and the poor and inefficient are weeded out.

Communism fails this because it attempts to control the markets, and doesn't allow true innovators the room to create better and more efficient systems.

Some babby has a daddy working with teh gubernment and is using his credentials to show off epic skills
Much wow
Guantanamo was worth it I guess

already posted I guess it points to ecfsapi.fcc.gov. someone confirm please

then you should want deregulation not more because everything that brought us to this point is mostly because of regulations creating/enforcing monopolies.

Sounds good on paper. Do you remember Bell?

You can't fucking "leak" something that's a public record and publicly accessible.


>Once AT&T's initial patents expired in 1893, dozens of competitors sprung up. "By the end of 1894 over 80 new independent competitors had already grabbed 5 percent of total market share … after the turn of the century, over 3,000 competitors existed.55 In some states there were over 200 telephone companies operating simultaneously. By 1907, AT&T's competitors had captured 51 percent of the telephone market and prices were being driven sharply down by the competition. Moreover, there was no evidence of economies of scale, and entry barriers were obviously almost nonexistent, contrary to the standard account of the theory of natural monopoly as applied to the telephone industry.

>The eventual creation of the telephone monopoly was the result of a conspiracy between AT&T and politicians who wanted to offer "universal telephone service" as a pork-barrel entitlement to their constituents. Politicians began denouncing competition as "duplicative," "destructive," and "wasteful," and various economists were paid to attend congressional hearings in which they somberly declared telephony a natural monopoly. "There is nothing to be gained by competition in the local telephone business," one congressional hearing concluded

i leaked my cum right into your mums pussay !

Our government has shown itself unwilling to properly deal with this bullshit. I mean if you want to say let's fuck net neutrality so the problem gets so bad people can notice that the ISPs have robbed them of real competition & choice.. Then sure I could possibly get on board with that bad idea.

But that's not what I see being proposed.

alright user tell me how you uploaded that

Your assuming government is the solution and NN won't exacerbate the problems which are both wrong assumptions.

>Mac OS X 10.11.6 Quartz PDFContext

somewhat dissapointed

You're also assuming that government has created the problem of lack of choice that we have now by entering exclusive agreements with ISPs to deny competition a chance at market-share or failing to use its ability to break monopolies.

*hasn't created the

The issue was the existence of the state of course.

Remove the state, remove institutions of public enslavement like the tax system and public services and nation states. Corporations are large enough to handle necessary systems such as international trade standards and security themselves and if anything the world will be more at peace.

>created in adobe photoshop CS3 Windows
what the fuck OP
not even LaTeX

Corporate Plutocracies are just as stupid as Socialist states

They often result in the same sort of retarded problems oddly enough.

yea so break up the isps and tech giants

you are trying to solve socialism with more socialism, and in the end you just get more socialism and less high speeds

anti-trust = socialism now
You need to try harder if you want to earn those shekels user.


the solution to anti trust is to ban lobbing, which I would prefer but is unrealistic for the near future


>knows how click right click and select properties

what a hacker!!